God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1622: a bit mother

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-two chapters are a bit mother


Lin’s roaring smile on the mouth of the moon has not yet fully bloomed. Just like a cannonball, it rushes directly into the earth and pulls out a hole that is bottomless.

This is no different from shooting flies!

The sea listens to the small mouth and has become a "0" type, a good violent beauty!

Qin Qi's face is shaking for a while, but fortunately, Lynn's roaring month is the body of the werewolf. There are countless treasures in the treasure house of the greedy wolf. This is estimated to be its life.

If you change to someone else, I am afraid I will be shot directly.

I glanced at the singer around me and found that her eyebrows were bent, and it was obviously a good mood.

Qin Qi sighed in the heart, woman, really can not offend, even the cold fairy in the moon palace is the same.

"This place has also been returned to you, hey, interesting." Di Jiang stood on the other side of the sea of ​​flowers, he is aware of this place, the original Nether, now Huang Quan.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Qi has a jealousy in his eyes.

Although he is in the middle of Huangquan, Qin Qi is the home court advantage, but the other side is the wild and beastly king, Qin Qi did not dare to underestimate.

After all, ghosts, Meng Yu, etc. are here. Once they fight, the situation is not optimistic and may hurt them.

"It doesn't have to be so nervous. If the emperor wants to fight with you, he won't come here." The emperor faintly said, slowly falling down, his eyes sweeping the sea and listening to others, so that the latter could not bear it. Staying in the heart is tight.

In the face of the emperor, this beautiful man who is not like words, the pressure is extremely huge.

"Predecessors, you are like this, I really can't feel at ease." Qin Qi frowned, Shen Sheng.

Putting the emperor in this Huangquan, Qin Qi can rest assured.

"It's hard to feel at ease. Since the emperor has come in, then you have no choice. It may not be easy for the emperor to kill you, but in an instant, these people will die." The emperor held his hand and sneered.

A generation of wild and wild beasts, domineering exposed.

Qin Qi squinted, and he hated threats in his life, especially with people around him.

Qin Qi is silent, the body's breath is getting colder and colder, and the **** blood is the way to kill and kill, just like the blood of the corpse.

"This kind of killing, you are also a unique one." The emperor is cold, the light is flashing, changing back and forth between the tyrant and the grief.

In the end, he sighed and said: "But, since you are related to Yan Yan, how can the Emperor close his hands and see why the final result?"

"You don't have to worry about anything, the emperor still doesn't bother to attack you."

Qin Qi wrinkled his frown, but he still felt a little bit uneasy. However, the other side was a wild and beastly emperor, and the existence of the name of the ancients, he did not bother to make inferior things.

The strongmen in these realms have their own pride.

"You just want to hide here?"

The emperor and the tyrants of the tyrants fought, and the singer Xiaoyin naturally did not have much affection.

"Oh, if the strength of the Emperor is not serious, it will be that your father is still alive, how can you?" The emperor snorted. "Besides, my family is not just the emperor. May be trapped in this demon hall."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi could not help but move.

Before the Tianyuan mainland, there were changes in the wild animals and animals. I thought it was related to Huang Quan. But in the end, there was no movement. At this moment, when I heard the words of the emperor, Qin Qi could not help but link the two things.

Are the wild animals and animals ready to rescue the emperor?

"God Demon Hall, no one can swear." Yi Xiaoying shook his head.

"That is the demon temple of the past, now, who knows." Di Jiang faintly said, and did not continue to talk about this interest.

He looked at Qin Qi, and coldly said: "Kid, let me talk, how can Yan Yan become your Wuhun?"

Qin Qi hesitated for a moment and told some facts.

"Dead in the opposite world, stupid!" After listening to the emperor, the face was ugly, and the anger was out!

Immediately after a long silence, I sighed: "With her weak temper, she would join such an action. It seems that she has grown a lot since the emperor was sealed."

Yan Yan is the closest sister to Dijiang.

It is just different from the Imperial River. Although it is very talented, Yan Yan is very weak since he was a child. He is afraid of fighting and has always grown up under the protection of the Dijiang.

Even in the gate of God, because of the weakness of the heart, lost to the demons, almost will kill her for the protection of the law.

Fortunately, at the last moment, I was awake, and my heart was turned into a magic fire. I was refined into a magical stick. I grew up so much, but my character still has no change.

Of course, there is no complaint from Dijiang. There is a sister who needs him to take care of him. For him, it is also a spiritual dependence.

I just didn't think that such a fascinating face would not dare to participate in the battle to kill and kill. It seems to be a weak girl who will never grow up. In the end, she will fight against the outside world with other Tianjiao, and even counterattack the outside world!

This courage is that Dijiang does not dare to say that it can be done.

"Is there such a thing?" Hearing the heart and listening to it, it is a big eye and a small eye. I don’t know that there is such a history.

Perseverance, the hero is unknown, although he fought for the world until he died in the war, but no one knows.

Even the soul of the soul, no one worships.

Sad, but also sigh.

"They are going to take the heart of death." Qin Qidao.

"Well, if the woman is only thinking about resurrecting her brother, the rest of the matter, simply do not care, is the outside world, it is not invincible!" The emperor snorted, and finally, only sighed.

After the Qin Qi, these martial arts, each hero, have indelible achievements, and they all gathered in Qin Qi, Qin Qi, what he bears and inherits, is unbearable.

Emperor Jiang said that nature is a taboo female emperor. Qin Qi was only a micro-motion in his heart, but then he asked: "Predecessors know, which one of these heroes is gathered?"

"The first taboo is gone." Dijiang seems to be not a cold.


"Nothing, after today, the emperor is here to cultivate, to restore some strength, can help you to further guide the power of Yan Yan, the disaster, this is not the case." Dijiang Road.

Qin Qi no longer asks, but says: "The last question, the emperor and the female emperor, why should you suppress you?"

"In the beginning, for the sake of a thing, the Terran and the wild and the wild beasts fought each other, and each other was killed and wounded. The Emperor was also eager to be found by the Emperor. He used the big squad to suppress it. If he came back again, he wanted to defeat the Emperor, and it was impossible! "The emperor is cold and cold.

These hatreds are only a moment of interest. It has been too long, and Dijiang naturally cares.

"What about the female emperor?"

"That woman..." Di Jiang's face was slightly black, and coldly said: "After the emperor disappeared, the emperor found an opportunity to break out and just met the woman."

"She... She just looked at the emperor and thought that the emperor was a bit pregnant, so she sealed the emperor."


The taboo female emperor, it is still unreasonable, because the emperor looks like a woman, it seals directly.

Qin Qi has some sympathy for the emperor, and looks like this thing, born.

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