God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1782: Mountain sea abyss

The first seven hundred and eighty-two chapters of the mountains and abyss

Qin Qi couldn't afford to leave the little girl, but he had to give up. He scanned the surrounding terrain and finally turned sharply and rushed to a cliff.

This is a famous dangerous area in Qianhu Prefecture. On the line of sight, countless steep peaks rise high into the sky, and the bottom is a deep bottomless abyss.

Even a small map can't detect the bottom of the abyss.

"There is a record of this abyss in the database. If you are lucky, you may be the way to escape."

"How to do it?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

Different Kunluns popped a map onto the interface with a red dot marked.

"So such a remote location?" Qin Qi glanced at the map of the entire area, and could not help but be surprised.

However, at the moment, only the dead horse is a living horse doctor. Qin Qi changes direction and flies away from the marked position.

When he came over the area, Qin Qi shot a few swords at the bottom of the abyss.

Then the head did not return, and still flew forward, seemingly prepared to cover the countless peaks.

"Is this escape?" The little girl was suspicious.

She can probably guess Qin Qi's intentions, but this may be able to deal with the existence of the platinum level, but the opponent is a diamond.

The strong diamonds are really unscrupulous, and this means has no meaning at all.

"If you lose you, you will escape." Qin Qi said coldly.

"Come on, we can." The little girl quickly said.

Who is with you, us!

Qin Qi felt that he had fallen into the blood of eight generations. He had somehow met this little girl. If the other party tried to test his golden heart, he would not get him in.

But now that I think these are no longer useful, how to escape the birth of genius is the key.

Qin Qi lamented in his heart, after the feelings reached the outside world, he has been at large, in the end there is no end?

In the far air, a roar rang through the heavens and the earth, accompanied by the horrible dragon humming.

That is the dragon is old, the voice is full of anger and pain, I am afraid it is hurt.

After all, he has to stop the two powerhouses with his own strength. This is a very difficult thing, and it costs a price. At this moment, it can no longer be supported.

And one of the strong, with amazement, almost one step, came to this abyss!

In the heart of Qin Qi, the danger is increased, and I don’t want to think about it. The night shadow has already shrouded out, connecting the shadow of the mountain, and he is instantly integrated into it.

Then, the sword shadows and moves instantly.

He came to the bottom of the abyss!

The strong swordman snorted, and the diamond-level perception still locked Qin Qi. He took out a sword and the stone mountain along the way was completely cut off, and he could not resist his edge.

Wherever he went, there was a beast roaring, but it turned into a blood fog, even if it was the platinum level, it could not stop it.

However, this abyss of mountains and seas, the diamond strong is not familiar, the more the sword light is down, the more serious it is blocked.

The bottom layer of those mountains is so strong that it is beyond imagination.

A sword, failed to kill Qin Qi and the little girl.

Waiting for another sword, but it is a powerful volatility in the far air. The dreamy light is overwhelming, but it is to bring this piece of heaven and earth into the dream!

The dream diamond is shot.

He got the news and rushed to it.

"Can't continue to procrastinate!" The diamond-powered strongman with the sword flashed, and even if he had a few more swords, he might not be able to kill the little girl.

In that case, there is no point in this assassination.

At the moment, a flash of pain in his eyes flashed a blue sword into the abyss.

Immediately, leaving in an instant, a sword separates Long Lao and Wu Yingjun.

The next moment, they left and left.

Long Lao natural did not pursue the mind, he had to rush to investigate the situation of the little girl.

But it has not yet taken a step.

The abyss of the mountains and seas, suddenly filled with the blue light, went straight into the sky, and then, it was the unimaginable sword gas raging out.

"Miss!" Long old roar, want to rush.

But it’s too late.

The sword pill exploded, and countless swords lighted out, turning this piece of heaven and earth into the world of swords.

The abyss of the mountains and seas was shredded in an instant, and it was completely broken together with the void.

"This, approximating the king's means!" The dream drill arrived, but did not dare to get closer, otherwise, even if he was to be smashed by Jianguang.

The dragon's body swayed for a while, and the injury was still second.

Under such a sword net, how should a little girl live?

"Master, the old slave is for you!" Long Lao spurted a blood and fell directly from the sky.

The dream drill quickly went forward and held the dragon old.

At the same time, his heart is also bitter and difficult.

He recognized the identity of the dragon, and he was very clear about what happened to the "Miss" in Long Laokou. I am afraid that his future days will be very difficult.

Even if there is no day to pass, maybe it will be.


"Have you escaped?" Qin Qi gasped.

Just the blue sword light, he also vaguely felt that this sword light is much more terrible than the diamond strong.

What's more, it's still overwhelming. In the face of such a sword, it's impossible to dodge.

However, Qin Qi still did not die.

The position they teleported out was a bit different from the surrounding, with a broken sacrum here.

This is a fierce beast with a huge body and any bone, which is thicker than the ten people.

Of course, this is not so great compared to the fierce beasts that really cover the sky, but the space under the ribs still has the size of a temple.

Qin Qi hurriedly glanced at it and found that although the bones did not know how long it had survived, the above was still as smooth as jade, and inside, there was a glory flowing.

Unconsciously revealing the breath, there is still a sense of horror, when you are sure to live, the strength is absolutely no less than the realm of diamonds!

It seems that this kind of spirituality still remains in this skeleton.

It has a unique connection with the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Is this what the different Kunlunes mark?

"This is the skeleton of the comet's stalking beast. This kind of beast is living in the ground. Under the earth, they are like fish in the water. You can swim anywhere!"

At the same time, it also popped the information it viewed to Qin Qi.

"But it is already dead!" Qin Qi did not understand, roughly read the information again.

"Your strength, you can communicate with the ground, and with this pair of still spiritual bones, you can rush into the earth!"

There are still such operations.

Qin Qi did not suspect him, with a little girl flying into the center of the humerus, and then the strength of his body vibrated, injecting this shin.

The earth veins instantly established contact with Qin Qi, and this is the skeleton of the comet's stalking beast. It is also like a resurrection. The soil forces shrouded and directly penetrated into the ground.

It is worthy of being a comet, and after entering the earth, the speed is even faster than that of Qin Qi. At this moment, the rapid dive is the sturdy rock nearby and can't stop them.

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