The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-three chapters of the ghost vine

Tang Sinuo shot, Qin Qi naturally followed, the hands of the Kunlun fall, Jianguang as a practice, facing the huge stems.

The two men started, and other people still have the time to continue to be shocked. While maintaining the formation, they have shot and killed the strange flowers in front.

Moreover, since there is a tenth permanent flame flame shot, for everyone, nature is a great boost to morale, and I believe that I can get out.

At the beginning of the rush, nature is always going forward, and Mullin provides treatment at the rear, and everyone is more brave.

Now, time is also the key, otherwise no one can support it for too long in this full of pollen.


The strange flowers are constantly ignited by the fire line, making a sharp whistling sound. The fire power of Tang Sinuo is indeed natural to their restraint, not to mention the power of the flames.

This is a flame that does not burn the target and will never go out!

Qin Qi, the performance is equally eye-catching, although the realm is not too high, but the attack is still sharp and unparalleled.

He used a variant of the thunder, and the body was surrounded by corrosive electro-optic light, which was enough to offset the sap of the piranha, and the thunder, the same restraint of these flowers, but not as significant as the fire system.

However, the dilemma of Qin Qi’s low realm has quickly improved.

Don Sinuo listened to his advice, did not kill the killer, let him make a knife, this is simply a taste of the large brush with a small brush.

That upgrade speed is definitely a rocket!

The first moment was Qin Qi of Gold III. At this moment, it directly rushed to Gold II, and was sprinting toward Gold I.

With the improvement of the realm, Qin Qi’s combat power has naturally soared, and the speed of breakout has also increased significantly.

However, there are too many strange flowers in this flower sea, and Qin Qi is not likely to care about everything, so other people will inevitably be injured.

However, at this moment, Mu Lin began to make a big fuss. Through the connection with Qin Qi's life and death, the source of continuous healing power and rapid recovery of people's injuries.

"So massive, almost no bottom pure murderous, it is too powerful!" Mu Lin blinked with excitement.

He has never tried such a life-and-death transition without any scruples. This feeling makes him unable to resist the blood and save the power, but it is greatly increased.

There is such a nurse crazy treatment, the team's confidence naturally multiplies, all the way to kill, nothing can stop them.

However, things are obviously not so simple. There are too many kinds of strange flowers here, and the ability is also very strange. Some Teng Biao is like steel, sweeping over, and the sound of the whistle is shocking.

There are also venoms, and the toxicity is different, paralyzed meridians, corroded the body, or directly into the bone marrow, and can even affect the soul, it is simply impossible to prevent.

There is no flame that Donsino continues to burn, and the sandstorm in Youxingzhou. The result is really hard to say.

"It's going to take out the range of pollen coverage, but be careful, it's not a time to relax your vigilance!" Qin Qi shouted, the small map shows that the edge of the pollen is not far from the front.

But at this time, Qin Qi’s heart was tight, and he felt the coming of a powerful force.

"Stop!" Tang Sinuo sighed low, and the flames of his body swept into a huge circle.

These flames burn and do not go out at all.

She is the strange flower outside the scope of the attack, all blocked out.

These strange flowers are not rooted on the ground and will not move. The speed of action is not even under Qin Qi.

At this moment, I stopped and rumbling behind me. A lot of strange flowers have already caught up.

"What happened?" asked the killing heart.

Her breath has been somewhat unstable, and the consumption on the way is through the use of medicinal herbs, and it is not possible to recover quickly.

Physical and gold gas loss is not a cure.

In fact, let alone her, is the talent and background of Tang Sinuo, and now it feels a little hard, not that she is not strong enough, but these strange flowers, it is endless.

Plus those abilities, the speed of consumption, is really too fast.

Only Qin Qi, still OK, can keep up with the speed of recovery.

"Looking ahead, it’s awful." Qin Qi took a deep breath and fanned behind his wings and stood in the air.

Before them, the hills were cracking fast, and there were huge **** vines rushing out, almost like a wall, blocking everyone.

These vines, very infiltrating, have overlapping black patterns on them, forming a grimace, and being lined with blood, it is like a purgatory scene.

"Ghosts, how is this possible!" The flower screamed.

And when I heard the words of ghosts, everyone changed their faces.

At the time of the high-level assignment, the deliberate mention of some terrible existence in the **** battle.

And this ghost is one of them.

But only the dark red area of ​​the map mark will appear ghosts, but here, it is only a reddish area.

Just for what reason, there is no time to guess. Now that the ghosts are in front, many strange flowers are behind, but it is a dilemma.

"The platinum gas has already been emitted, it is the guy of Platinum IV!" Tang Sinuo said.

"Even if it is platinum, it should not be difficult for you to deal with it?" Qin Qidao.

Tang Sinuo exhaled and said: "It is not too difficult, but I consume a lot along the way. After killing it, if there is a stronger guy, I can do very limited."

Qin Qi heard the words, can not help but look.

"It’s all this time, you don’t have to prove the fire. Just take out a secret treasure and smash it.” Qin Qi couldn’t help it.

It’s such a ghost, it’s hard for them to deal with Qin Qi, but for Tang Sinuo, it’s not difficult.

After all, this is the noble woman of the same level as Jiang Wenyu. There should be countless treasures on the body.

"I came out in a special way, I can't carry space-like treasures, so except for my clothes, I only have the communication jade that I contacted you." Tang Sinuo said.

"I..." Qin Qi couldn't speak for a while.

Why don't you just wear clothes and you can't slack off, so you can still feast your eyes.

Qin Qi also knows that it is not the time to vomit. It seems that he can only rely on him.

Tang Sinuo has always acted as a knife tip, and the attack he suffered was also the most violent, and she still had to control to stay in the line, not to kill the strange flowers directly, and the consumption was indeed fast.

Even the holder of the perpetual flame heart can't keep up with recovery. It must be known that Wen Yangyue and compassion seem to be unable to hold back.

But now, what we have to face is not just the ghosts, but also the strange flowers that come together behind us.

They cannot always be stopped by the fire circle of Tang Sinuo.

"The old rules, just keep a breath, leave the rest to me." Qin Qidao.

The order of platinum.

Come right!

"Okay, but my instinct tells me that here is not only this ghost vine, this road is very strange." Tang Sinuo said.

Qin Qi heard that his heart could not help but move. He also had this feeling, and the more these strange flowers died, the stronger the feeling.

However, as long as the level of platinum is achieved, Qin Qi is not afraid of anything.

Big deal, no reservation, use the power of Kunlun and Tianxu!

"Those geeks are breaking through the ring of fire, you go up, the rest is me." Qin Qidao.

Tang Sinuo nodded, no longer hesitated, and there was a phantom of a flame crown on his head. Then numerous fire lines burst out and the ghost vines were completely covered.

With such power, Platinum is also awkward!

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