God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1696: Thousands of ancient gods

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-six chapters

The kings of the two gods are all means to do their best, and the pressure of prosperity, in addition to the Qin Qi, no one can be close.

However, it is always difficult to tell the difference.

Both of them intend to pass an outbreak, first get the ancient lamp, so they chose to force Qin Qi to do their best to rob.

Just so glued, they naturally changed their mindset. After all, they went on to make a wedding dress for Qin Qi.

When the next two people fight each other, the power of violent will overturn this piece of emptiness, destroying the heavens and the earth, but still can not press the opponent.

"First pick up the little beast and say it again!" Zeus gritted his teeth and didn't want to fight for it any more. Otherwise, Qin Qi would take advantage of it.

"Good!" Lu Youming also knows this well. Under the full force, he did not get the ancient lamp. Then he could only fight with Zeus after he solved the hidden danger.

Anyway, no matter whether you can get it, at least, you can't be taken away by Qin Qi.

The two of them are abandoning the ancient lamp of the destiny, extending the power and taking Qin Qi straight.

However, at this moment, there was a heart-rending volatility, and the moment was in the hearts of everyone, that is, Zeus and Lu Youming could not help but breathe.

The statue of water.

Does it exude such terrible fluctuations?

"Is it a dormant, do you want to retreat?" A majestic voice sounded through the sky.

Then, the statue of the ancient lamp was moved. The water on his body continued to stir, holding the ancient lamp in one hand, and the other hand was slamming toward Zeus and Luyou.

Along the way, the gods and thunders have been shattered, turned into a small arc, the power of trial, but also against this slap.

Lu Youming was a man of guns, but he also smashed it, and it was difficult to resist the power of the statue.

“Thousands of ancient gods!”

Zeus and Lu Youming suddenly roared and could only give up the intention of besieging Qin Qi and struggled against it.

The power that broke out in an instant, collided with many times, and shocked back and forth, eventually blocking the huge palm.

However, thousands of robbers and ancient gods, thousands of robbers are getting more and more rich, this is the atmosphere of thousands of robbers, and the thunder of Zeus’s judgment, even if it can replace the robbery, it is difficult to destroy thousands of robbers.

"Come, use your blood to annihilate the fire of this ancient lamp!" The ancient gods of the thousands of robbers opened again, and the giant hands slammed down to crush Zeus and Lu Youming.

This time, Zeus and Lu Youming are both in the heart, feeling really wrong, they seem to be used as a fire extinguishing tool, let the ancient lamp go out!

How can this be so, is this thousands of ancient gods not even guarding the ancient lamp of heaven?

He is not worshipping sincerely, but is being suppressed and has to be here!

Amazing handwriting!

Damn it, no wonder Qin Qi put them directly to **** it.

It’s hard to know, it’s already known that it will be like this?

In fact, this statue revived and turned into a thousand ancient gods. Qin Qi did not know it beforehand, but he did know that this ancient lamp could not be captured in this way, and there is bound to be great danger.

But now it seems that this thousand ancient gods are even more amazing than imagined, and its purpose has also made Qin Qi’s heart suddenly.

"Oh, there are you, plus your blood, it should be enough!"

However, it is a thousand ancient gods, and Qin Qi has also been counted in it. Thousands of robbers swayed and rushed toward Qin Qi.

"Damn!" Qin Qi suddenly changed, and suddenly took out a sword.

The sword is out, and the power of the ancient gods has to be withdrawn a few points, but more thousands of catastrophe have re-emerged and turned into big hands, and Qin Qi will be suppressed together.

Thousands of robbers and ancient gods, God's deterrence, to one war three, actually did not fall, even a thousand violent surges, but also to suppress the three together.

On Qin Qi's body, the bronze gas continued to wreak havoc, and the martial arts stood up one by one, and the power continued to rise.

They are not worse than Zeus.

"The last level, can you pass?" The sea eye will always pay attention to all of this, but he can only watch.

Thousands of ancient gods can be said to be not real living beings, that is the partial will of this world.

The world is naturally not allowed to happen to the sky, and it is aware that the existence of the ancient lamp lags behind. Naturally, it has spawned the existence of the ancient gods and wants to destroy the ancient lamps.

However, he did not succeed, and the taboo female emperor directly suppressed it here, lingering before the ancient lamp.

But because he is the will of the Tianyuan world, the taboo female emperor can't destroy it. He can only keep it now, waiting for the last moment.

And now, it’s almost the last moment.

Can you become, or you have to see Qin Qi!

The battle has become more violent. The kings of the three gods have fought against the ancient gods. If they are outside, they can definitely destroy an entire group.

However, the ancient gods of thousands of robbers are indeed powerful. The thousands of robbers do not lose the best bronze gas of Qin Qi, and it is difficult to suppress each other.

Moreover, the three people are not at all a heart, they are wary of each other, and naturally they cannot achieve the best results.

This is not the way.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth, all the means to do it, but after the second awakening of the Dingguo, the power brought by it must not be underestimated. Under the dragon, it cooperated with the body of the dragon vein and made a powerful shock.

While Qin Qi is backed by Huang Quan, the combat power naturally goes up to the next level.


The explosion continued to come, and the ancient gods stood up and represented the world-like stalwart. In front of him, even the king of the gods seemed to be a little small.

"You, no chance, death, is your only destination!" The voice of the ancient gods is so majestic, as if the whole world is shaking.

He is condescending, rolling with one hand, as if a world is crushing.


The kings of the three gods are snoring, and their bodies are shining, and all the powers are coming out.

Thunder hammer, long gun, and sky sword together to resist the falling palm.


The terrible fluctuations of the radiant radiation, Qin Qi, they still blocked the power of the ancient gods.

Thousands of robbers and ancient gods whispered, the water flowing through the eyes, turned into a scarlet color, as if a pair of eyes have become blood red.

He was furious and wanted to drop the other hand. It was only the ancient lamp of the day, but it was a "squeaky" sound that became extremely heavy. It was the ancient gods who had to be crushed.

"Damn!" Thousands of robbers roared, he could only use one hand.

But even if this is the case, he will not be defeated!

"Repression!" Thousands of robbers and ancient gods drank, one hand again pressed, thousands of robbery more intense, and the power is even more terrible than before.

Qin Qi and others can only bite their teeth.

"Qin Qi, let us help you!" Hai heard the heart, she got the new Bihai Rune, and can strengthen Qin Qi with the help of the strength of the East China Sea.

And Zi Yan, etc., have also begun to form a battle array, such as Lu Zhao two general, the strength attached to Qin Qi.

Their power is also extraordinary, Buddhism, Haizu, and Yaozu, all of them.

Thanks to this help, Qin Qi's breath is indeed strong again, but if you want to defeat the ancient gods, you still have a chance.

Not to mention the capture of the ancient lamp of the destiny from the hands of the ancient gods.

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