God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1571: Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-one chapters of the newborn calf are not afraid of tigers

Among the sea people, in addition to the mermaid and octopus, the Hailong people are also extremely horrible. The fighting power is stronger than this Long Island.

"Go." Qin Qi smiled and stepped on Long Island.

The entrance to Long Island is a gantry, which is extremely spectacular. The dragon pattern is made up, and the dragon statue is empty, and it is overbearing!

Yuelongmen is reborn. For the dragons outside Longdao, crossing this gantry can be said to be a lifelong pursuit. As long as you enter, the whole dragon will be changed.

However, for Qin Qi, it is only a small threshold.

"Who is not standing still!"

Qin Qi and Hai listen to the heart of the Longmen. In an instant, the Dragon Guards rushed over and looked at Qin Qi.

This is obviously two dragons, and his face is full of pride. I am afraid that he has just crossed this gantry and is fortunate to be a member of Long Island.

The kind of pride, from the heart, and the enthusiasm of the unknown, is actually looking down on everything.

"You two, know where this is, this place is the gateway to Longdao, not other races can be close, and quickly leave, otherwise we are rude!" Another dragon guard guarded.

"These two small dragons are so arrogant, the Hailong people are not so proud!" The sea listened with a sigh of relief, and did not understand why they were so arrogant.

However, Qin Qi knows that Longdao has always been the authenticity of the Dragon Road, and it is considered to be a heresy by the Bright Dragon.

In their view, the dragons are born noble, not comparable to other races. This kind of cognition exists in the bones, and to a certain extent, is better than the devil.

The two dragon guards, the strength is not too strong, the sense of sensation is very sharp, the sea listens to the heart of a spit by them to hear clearly, the moment is showing anger.

"What Hailong people are all heretics, I see you two sneaky people, afraid that there is no purpose, you will be shackled, don't force us to do it!"

Good guys, but also Qin Qi, they are smashing their hands, it’s really boring.

Ye Hao, Qin Qi and Long Island, that can be said without a little bit of love, when he awakened the body of the Dragon, Long Island is to send a strong to deal with him.

Now, let's discuss a statement.

"You can't do it with your hands. It's better to do it yourself." Qin Qi smiled lightly and held his hand.

"A big tone, you probably don't understand the existence of Longdao. It's really a newborn calf. You don't want to be afraid of tigers. Don't beg for a while!" The dragon guards angered and screamed.

When Qin Qi was in a hurry, no one dared to talk to him for so long.

Also the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Xiaolong, this sentence should be told to yourself!

Qin Qi shook his head and felt a little funny. It was hard to kill in his heart.

On the Long Island, it is not these two dragons that guard the Dragon Gate. Other higher-level guards have noticed the movements here, and they have also shaken the power and deter Qin Qi.

"Now, do you still want to continue to be stubborn?" The two little dragons proudly said, so many powerful breaths behind them, suppressing Qin Qi, isn't it a minute?

"Let's do it, as you wish." Qin Qi smiled lightly and stepped forward.

"You really dare to do it, be really daring, now, you will hold you, let you know..."

The words have not been finished, the two dragons have been photographed flying out, although not dead, but I am afraid it is not good, no one is recovering.

Qin Qi publicly shot in Longmen, naturally alerted the strong people in Long Island, and now they are furious, and the sound of Long Yao is directly shocking!

"Hey, some people dare to marry Longdao. How long have you not been so ignorant of life and death?" Inside the Long Island, the dragon six elders who always led the gantry matter whispered, and even lazy to move.

Since the advent of God, the dragons have come forth in large numbers and have completely surpassed the White Tiger and the Xuanwu. In the South, there is no race that can compete with the Dragon.

They are like the Zeus clan of the Yuanyuan, but they still worship the blood of God.

"Let me see, who is this little fool?" The six elders laughed and screamed, and when they slammed, they turned up and projected the situation on the gantry.

"A kid of a human race?" The six elders blinked and couldn't help but scream. "The hands of the Terran are really long. If they don't have a fire, they dare to come to Long Island to relax?"

"It seems that this time, we must give the human race a wake-up call." The six elders sneered and saw that the dragon warriors on the gantry side had already shot, and they did not worry too much.

Only when he was about to look away, he suddenly stopped, and a pair of dragons was even more infinite, almost jumping out of his eyes.

"Qin Qi?" The six elders are shocked by the same facts.

That madman, killing God, he actually came to Long Island!


The news of Qin Qi Ding Tianyuan has just arrived. Soon, the Zeus and other clan, how powerful, but eventually all were destroyed, even the surname was directly erased.

These hot, the world is full of shock, all the chills.

Now, Qin Qi has come to Long Island, and the most horrifying thing is that Qin Qi has already fought with their people.

At the moment, the six elders dared to stay, and immediately made a loud sound of dragons, drinking and letting the dragon soldiers stop, and also told the strong people on the island.

This matter is too big. If it is not handled properly, it may be the disaster of the genocide!


The gantry is already very lively. The one dragon was easily photographed by Qin Qi, just like shooting flies, it is not much.

On the side of the dragon, there has been some chillingness, and some of the older dragons have recognized Qin Qilai, and they are trembling.

"Hello, Lord Qin Qi, how come you, what is the matter, the old dragon can handle it, if they collide with you, they will not stop, please also stop!" Six elders rushed, evenly, the atmosphere I dare not come out.

Qin Qi gave him a look, the four-star dragon god, but it is not weak, it should have some status in Longdao.

However, this status is nothing compared to today's Qin Qi. What's more, Qin Qi does not need to give him the slightest face.

"You Long Island is awesome, this Dragon Gate is not given?" Qin Qi smiled.

The six elders were all cold sweats, and they rushed to the dragon warriors, almost wanting to kill them.

Now Qin Qi, where the dragons can provoke, in front of who can not arrogant in front of this arrogant ancestor!

"Misunderstanding, they are misunderstandings, they are still young, do not know your prestige, this has collided with you." Six elders smiled with a smile.

"This is not very good, it is worse than this, I will help you, but there will be similar things happening in the future." Qin Qi laughed.

The six elders swallowed their mouths. I don’t know what Qin Qi meant. He could only bite the scalp: "Isn’t it too troublesome?"

"How come, just raise your hand." Qin Qi smiled slightly, and when the body was shocked, there was a punch!


A loud noise, the dragon gate of the dragon island, the whole began to collapse, the boulder fell, the roar of the roar, but there is no dragon dare to say.

It is the fragmentation of the dragon statue, which is a huge humiliation for Longdao, but the six elders are angry, but they can only accompany the smile.

With the character of Qin Qi, this is nothing but a trivial matter. The six elders do not expect Qin Qi to stop, only hope that Qin Qi can be slightly merciless.

The body of the dragons of the past has grown into the realm of today.

Due to karma, Long Island can only be accepted.

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