God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1599: Difficult diamond

The first thousand five hundred ninety-nine chapter

Qin Qi's ninth martial art, no sky, that is, after the colorless diamond awakens, has a lot of knowledge before life, but the colorless diamond has no residual will, so this knowledge, Qin Qi can not be obtained.

However, once stimulated by the power of the outside world, such as at this moment, the image of the Emperor of Heaven after the fall of the Holy Spirit is soaring, and the colorless diamonds, some knowledge is poured out, so that Qin Qi knows.

The first time I saw Emperor Tian, ​​Qin Qi only knew that this was a very horrible martial art. He had the power of the heavens, but it was only the power of the Holy Spirit that could not fully exert the power of the heavens.

Today, the power of the Emperor is very clear.

Alien, diamond strong, the diamond of the emperor!

I am afraid that it is the strongest person in the same realm as the colorless diamond. It may even be acquainted.

However, Qin Qi really did not think that the power of the aliens of the Holy Spirit actually came from a martial arts, and the predecessor was the strong outsider of the realm of diamonds.

"How, is it amazing? This is the power of the outside world. Since you have grown to the present level, you must know the existence of the alien world?" The Holy One is laughing and laughing, and the body is invincible.

The power of bronze surged, accompanied by the sacred power possessed by the Holy Spirit, filled the entire ancient tower.

The eyes of Qin Qi’s eyes flashed slightly.

It seems that this empty tower is isolated from everything, and St. Qiang is sitting here in this place. He is fully open to the door of dissimilarity, unable to distract him. Instead of knowing the outside world, even Qin Qi does not know the law of the outside world.

"It is an accident." Qin Qi does not deny.

"You are honest, and since you know, you should be clear, you are not my opponent, well, time is not waiting for people, you will become my strength, others, if there is still time, I will be interested to tell Yours." The Holy One smiled slightly, and the power of his body rose in the extreme.

The earth in the sky, from the back of him, the power that can be used is much stronger than it was ten years ago.

Even Qin Qi also saw the illusion of the Emperor's bell. In the past ten years, has Shengqian has repaired this taboo artifact to such a degree?


A holy light fell, and Qin Qi could not be allowed to respond. He had completely shrouded him.

This is the unique ability of the Holy Spirit, which can directly deprive others of their power.

Ten years ago, Qin Qi had been taught. Nowadays, the power of this ability has obviously been unimaginably improved. Qin Qi’s combat power has been deprived of most of it!

"Hey, this big battle, you still have a position, fill him up, help me open the door of the difference!" St. Qiang haha ​​laughed, the power of bronze shrouded everything, the numerous lines on the ground spread, even There is a line of sight.

And Qin Qi, is the void of the beast, another core of the eye!

Qin Qi will naturally not be caught in this way, the power of the body will burst out of madness, and the martial arts will shake the earth and shake the power of the Holy Spirit.

However, he was deprived of most of his strength. How to resist the divine power of the Holy Spirit?

Can't resist at all.

Qin Qi was boring and entangled in the pattern, but at the same time, his eyes were slightly stunned, and all the details of the spread of the pattern were printed in his mind.

The strong outsiders are actually not good at arranging. In the Black Forest, they had a big fight with the bronze strong. They had revealed this point for convenience and sneered at Qin Qi’s various abilities.

Whether it is formation, or Wuhun, etc., the outside world does not pay attention, they only pay attention to the same, that is the power of the body!

What is pursued is the limit of strength and conciseness.

Because of this, the level of power of bronze and silver will appear.

It is not so much that bronze is the name of the realm. It is better to say that it is the division of power levels!

Therefore, the big battle in front of us is that the holy millennium uses the avenue of the Tianyuan continent to match the power of bronze, and the diamond of the emperor is obviously extraordinary, and there is power to inject it.

In this way, Qin Qi’s method of breaking the battle will lose its effectiveness.

However, as long as Qin Qi time is given, it is not impossible to break the battle.

The formation of the tactics is extremely striking. Although Qin Qi resisted fiercely, all kinds of means came out, and the power was beyond the expectations of the holy thousand. But in the end, it was still suppressed by the holy thousand and locked into the eyes.

Backed by the complete independent small world of the earth, sitting on the diamond of the emperor, the holy thousand falls, really strong and outrageous, it is no wonder that the empty beast will be defeated.

However, Qin Qi does not believe that Shengqian can defeat the Nether Emperor in a positive and easy way.

At this moment, Qin Qi, and the Vulgar Emperor, have been trapped in the eye, forming a yin and yang fish, around the door of the difference.

The array of lines exudes light and truly reveals the whole picture. Qin Qi discovered that this array is incredibly large, but most of the patterns are hidden in the void.

At this moment, Qin Qi could not help but be surprised.

The lines of the road are extended, full of rhyme, every step is a secret coincidence, and between the lines, each node shines like a star, the charm is swaying, and every place is different.

God's fire?

Qin Qi’s eyes started, and sure enough, the gods’ fires were nothing but conspiracy of the Holy Spirit and the gods. They took ten years of power and eventually returned to the hands of the Holy One and turned into a part of the big battle.

Such a battle, Qin Qi has never seen, enough to match the complete three emperors.

In particular, the power of bronze flowing in it already has some of the color of silver, and it is even more difficult to compete. At this moment, it is turned into a light belt, and Qin Qi is wrapped up and begins to draw the power of Qin Qi!

"Okay, very good, one is the king of gods, one is infinitely close to the existence of the king of God, and you have become sacrifices. This time, the door to the difference is opened, and you can connect with the land!" .

At this moment, he is unscrupulous, like all the gods in the world!

As for Qin Qi being so easily stunned, Sheng Qian has no doubt about him.

Originally, his realm was to be above Qin Qi, not to mention that he also had the diamonds of the earth and the emperor, and Qin Qi, even if he had made rapid progress in the past ten years, how could he resist him?

It is not a hierarchy at all.

"St. Thousands, you seem to have known that I am coming?" Qin Qi was trapped by the law, and it was difficult to break free. At this moment, he asked coldly and stared at the Holy Spirit.

Sheng Qian fell a smile, and the overall situation has been fixed. He really can't think of any way Qin Qi can reverse the situation.

In the past, in the Huangquan, he was too small to see Qin Qi, or too conceited, but even so, he did not really fail, still leading the advent of God's temporary generation, ready for the follow-up.

At most, it is a plan to delay.

Now, he has mastered the power of the outside world. He is the first person in the world of Tianyuan. What can stop him?

Emperor of the Emperor?

God's way?

Before helping the Awaken Diamonds awaken, there is no absolute grasp of the Holy Spirit to deal with them, but now, the law of the outside world is his biggest card!


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