God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1538: Immortal

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the fairy

"Come on?" No matter which side is strong, at this moment, it is a big shock in the heart, and regardless of the terrible pressure of Hai Tingtao, they rushed to the city wall and even flew into the sky.

Everyone wants to witness this battle.

"Hey, brother, you don't care about me!" Haixin couldn't help but rolled his eyes. How can this happen? The opponent appeared, and even his sister didn't want it.

"It's a little earlier than the agreed time, but it doesn't matter." Qin Qi whispered, and couldn't help but feel excited.

Although he already knows the truth of many worlds, it is clear that the strong man of this world is not worth mentioning in the outside world.

However, the road has to go step by step, the rice has to be stuttered, and those who are strong can only give Qin Qi pressure, he still has to climb a little.

"Let's go, see if your brother can win." Qin Qi smiled, screaming at the sea and flying into a watchtower.

Here, you can have the best view and see the battle later.

"Hey, how could my brother lose to the third election, that is, the first day of the election, the same can win!" The sea listened with a heart, and was confident in Hai Tingtao.

"Who knows." Qin Qi smiled.

How long has the fairy sorrow disappeared, and now suddenly appears, and take the initiative to meet the sea listening to the waves.

How could it be just for a defeat?

It must not be that simple thing.

However, Qin Qi is also uncertain whether the fairy singer can win. After all, this sea listening Tao is really strong, but it is only seen in his life.

Perhaps only the one who used the big bang to shoot the Japanese bow could beat him.

"So how do we gamble?" The sea listened with a bright heart.

This chick, gambling is coming up again.

"What do you take with me?" Qin Qidao.

"What do you want?" The sea listened and smiled.

This time, she is really confident.

Compared with her own gambling, she believes in the strength of Hai Tingtao. As one of the strongest descendants of the East China Sea mermaid, Hai Tingtao can never be defeated!

This is not the Qin Qi's air transport can get it.

This question, Qin Qi really does not know what to ask, but as a Yuxing show of watching the game, he obviously will not refuse, just say a play.

However, at this time, the system interface suddenly jumped out of a line.

"Let her take you to the sea."

Qin Qi glanced at the heart, could not help but move, did not ask, directly listening to the sea and listening to the heart: "If you lose, take me to the sea."

The sea listened to the heart and guessed what conditions Qin Qi would propose, but did not expect that Qin Qi would say so.

Her face changed suddenly, and the bottom of her eyes flashed a horror and confusion.

"How do you know that there are thousands of seas!" The sea listened to his heart, and the breath of his body suddenly changed. There was no playfulness.

Thousands of seas, even in the sea, is also top secret, in addition to the strongest blood, the outsiders simply can not know.

Moreover, the thousand seas of the sea can hardly be opened. Until this time, the party has the opportunity to open it, and her existence is even related to the thousand seas.

Is this person in front of me aware of all this, so I deliberately said this?

"How, gambling is not gambling?" Qin Qidao, did not pay attention to the question of the sea listening.

"Bet on gambling!" The sea listened coldly.

As soon as she came, she could not believe that the sea would be defeated.

Secondly, it is just to bring Qin Qi to the East China Sea. A guy who knows the existence of a thousand seas, can not let him outside, must be in control.

In the East China Sea, no matter what identity Qin Qi is, it is not the Haizu who has the final say.

The gambling has already been made, and the two no longer speak, looking at the distant cliffs of Haitian.

Hai Tingtao has stood on a cliff, while on the other side, the road is bright and bright, and there are visions that are slowly gathering.

That is another protagonist of this war. He left the world for a long time, and he finally came back.

Xianguang is raging, and there are swords and swords in the net. It is a fairy-like sanctuary, but in the eyes of the strong, it is fierce!

Extreme killing is only hidden.

Immediately, the sky opened a mouth, and there were white shadows floating in the air, such as flying in the sky, a white landing, falling on another cliff, facing the sea listening to the waves.

The meaning of the sword, the moment of rushing, and the sea of ​​listening to the violent guns, like the two cliffs, the opposite.

This is the third day of the election, the fairy is happy!

"A strong sword meaning!" Qin Qi praised, the fairy is happy, indeed did not disappoint, so imposing, not weak sea to listen to Tao.

"Hey, my brother hasn't moved yet." The sea listened disdainfully.

In any case, everyone is excited, and Hai Tingtao and the immortality are coming one after another. This world-famous battle is about to be staged.

This is the collision between the mainland and the ocean!

The impact is too great.

"A good fairy is far away, has it reached this level? It seems that in these years, he did not stop chasing for a moment!" The chief educator of the ethnic group shouted and couldn't help but be excited.

This is the power of the human race!

The fairy is happy, can become the third choice of the day, natural talent does not need to repeat, dominate the era, there are almost no opponents in the sky and underground.

In his life, the only time he lost, he lost to the first election!

In this regard, Xianzhi Xiaoyao has always been worried, never stopped to catch up with the first step of the election.

When the first election disappeared, he followed the line of sight of the world and never appeared again.

Unexpectedly, now he has already reached this level, the power of the true God suppresses the heavens and the earth, the fairy light, the battle of heaven and earth!

"Is this the freedom of the immortals?" Gu Renjie whispered.

"I don't know if he succeeded." The emperor and the ancients stood in one place. Such a crucial battle, the Imperial City can not be absent naturally.

"After the mother, what do you say?" The ancients said.

The emperor laughed and said nothing, just said: "Let's watch it, maybe, we will see the incredible power with our own eyes!"

"The fairy is happy, Hai Tingtao, really strong!" A handsome but handsome man with a few elegant gentle whispers.

That double ambiguity, constantly turning, seems to be able to see through everything.

"You are the blood of God, destined to be stronger than them, than all the people in the world." Next to Scorpio, an old man who was very old and hoarse.

"President, don't say this, the pressure is great, we can't have a generation of **** blood to suppress the sea." Tianzhu smiled.

The speaker stunned, but he seemed to be unwilling, but he nodded and said: "So, we have also prepared to unite this road. Before the old man has sent people to contact the mermaid, you and the mermaid princess, you can see this battle. the result of."

"If the seas win, the marriage is only hopeful, but if the seas are defeated, then the marriage is in all likelihood!"

"So this time, we are going to cheer for the Terran!" The Speaker slowly said.

"You are really..." Scorpio is speechless. Such a decision, he himself did not know, and this is too much to put his demon blood in his eyes.

After thinking for a while, Scorpio snorted and said: "President, the mermaid is mainly beautiful, I don't want it!"


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