God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1653: Break through

Chapter 1,653

Sure enough, the Terran gods were blocked, and the taboos were on the top of the Scorpio. There was a light curtain falling, and their attacks did not work at all, and it was difficult to break through.

The Terran gods frowned, but they were prepared, and their hearts were tacit, quickly dispersed, and attacked the Scorpio from different directions.

So just right, Qin Qi came to each and every break.

Anyway, Qin Qi can't believe that they can break into the Scorpio.

"On this side, there is a weak point. If it is a gathering force, it must break through!" But at this time, Qinglian sword **** suddenly yelled, and he was found to be the weak spot of Tianzhu.

The lotus petals float, covering almost the entire light curtain, and can search for the weakest position.

But even if there is a weak position, can they really break through?

Qin Qi’s eyes started, but his heart suddenly moved, thinking of some possibility.

Qinglian sword **** has discovered, the gods quickly gathered, Jing Yan eyes bright, found that this place is indeed a lot weak, if they are fully shot, there is definitely a breakthrough!

"Okay, let's take it all together!" Jing Yan shouted, and the power of the whole body swept out. It was the power of the fire.

The rest of the gods also trembled with all their strengths. Their exclusive avenues roared, and the killings broke out. In an instant, they reached the ultimate strength. Obviously, they planned to break through this place.

Not to mention, under the attack, the light curtain that protects the taboo palace is constantly shaking, and that place has begun to sag.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Terran gods suddenly brightened, knowing that there is something to do, naturally it is harder, and each body, the martial arts shines infinitely, and the artifacts in the hands are shining, and the light curtain is not restored!


A shattered sound began.

The light curtain actually couldn’t be supported anymore. There were taboos and gods, but only a little bit of it could not withstand the power of the gods.

There is absolutely a problem with this place. Otherwise, with these people, there is no possibility of breaking the light curtain defense.

But now Qin Qi has no time to consider this, he only knows that the opportunity is coming.

The gods are violently attacking, and they must break through the light curtain with a bang. This naturally gives Qin Qi a chance to attack.

Qin Qi's combat power is enough to be comparable to Jing Yan. As such a master, once he is fully attacked, it is absolutely a disaster for these gods.

"It’s about to break, the last blow!" Black Zun shouted, excited.

The general body of his iron tower, the physical strength of the flesh to the extreme, is the martial art of the refining body, this body brute force, can fight with the demon savage.

Seeing that the light curtain is about to break, the eyes of the Terran gods are bright, and naturally they will not keep their hands.

At the same time, they also have their own ghosts. After all, once the light curtain is broken, the creations of it may appear. At that time, it is the skill.


With a loud bang, the light curtain finally broke through the sacred attack of the gods, and this gap was enough for the gods to rush into it.

At the moment, the gods will show their divine power and plan to enter the taboo palace first.

"Oh la la!"

From the fire like a rainbow, dyed with a void, Jing Yan first move, the fire power is crazy, and obviously intends to enter the palace.

And with the power of his half-step king of the gods, he is also doing his part.

"Hey!" Qinglian sword **** snorted, can not stop Jing Yan, but can compete for the second person's ranking.

Raw lotus roots at sea!

If the sea is now, a lotus seed, the power of the Qinglian sword **** is the realization of the power of 100,000 years, and the power is absolutely not weak.

"Qinglian, hidden deep enough, that seat can not weaken the name!" Black Zun laughed, black gold law, the law does not invade!

The gods are all performing to the strong gods, and they want to seize the opportunity.

But I don't know, a cold sword light, in an instant, has already turned to their neck.

"What!" Qinglian sword **** is making a breakthrough, but does not want to be sealed by a sword, and even have no time to react.

"The killing is good, but unfortunately, the wrong place is used." Qin Qi sounds cold and slag, and when it falls, the head of Qinglian Sword God also flies out.

"Qing Lian!" Black Zun exclaimed, and his life stopped the momentum of the advance.

He didn't care about Qinglian's death, but he knew that the man had already attacked him.

"The law does not invade the body!" Black Zun burst into a drink, and the body was wrong. He even had a metallic luster, not like the human body.

"What do you say, can't hear!" Qin Qi sneered, what black gold law, a punch directly smashed.

"Cough!" Black sulphate blood, body was blown by Qin Qi.

The physical strength of his fame is that he can't stop Qin Qi from punching.

"The body of the dragon vein?" Black gold squinted his eyes, and immediately, his eyes were black, and the entire head was directly shattered.

Even killing Black Gold and Qinglian Sword God, Qin Qi will stop this, Dragon God tears have been squatting continuously, the trace of the sky and the tears of the heavens become a cross, and another God King who is ready to flee directly kills.

At this moment, Qin Qi is already strong enough to enter the flock, except for the half-step king of the gods and the king of the gods. Other gods, once given him the opportunity, can be killed in a flash.

Who made Qin Qi a shameless attack?

However, in the battle of life and death, who cares you to be shameless?

It’s a failure to become a king.

"This, this..." Yao Dongjun swallowed and trembled.

Now, there is only him left.

"Slow, don't kill me, I am not forced to do anything, I don't want to do this!" Yao Dongjun quickly yelled, he is a senior god, but he knows that he is definitely not Qin Qi's opponent.

Qin Qi knows that Yao Dongjun was the only one who hesitated before and wanted to stop it.

But what about that?

"You are just afraid, afraid of what the female emperor left, will make you robbed!" Qin Qi sneered, full of ridicule.

"Now, I will tell you that you don't need to stay with the female emperor, you are already ruined!" Qin Qi cold channel.

After all, I did not stop at all and directly killed.

Blood is scattered, belonging to the human king.

However, Qin Qi does not care.

Along the way, you are the demon of the demon, the frontier, Qin Qihe has been soft?

It’s going to die.

Qin Qi will take a trick, grabbed the treasure space ring on them, and watched it, and did not look at it, directly swallowed it, used to light the last star of the bronze realm.

Unfortunately, it is still a lot worse.

"Killing the half-step king of the gods, you should be able to fill most of it!" Qin Qi blinked and rushed into the taboo palace.

Entering the taboo palace, Qin Qi’s heart is a warning sign, and the dragon force is raging in the hand, and it is a palm to the side.


Jiu Cai Long Li collided with the fire, but without a breath, it was completely burned out, and the flame continued to rush down, and Qin Qi was shrouded in.

However, with this blockage, Qin Qi also got the opportunity to dodge. Although it was affected by some forces, it was able to recover quickly with the resilience of the Dragon's body.

This is Jing Yan's shot!

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