God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1721: Go out and see

The first one hundred and seventy-one chapters go out to see

Above the sky outside the world, not only the moon, but also a blue planet!

How can this be!

Qin Qiman was a scar on his face and could not see the change of his face, but his body trembled and could not help but retreat slightly.

I looked at Qin Qi with a pity, some strange, and the light bounced a few times.

Immediately, Qin Qi also noticed that he was out of order, but he did not deliberately cover it. He only revealed the weakness and all the old injuries recurred.

Do not care whether there is any doubt about compassion, Qin Qi's inner shock, but also can not hold it.

Here, how can I see this blue planet!

Qin Qi still remembers the whole picture of the earth that was taken back by the satellite above the textbook before going to school.

Is that a jewel-like, azure planet, and what is seen now, hanging above the sky, what is the difference?

Are there other worlds in the world?

Qin Qi is uncertain, but this one is indeed the same as the Earth.

But how is this possible?

The earth is a little bigger, not as good as an empire in the Tianyuan world. Even this big dream, a lake, is much larger than the earth.

So even if the outside world is close to the earth, it will not be visible to the naked eye.

Even hanging in the sky, with the sun and the moon.

"Different Kunlun, what is going on here, is it the earth?" Qin Qi Shen Sheng.

"Sorry, the database does not have relevant information, but it is certain that the previous aliens did not have this situation." Yi Kunlun replied.

Qin Qi walked along the island with pity, looking for ingredients, and constantly thinking.

In the absence of any knowledge, Qin Qi could not open his mouth to ask for pity. He could only wait for his departure and then obtain information in this regard through books and so on.

But if the sky is hanging in the sky, it is really the earth.

Then, Qin Qi said that he has to go back and see.

But at the same time, Qin Qi is also worried that the outside world has entered the era of the wars of the whole world. Every strong who owns the gates is ambitious and wants to dominate more worlds.

The blue star is there, will it be, has been invaded by foreign powers to enslave?

"These flowers are all non-toxic, and the concentration of psionic energy is very high. However, it is very difficult to eat. Can you see if you can make a dish?" Pity pointed at the flowers and grasses not far away.

"If you are a bud, you should be able to." Qin Qidao, don't think about other things for the time being.

The products of the outer world are very rich, and a random plant and grass is the category of the world's elixir of the heavenly world. It contains a lot of psionic power, which is really enviable.

Walking into the woods on the island, I collected a lot of ingredients along the road, but soon, Qin Qi suddenly became a stiff body and felt a crush.

Pity is very calm, she pointed to the depths of the woods, said: "There is a fierce beast nest, there is a group of Heavenly Dreams, the water snakes inhabit."

"Day dreams, water, sweet snake?" Qin Qi stunned, "Is it delicious?"

It is said that pity is also speechless, saying: "Tianmeng Shuimei Snake is the beast of this dream, and it has a strong racial talent in the dream!"

"They use the smog of the town to make a living. Once they are adults, they can have the power of platinum. Before you plan to eat them, think about whether you will be eaten."

"So dangerous, you still take me over?" Qin Qi was particularly depressed.

He noticed the dangerous atmosphere, but the specific situation did not understand. After all, on this island, the perception was greatly disturbed, and the scope that Qin Qi could detect was quite limited.

"They are considered to be more ferocious beasts, you don't provoke it, it won't provoke you." Pity.

"The only thing to note is that they release dreams from time to time. If they are in their way, your soul may be foraged."

Qin Qi nodded and wrote down in his heart, but he still had great confidence in his willpower.

I want to come, what dreams can't trap him.

Pity is very familiar with this place. Since she said that there is no serious problem, Qin Qi will continue to follow, while carefully observing the surrounding situation and speeding up the understanding of the outside world.

Gradually, Qin Qi felt that the picture in front of him became fascinated and foggy, but the fog was very soft, giving a feeling of incomparable comfort.

Qin Qi Emei, although it feels very comfortable, but the vigilance has not disappeared, long-term instinctive choice to disperse the fog.

However, the fog dissipated, but it was not the appearance of the woods, but a house. There were laughter coming from the courtyard, all of which were familiar to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi stunned, could not help but retreat, and his family, here, gathered together.

Seeing the emergence of Qin Qi, Fu Caixuan and other people suddenly showed a pleasant look, called Qin Qi's name, let him hurry.

The family is here and it is fun.

Situ Jing and Su Shi, the lower abdomen slightly bulging, the fetus is growing.

"What are you doing there, you are not coming in!" Fu Cai Xuan Yu helped the child to swell slightly, and some were not happy.

"What do you want, everyone is waiting for you!" Situ Jing laughed.

One by one, they are calling Qin Qi.

Qin Qi smiled, his face was gentle.

"Although it is fake, but thank you, I hope they are now, everything is fine." Qin Qi whispered, and then a hand wave, the picture in front of the moment is broken.

Qin Qi’s self-confidence is not without reason. Although his body has not healed, his willpower is firm and his dreams can be trapped.

How true is the dream construction, how the temptation of the dream way is quiet, and there is no use for Qin Qi.

The dream is shattered, and the forest is still in front of me.

"What's wrong?" asked pity.

"I just entered a dream." Qin Qi replied, picking a few wild fruits.

"Is it coming out so soon?" Pity was amazed, and the dreams built by Tianmenghuimei snakes were not so easy to come out. After all, they can change people's thinking from the deepest part of the subconscious.

"The level is too bad. If I didn't want to stay for a while, I have already come out." Qin Qi shook his head.

Pity does not say anything, continue to lead the way, "There is a valley in front, it will be more dangerous, but I have found two immature spirits there, this time I can see if there is any chance to pick."


Qin Qi nodded and looked more serious.

As for the dream just now, Qin Qi has already left behind.

However, after Qin Qi left the territory of Tianmenghuimei snake, there was a shadow in the shadow of the woods jumping back and forth, apparently following Qin Qi.

If you look closely, you can see that it is a blue-blue snake, which is as clear as a crystal, and its shape is not large, that is, the length of the arm.

It has a small pointed corner on its forehead. Its eyes are like gems. It is purple. Although the body is mostly angular, it does not appear to be rigid. It is quite soft.

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