God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1590: Try to control

The first thousand five hundred and ninety chapters try to control

She can naturally feel that there is a connection between this black mine and her red mine, like mutual exclusion, but it is also homologous, very strange feeling, the blind man did not think that there is such power in the world.

"It is resisting me, and it seems that I am born with me, big brother, do you want to hang me!" The nephew stared at Qin Qi in disguise.

"Dead gimmick, can I still hang you?" Qin Qi did not hit a place.

This girl grows up, how is it so irritating?

The scorpion spit out his tongue and immediately said: "How can I use this, I am afraid that I want to fight it?"

"I am afraid of what, I am here, waiting for you to master these two forces, the future is bound to limit!" Qin Qi laughed.

The eyes of the scorpion are slightly lit, and there is quite a taste of eagerness to try.

"How do you do it?" asked the scorpion.

"This is why..." Qin Qi did not answer immediately, but looked at Mo Ziqi.

The blind man immediately agreed and assured: "The big brother is relieved, I will definitely plead for you in front of my sister!"

Qin Qi nodded with satisfaction, it seems that it is a little good to grow up.

"Well, you are now letting go of the source. I will help you suppress the repulsive force between the two. What you have to do is balance them." Qin Qi converges and calms down.

"But you must be careful. It is not easy to balance them. If you can't do it, give up, we will have a chance later." Qin Qi added.

This is not without risks. Even if he is there, he dare not say that he can ensure perfection.

"Hey, don't underestimate me." Xun Zidao, looks very serious.

She knows this kind of mine more than Qin Qi. Although she only owns the cross road red mine, she knows that if this time fails, even if there is another time, the possibility of success will become very low.

The source of the black ray in the hands of Qin Qi, after all, is only taken from the Jun, and it is not the complete inheritance of the gods and sects. It is difficult to bear the consumption of one after another.

So since it started, it can't be broken. If it's broken, it's hard to try again!

The scorpion took a deep breath, and immediately, she released her own source and completely exposed it to Qin Qi.

This is extremely dangerous. It is equivalent to revealing all your unprotected exhibits before others. With a little bit of malice, you can destroy the scorpion.

This is only done between people who are extremely trustworthy.

Qin Qi naturally had no malice against the blind man. He also took a deep breath, and the bronze power appeared in his hand. He wrapped the longitudinal source and slowly sinked into the source of the blind man.

Red and black, isolated by the power of bronze, but there is already a sense of faintness, and began to riot, like two giant beasts have opened their blood, revealing fangs, ready to kill.

This aspect of the ancient gods and sects has been endless to prove that the bones of the sacred bones prove that the vertical and horizontal can not be the ancient human pythons, the demon temples that can be defeated during the peak period, what they have confirmed Will definitely not be overthrown.

However, they cannot possibly have the power of the outside world.

Qin Qi looks dignified, does not dare to slack off, carefully control the power of bronze, gradually release the barrier, let the vertical and horizontal forces begin to collide.


The two vertical and horizontal Rayfas produced a fierce collision at the moment of contact. The thunder was opened, but it was an explosive force. The power of bronze was almost washed away.

Fortunately, Qin Qi was prepared, and the rich bronze color suddenly reflected in the sky. No matter how strong the vertical and horizontal Rayfa, it must be suppressed by Qin Qi.

Qin Qi side, Alice appeared, the power of ice and snow gathered, can freeze everything at any time, is the second-hand protection of Qin Qi.

The rest is handed over to the blind man himself.

The scorpion is very dignified. This is a battle that happened in her source. A little careless, her life will be destroyed.

However, she does not worry about this, and whether or not she will threaten her life. In the beginning, she will take the shot and use the most violent way to balance the Rafa!

As for the rest, one brain was handed over to Qin Qi.

This gimmick is really a matter of course, and the trust in Qin Qi has reached a blind level, and even more than herself.

The red thunder, the black thunder, the two thunders are getting more and more mad under the stimulation of each other, the power hidden in them is constantly enlarged, and the collision becomes more and more fierce.

If it is not supported by the power of bronze, the scorpion has already vanished at this moment.

"Take care, don't be reluctant." Qin Qi whispered in his heart, he can only do the vertical and horizontal Lei Fa will not cause a life threat to the blind, the other, you can only rely on the scorpion himself.

As time went by, the collision between the two kinds of thunder was more and more horrible, and Qin Qi had to continue to weaken the isolation of the forces of bronze. Otherwise, it would never reach a balance.


The scorpion snorted, the body has been completely engulfed by two types of thunder, black and red, as if composed of countless grids, criss-cross, each node is colliding.

In the face of such power, it is not easy for the blind man to control, and he can only try again and again.

Fortunately, she has numerous opportunities. Even if the attempt fails, the raging Rafa will be completely suppressed by Qin Qi with the power of bronze, and will not endanger his life!

If there are still people in the sacred ancestral sect, I am afraid that they will be shocked by the chin. They have never had such treatment. They often try once, and they die.

Because of this, Qin Qi decided to let the blind man try to control this vertical and horizontal Leifa.

The genius of Xunzi in the Lei Department is naturally beyond doubt. Mastering the Red Thunder is a big sign.

Although her father created conditions for her, the nephew at that time was only a child. If it was not close to the Lei, it would not be possible to integrate with the Red Thunder.

To know these thunders, it was easy to kill Qin Qi.

With such a talent, plus the accumulation of chaos and chaos over the years, the rumor of the scorpion on the thunder will not be weaker than anyone.

If there is only one chance, she may be difficult to grasp. After all, it is too difficult to get a set of vertical and horizontal, and ancient Tianjiao is difficult to do.

But if the opportunity is more than once, then the nephew is confident that he can do it.

After repeated explosions, the criss-crossing thunder became more and more terrifying. It was more threatening than once. Even Qin Qi, it is difficult to completely control, and some of the pressure will be shared by the blind.


Another failure, the thunder and the raging moments, rushed into the body of the scorpion, causing her to cough up a blood.

"First come here, sum up experience, wait for recovery and continue." Qin Qi could not help but open the door.

"No, now is the best time. The more rebellious they are, the more they can control them after they are accepted!" The blind man said with a difficult voice.

Her eyes are bright and bright, and the inside is full of light.

She has tried so many times and has already gained something, she is sure to do it.

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