God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1619: Dijiang

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-nine chapters of the emperor

Qin Qi was stunned by the game, and suddenly it was a bit sullen. It seems that it is better to be modest in the future, and the face speed is too fast.

"This did not hurt me." Qin Qi can only say.

At the same time, Qin Qi was also wary of the heart. This arrow is extremely horrible. It is the power of the king of God. It is indeed beyond imagination to encounter such attacks when he first came in.

"In the early days of the Black Forest, an arrow shot and killed the strongman who stayed in the opposite world. The strength is strong, but it is not the realm of the king of God. It’s hard to be a force. It’s just a force." Qin Qi whispered in his heart. .

The top-level combat power of the Demon Temple is not easy to enter the WTO. According to Zhai Kun, it is the master of the family and the deputy of the demon temple. Now I want to come, how can it be only that level of combat power? ?

I want to come to the king of the king and not run, and that power is separated, just a representative who walks outside.

However, this arrow is not the same as the power of the original arrow. Although it is powerful and unmatched, it lacks the arrogance of the arrow!

There is a colder, more suitable for assassination.

"Oh, isn't there two emperors so exaggerated?" Qin Qi said.

"This arrow does not seem to be aimed at us."

"Yeah." Qin Qi nodded.

There was a violent shock just now, and there was still a sense of flooding in the distance. I was afraid that something happened. The arrow was avoided, not deliberately shot to Qin Qi.

However, this kind of archery is even more horrible. After all, Qin Qi is already at a certain distance from his established attack.

"Go, let's see it in the past." Qin Qidao.

Yi Xiaoyan nodded, and the two flew together into the sky, heading in the direction of the arrow.

It is a super-long-range attack method, which has reached nearly a thousand miles, without being too close. Far away, Qin Qi felt a violent riot.

In the distance, the mountains are shaking, the mountains are undulating, and it is like a wave, a wave of shocks go out!

These scenes are indeed scary. What kind of force can we achieve this level?

"What is that?" Yoshihisa pointed to a "Tulong" in the distance.

In that place, the dust is flying, and the mountains that pass through are directly broken and shaken into the sky, which is the source of this mountain wave.

"It is a huge beast. In this hunting ground, there is such a existence. It is worthy of being a demon temple. It is so big!" Qin Qi could not help but admire.

This beast is terrible, like a cloth bag blown by the wind, red color, rolling at the moment, it is like a red iron ball ramming in the mountains!

The most surprising thing is that this fierce beast has six feet and no face, but four wings!

Such a strange beast has never been seen before!

"Dijiang!" Yi Xiaoying exclaimed, "This is not hunting, but the hunting field is changing, is suppressing!"

The emperor of the wild and the beast, the emperor, how can it riot here?

"I have heard from my father that there is a terrible existence in the hunting grounds of the family. It is the emperor of a wild and exotic beast. It was suppressed by the emperor in the early years, and then the taboo female emperor was sealed into the demon temple."

"How can it get out of trouble?" Yi Xiao can not help but worry, this wild animal is not simple, but the old wild animal king, Wei Neng!

Now the taboo female emperor is no longer there, and the emperor has no trace. Who can rob the ruined beast?

"Nine days to shoot the arrow!"

Yi Xiaoying whispered.

At the moment, in the far air, a figure can be seen faintly, and the body exudes an astonishing breath. The power of the king of the king is constantly surging, and the waves are rolling, and the sky must be overturned.

In his hands, the longbow is full, and if the radiance of the gods shines, it is constantly scattered, and the breath is constantly improving.

A total of nine long arrows, all of which are the level of the Emperor's soldiers, have been placed on the bowstring. Is this ready for the nine arrows?


The bowstring cracked the world, and the nine arrows turned into nine red dragons, roaring out, seemingly swallowing the sun and the moon!

Nine arrows are turned into nine directions, and the tail flames cut through the void. Like the network, the emperor is locked, and the arrow is over, the unimaginable power is directly directed at the body of the emperor!

"Good!" Qin Qi exclaimed, these nine arrows, united together, powerful, has overcome the Apollo encountered before, is almost the fighting power of the intermediate king.

However, such a terrible nine arrows did not even seal the actions of the Dijiang.

I saw that the emperor river, the red color of the body is more conspicuous, as if the blood in the body is boiled, a large amount of white steam erupted through the pores of the skin.

These steams are by no means ordinary, but they are a kind of fog. Under the cover, nothing can be perceived, and the scope is extremely wide. If there is life, in the twinkling of an eye, most of the hunting grounds have been shrouded in.

"Emperor River fog!" Yi Xiaoyu whispered.

Although they stood in the sky, the fog came too fast, and they covered them in an instant.

"It is trying to escape!" Qin Qi flashed a light, exerting such power, covering the entire area in the sea of ​​fog, no one can perceive its existence.

It seems that the nine arrows still hurt it, and can only use this means to escape.

"Be careful." Qin Qi Shen channel.

The wild and the wild beasts are not good-looking roles. They have been powerful since the ancient times. Since this emperor has been called the wild and beastly, the peak force is bound to be terrifying.

Even if the strength is detrimental now, I am afraid it is also the level of the intermediate and even the high gods.

Involved in this fog, Qin Qi dare to be inadvertently guarded, this is the domain of the emperor, it must not obstruct its own perception, and can even strengthen.

At this moment, I am afraid that I have already noticed the existence of Qin Qi.

Fingers may not be shot by Qin Qi.

"According to your current state, I also want to escape from my demon temple, it is too easy to think about it!" The sound of the king of the family sounded very cold.

In the fog, there is a sharp meaning that instantly ignites, even if it is not the target, it still makes people feel a little scalp, I am afraid that the **** king once again bows and prepares to shoot.

"Oh, if the emperor was sealed with this endless years, otherwise, with your doll, it is also a way to block the emperor?" The sound of the emperor's voice rang, angry and disdainful.

"If you are still there, what can you do?"

The emperor was stunned but brought some fear.

It does not know that the deity king refers specifically to the majesty, but no matter which one, it is too late, if they are still, it has no hope of fleeing.

Unfortunately, who told them to be gone!

"Today, no one can stop the emperor, open!" The emperor roared, in the fog, faintly visible a red crimfire like a fire, like to turn the fog into a red color.

The next moment, the arrow is like a mad dragon, raging out, the **** of the king of the family will make it succeed, the arrow out, actually like the rain, do not give the emperor a chance.

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