God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1778: little girl

The first thousand seven hundred seventy-eight chapters little girl

Qin Qi did not refuse, but he was not polite to them. It is impossible to use money as a reward. It must be used with other precious herbs.

In this regard, the dean did not refuse, after all, just use the money to want to move the alchemy teacher like Qin Qi, in general, it is no different from dreaming.

As for asking them what medicine they want, Qin Qi has already counted it, and He Kunlun has already found him several kinds of Dan Fang.

One of the ancient parties called the Heart of Heart was chosen by Qin Qi.

Extreme Heart Dan is a platinum-level remedy.

Its efficacy can help the repairer to maximize the quality of the heart when condensing the heart of gold!

In other words, the heart of Dan will not increase the success rate of condensing the heart of gold, but it can allow the user to condense a stronger heart of gold.

This is like a person who can only take 60 points, but if the limit is played, he can score 90 points.

And the heart of Dan is the remedy that helps them to play at their limit.

Of course, the effect of the heart of the heart is also different from person to person, sometimes very large, sometimes small, after all, the potential limit, no one can say.

When Qin Qi wanted the medicinal materials, he returned to the cabin to continue alchemy. This time he did not continue to improve. Only when he gave Xingshan refining, he used some techniques to strengthen the medicinal properties.

After everything was completed, Qin Qi began to refine the heart of the heart.

With it, Wenyangyue can maximize their potential and condense a stronger heart of gold.

Especially in the Wenyang month, Qin Qi feels that the potential is unlimited and worth looking forward to.

In this way, waiting for Qin Qi to refine the heart of the Dan, it is already the second day, and the silver treasure ship is also about to arrive in Qianhu Prefecture.

"I didn't expect that you can refine even the heart of the heart." Pity took the heart from the hands of Qin Qi, and the eyes were slightly bright.

After the refining was completed, Qin Qi naturally gave the heart to the compassion for the first time.

"However, this is the limit now." Qin Qi laughed.

"With it, I have a look forward to my golden heart." Pity, do not know the true and false.

"That's good, and I believe that your golden heart must be extremely strong!" Qin Qi looked at pity and decided.

"Hope is like this." There is no change in pity.

At the end of the daily temptation, Qin Qi stretched out, and had to say that the continuous alchemy was still very exhausted. At present, Qin Qi planned to go out and eat something.

There are everything on the silver treasure ship, Qin Qi also wants to try the food of the outside world.

Going out of the cabin and heading for the restaurant, it was a beautiful little girl who came to him. At the beginning, Qin Qi didn't care too much. He just looked at him more. After all, it was really beautiful.

But after passing the little girl, Qin Qi suddenly stopped.

In front of him, it was still the corridor, but the pedestrians in the corridor disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Looking back, the same is true, empty.

The little girl who just passed by has disappeared.

Qin Qi was in a tight heart and knew that there was a illusion in front of him. However, there was such a strong sense of disobedience. He was aware of the abnormality in his first time. It should have been the illusion of half-hanging.

However, Qin Qi Ming knows that this is a fantasy, but it is actually unable to find a flaw.

Just like the real!

The mind knows that it is a fake, but in the senses, it is no different from the truth. These means are exquisite.

Qin Qi's look gradually cooled down. He wanted to know who was shooting him. What is the purpose?

So he didn't act immediately, but waited for the other to reveal his minions.

Sure enough, the corridor began to change, and a black mist grew out of the air and turned into a black warrior!

These warriors were covered in dark armor, wearing iron helmets, and wearing black masks of evil spirits on their faces. A lot of black air was scattered from their mouths, which made people feel trembled.

Immediately, the black warriors stretched their hands into the void, followed by the sound of gold and iron, and a long black knife was pulled out.

Qin Qi blinked his eyes, and the scarlet blood of his body began to rise.


The black warriors whispered, and the black mist suddenly burst open, and their figures flew together to Qin Qi, and the knife fell, and Qin Qi was crushed.

Qin Qi is cold and cold, killing the kendo and brewing, holding a sword with one hand, resisting it.

The sound of short-handed soldiers is endless, and suddenly it becomes a rain-like rush.

These black warriors are extremely tyrannical and extremely fast. Qin Qi is an enemy, and it is really difficult to support. It is difficult to protect the whole body.

Moreover, Qin Qi’s sword, even if it penetrated the black warrior’s body, only brought out a little black fog, and could not kill them.

Qin Qi mad war, the fighting skills show the most vivid.

Of course, all of this is just a fantasy. Even in time, it is not synchronized with the outside world. From the outside, Qin Qi only listens to a few breaths in the same place, and can't draw any attention.

The little girl, after passing by Qin Qi, returned to Qin Qi at the moment and was watching with interest.

"I still don't use the true power of the heart of gold, hey, see how long you can hold it!" The little girl groaned in her heart, and her scorpion was deep, and an ink color spread.

The illusion of Qin Qi, the number of black warriors suddenly increased, and more powerful, the black fog on his body continued to linger, almost shrouded Qin Qi.

Qin Qi stood up to now, and almost understood the other party's intentions.

In this illusion, not only the black warrior gave him pressure, but also invisible, there is also a kind of psychological guidance, wanting him to motivate all the power of the heart of gold.

This kind of guidance is very clever and almost impossible to detect. However, it is difficult for Qin Qi to cultivate and kill the sword. It is easy to defeat him, but it is difficult to influence his heart.

And when I noticed this, Qin Qi’s eyes were more chilly.

It seems that someone has noticed something and suspects that the ten-party dragon heart is not his true golden heart.

"Hey!" Qin Qi is cold and cold, and the blood in his eyes is born, the endless killing is no longer reserved, and the explosion is like a nuclear bomb.

The blood of the corpse is filled with the whole illusion, and the incomparable killing is like a knife, a sly singer.


Just like the dream of the dream of Qin Qi, the exhibition of Heavenly Dreams, but it was reversed by Qin Qi.

Now this guy is much more sophisticated than the dream glass, but Qin Qi’s killing of the sword is not so easy to resist.

At this moment, the anti-phasing is extremely sudden, and it is a long-awaited blow of Qin Qi. The other party suddenly focuses on it, and it must be uncomfortable.

"Oh!" I only heard a scream.

Qin Qi’s consciousness has returned to the past and can sense everything around him.

At the moment of hearing the sound, Qin Qi has already made an action. He is sure to be the master of the voice and exerted illusion on him.

Against the Kunlun side, a sword through the air, soar to the extreme.

But it was a "squeaky" sound, but the sword front was blocked by something, and it was impossible to penetrate the past.

Qin Qi also saw the other party at the moment, and his heart was shocked. It turned out to be the little girl who had passed by.

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