The first thousand six hundred eighty eight chapters

"We still don't want to separate." Tianzhu said, not intending to split the action.

"Uh huh!" The sea listened to nod and nodded, she must have been mixed with Qin Qi.

"Then choose this side." Qin Qi did not object, and then chose the channel on the left hand side.

"Qin Qi, are you aware of what is this road, is there a big treasure?" The sea listened with a bright eye.

"Do you want a big sword?" Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

In fact, he is indiscriminately chosen. At this time, there is no other intelligence to rely on. In this case, it is better to rely on luck. Relatively speaking, Qin Qi’s luck is good.

Into the passage, Qin Qi and others are very vigilant, but here is where no one has set foot, who knows what danger.

But unexpectedly, there was nothing here, and it was very smooth along the way.

"Weird, is there really no danger here?" The sea heard the strange way, feeling a little unreal.

"Keep alert." Qin Qi just snorted, but in fact, he did not notice any danger.

When I think of the contents of the real chapter, it is difficult to become a cooperation plan. Will the sea-eye will deliberately remove all the dangers of this place?

It is not impossible.

Just thinking about it, Qin Qi suddenly burst into the heart and quickly pulled the dragon dance around him to himself. At the same time, he shook hands with one hand and pushed the sea to the wall.


A few subtle sounds sounded, and there seemed to be something coming from the end of the passage. It was just that the naked eye or the spread of the perception did not even find out what it was.

"What happened?" Haixin couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It is a bug!" Qin Qi frowned.

His strength is far more than the sea to listen to them. Although the bug was fast, but he was still aware of it, but what kind of bug is it, can you have this speed?

And it's not just speed. Qin Qi clearly feels the power of these worms when they fly. I am afraid that if they are hit, in addition to Qin Qi, the sea will listen to their defenses.

Good danger!

Qin Qi simply said what he had noticed, and everyone couldn't help but change color and be more vigilant.

"I said, how can such a place be without danger?" Hai whispered, and the eyebrows were deep and locked, but I just couldn’t notice it. I am afraid I still can’t notice it.

Can you only rely on Qin Qi?

"not good!"

However, Qin Qi whispered.

Just a few bugs flew past, but now, there are at least hundreds of bugs in the front, ready to shoot them.

It seems that the sea eye will not open the back door for them.

Or, even if he can't open it?

"I know, this is a thousand robbers, thousands of robbers in the eyes of the sea, the worms, they will actively attack the outsiders close to the sea!" The sea heard a heart.

She understood some taboo secrets, and there was a description of the words.

At this moment she concluded that these worms were thousands of worms.

"Thousands of robbers, after thousands of robbers and not dead, swords are hard to hurt, and they are social groups, at least 10,000 or more!" He Kunlun also opened, providing the information he has.

Ten thousand.

It is Qin Qi who has some scalp tingling.

With his strength, these thousands of robbers are still good to say, but if they are more than 10,000, I am afraid I will not be able to protect everyone.

After all, the speed of this thousand robbers is too fast!

"Thousands of robbers have a low intelligence, so that the little fish can sing and start from the soul."

"Can it still be like this?" Qin Qi looked awkward and quickly called: "Listen to the heart, sing!"


"Let you sing and sing, sing the most penetrating, direct to the soul!"

Although the sea listens to the heart, although Qin Qi is obviously not likely to make jokes at this time, Zhang said that he will sing at the moment.

The song of the sea!

"Hey!" Purple snorted, the sea-sounding ocean song was much stronger than before. Even if he was, the soul was affected.

Scorpio's face is white, but it can still support.

It is a dragon dance, the body is shrouded in light, and the heart is empty, and is not affected by the song of the ocean.

"Look at the empty, Buddhist rumors!" Qin Qi followed.

The song of the sea is connected to the soul sea of ​​thousands of robbers, and then, with the rumors of Buddhism, the soul of the gods is directly shocked.

Although these mentally handicapped things are tricky, it is not difficult to solve with the cooperation between the sea and the dragon.

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

The dragon dances openly, and every word is like Hong Zhong Da Lu. It sounds like a whisper, and the Buddhism rumors are completely revealed in the power of Bodhisattva, especially for the soul, which has a strong shocking effect.

Sure enough, with the cooperation of the sea and the dragon and the light dance, the actions of those thousands of robbers became slow, and Qin Qi did not delay, and immediately shot.

The killing of the kendo is in the heart, the sword light has passed, and the thousands of robbers can not resist this killing sword, and are constantly strangled.

"There are thousands of robberies in this thousand robbers. If you take it, you have a big advantage. Of course, it is also used for swallowing. It is not worse than a natural treasure." Yi Kunlun popped up a message.

Qin Qi is extremely fast, and hundreds of thousands of robbers are killed in a blink of an eye. Each of the insects is complete, and no incisions are seen, but they have been killed.

Even if it is a worm that has never died, it is only a dead one under Qin Qi’s killing kendo!

"Qin Qi, I have worked hard, these insects are disgusting, I will clean it!"

Seeing Qin Qi’s loss of thousands of robbers, killing all the thousands of robbers at an incredible speed, the sea heard suddenly ran up, the guy, is planning to clean?

The sea will be so smart that there will be ghosts.

Moreover, in this case, clean the hair.

This guy is absolutely aware of the value of thousands of robbers, so he is rushing to clean up.

"Less come this set." Qin Qi snorted and waved all the bugs.

"Hey!" The sea listened with a distressed cry, and said with a flat voice: "Qin Qi, you eat alone!"

"Do you guess eating a single food?" Qin Qi said.

"Where, I want to help you first, and then divide it." The sea is so thick, naturally not afraid of being exposed by Qin Qi.

"Every worm has at least tens of thousands of robbers, when you clean." Qin Qi shook his head.

"Million?" The sea heard the face brush white, and quickly retreated.

Ten thousand, this is amazing.

"Oh, just come over, just sing!" Qin Qi brows.

And this time, I have a big guy.

Thousands of robbers!

It is a thousand-rocket worm full of human body size, and it is guarded by nearly tens of thousands of robbers, and the smell of it is amazing, and it has reached the level of the top king!

There are also a few thousand robbers, which is also equivalent to the realm of the king of God. At this moment, a sharp whistling sound is being issued, apparently issuing an order.

Qin Qi killed a thousand robbers, and the insects could not let him go.

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