God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1745: Are weak chicken

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-five chapters are weak chickens

"What do you say, say it again!"

"Where is the ugly thing, there is no education at all, even dare to say such words, it seems that we must teach a good one!"

Those students suddenly became furious, and Qin Qi even dared to scream, really do not know how to live and die.

However, this is better, otherwise Qin Qi directly asks for mercy. After all, they are the children of the college, and they can’t do too much.

"What to do with him, first take it down!" The burly man shouted.

This person's name is Quan Feichen, but he is the chief student of the Crazy Tao College. Although he is not as strong as Hogg, he is also famous.

He obviously wants to take the lead.

I saw that the right to fly down the dust step by step, the body of silver gas surged out, the whole person is like a cannonball, toward Qin Qi.

In his hand, there is a tiger claw virtual shadow appearing, violently rising, it is like a city gate, facing Qin Qi, it is smashing and rolling.

"Flying dust master, don't be too embarrassed, it's not good to die!" Another student called, and at the same time, like lightning, between a few shaking, he rushed to the side of Qin Qi.

He is a student of Shouguang College, and at this moment, of course, he does not want to prevent the right to kill Qin Qi, but to grab the golden branches and leaves of Qin Qi.

"Hey, watching me being bullied, but seeing death and not saving, such a cool person, it is time to end!" Jing Xiaomeng was cold in her heart. In her opinion, Qin Qi and Hogg were almost the same.

As for whether Qin Qi can survive, it depends on his own skills and has nothing to do with her.

However, Jing Xiaomeng is not optimistic about Qin Qi. This guy is just pretending to be a ghost. This is the only way to take away the golden branches and leaves from Hogg. The strength of his own power is inevitably inferior to Hogg.

Now being besieged, there is no doubt that it will suffer a big loss.

The light flashed in the eyes of Quanfei, and saw that Shou Rong wanted to come back later, and suddenly he snorted, accompanied by the sound of the tiger's whistle.

He went all out, and the gold-level magical power---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Hey!" Shou Rong snorted and could only stop, but Quanfei Chen wanted to get the golden leaves and leaves, but it was also whimsical.

There are still a lot of powerful students here.

The reason why I don't shoot, just don't want to waste my energy, waiting for the right to fly to the dust, and Qin Qi will say it.

"Your Majesty!" Quanfei dust laughed, this mountain tiger dance, enough to crush Qin Qi.

"Hey, your sister." Qin Qi shook his head and lifted his hand, directly blocking the dance of the mountain tiger.

It seems that the time is still, the powerful tiger claws, stopped in an instant, so easy, it seems that no effort at all.

"Well?" Zhao Wuying looked slightly moving, it seems that the judgment of Qin Qi's strength is wrong.

"What!" The right fly dust exclaimed, his face flashed, his other hand turned into a tiger's claw, and he took it again, trying to reverse the situation.

However, there was no such opportunity at all. Qin Qi opened his hand and there was a tendency to open the mountain. The power of the right to fly dust suddenly dissipated and was directly shaken out.

The newly condensed tiger claws also disappeared in an instant.


A muffled sound, accompanied by the sound of a smashing bean, smashed into the wall.

The wall was innocent, but the bones on his body were broken seven or eight eight, and they were muddy and could not climb.

"This..." Shou Rong's eyes wide open, and he never imagined that Qin Qi was so powerful, and Quan Feichen could not stop him.

Just thinking about it, the picture in front of him is a change, a fist, turned into a shadow, completely obscuring his line of sight.

Then, it was just the same sound effect, Shou Rong also squatted on the ground, constantly vomiting blood.

A punch, hit the Shou Rong.

All the students saw this, they were all in the heart, could not help but back a few steps.

Such a fierce means directly frightened the students who came out of the college. There were several female students who shivered and almost cried.

This strength, I am afraid it can be quite similar to Zhao Wuying.

Zhao Wuying’s face can’t be seen, and he’s really misunderstood Qin Qi’s strength.

Fortunately, he did not do it himself, but let the right to fly as a bird, but there is room for relaxation.

Although the students were shocked by Qin Qi, they were many people. They soon passed away and they glared at Qin Qi.

"Little thief, how dare you do this, is it necessary to be enemies with my thousand hospitals?"

"You are too much, and even this is a slap in the face!"

"Let's go together and marry this thief and avenge the two seniors!"

The students were very excited, and there was a great urge to go forward with Qin Qi.

Qin Qi shook his head. These students are indeed stupid. It seems that they have been in the college for too long, and they do not know the evil outside.

They thought that they were only facing Qin Qi, but they did not know that they were facing a killing!

In the Qin Qi, waiting for the killing of God, what is the difference between looking for death?

"Enough!" But Zhao Wuying, finally stood up.

"Schoolmaster, if you are there, are you still afraid that he will not be successful?" Some students called, it was because of this enthusiasm that they dared to scream.

"Now is not the time of the war, this big dream has changed a lot. How can we come here, where is the place where we don't know, can't consume the war!" Zhao Wuying sighed.

As the first person in the Qianyuan, he still has enough prestige. Those seniors, even those who disobey him, can't stand up and sing the opposite.

"This place is very strange, I am afraid there is a huge danger, and I have just tried to communicate with the teacher with Yuxi, but I have not received any response, I am afraid I can't wait for the teacher's rescue."

"Now, we can only rely on ourselves, so unnecessary battles must be avoided!" Zhao Wuying sighed.

Zhao Wuying’s words made the students nod their heads, only to realize how bad their situation was.

"Schoolmaster, I am sorry, it is my fault." Jing Xiaomeng said apologetically.

"This does not blame you, do not have to blame yourself." Zhao Wuying shook his head.

Damn, can't stand it anymore. This self-answering apology and forgiveness can be disgusting again. Do you know the object of apology?

"It's almost done, a green tea, a man, a man, go home and play, it's not suitable!" Qin Qi directly said, do not want to listen to these people nonsense.

"What are you talking about!" Jing Xiaomeng angered.

"I don't know what you said, you think about it, who can't see it?" Qin Qi sneered.

"You!" Jing Xiaomeng was furious, but couldn't help but feel a guilty conscience. He could only bite his teeth: "Your strength is so strong enough to withstand Hogg, but you still can't help us, you are a mean little. people!"

"Jokes, you can't die, shut me down?" Qin Qi disdain.

"You!" Jing Xiaomeng was furious.

She has always been the arch of the stars, but also the first beauty of the thousand hospitals, how many men will go to die for her, and this person in front of her, did not care about her.

Can't it be, she can't compare to the ugly woman?

"Moreover, at that time he was also there, not the same did not come out, watching you humiliated?" Qin Qi looked at Zhao Wuying, playful smile.

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