God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1390: Naughty

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-eight chapters

Huang Daolong Palace, only her.

The wedding dress has gone, holding the sword in hand.

In the eyes, the heart is shaking.

After all, you need an ending.

Then, kill me.

Leave one person, only the pain, not as good as it is to die.

"Sword out." Long light dance looked at Qin Qi.

This she never dared to face up, this should not have met people.

Before leaving Tianyuan, Qin Qi said that this day will come, and by then, it must be the opposite situation of holding the sword.

Now, the dragon dances as he wishes.

Let's out of the sword.

Knock down this sword and break the life of this life!

Qin Qi did not think that he would be soft-hearted. From the moment he knew the death of Fu Cai Xuan, he had already been killed.

No one can stop his footsteps, and anyone who is in front of him, no matter who it is, is annihilated!

His heart should have been cold.

Killing the entire Huang Daolong Palace, this countless bones and blood did not give him a hint of hesitation and confusion.

However, at this moment, in the face of the dragon light dance, Qin Qi is difficult to maintain the iron heart.

His heart is hurting.

This girl, who can not feel bad.

"Out of the sword!" The dragon danced low and the sword in his hand pointed to Qin Qi.

"Out of the sword!"

The dragon danced his teeth and decided to take it. She struggled and shot to Qin Qi.

Her cultivation is also top notch among the younger generation, but in front of Qin Qi, it is really nothing. This Jianguang, Qin Qi does not even need to dodge.

The dragon light dance tried hard and could not open his defense.

However, Qin Qi retired and avoided, and the Dragon God’s tears were unprecedentedly heavy, and even some could not be waved.

"What are you waiting for, killing me, this is all over, and the sword is out!" The dragon screamed with sorrow, tears scattered in the air, her sword, getting faster and faster, like a rain.

She wants to force Qin Qi to shoot, she wants, to end it all.

In the sky, everyone is watching.

No one can stop it all.

"Sister, will he kill the Dragon Master?" Li Ningshang whispered, and his eyes were a little sad.

"He..." Li Ningshuang was full of bitterness, she did not know, I don't know how Qin Qi would choose.

"This bastard, will not really kill the dragon goddess!" Yan Jing biting his teeth, watching the people in the Emperor City, can only sigh.

"Duo baby, what should we do, I am very uncomfortable." Xiao Huang whispered, his heart was uncomfortable.

Green radish does not know how to answer.

But if you say that your heart is uncomfortable, whoever is better than the two.

One loses love.

One lost everything.

The dragon light dances like a mad attack, but it does not touch Qin Qi an inch, but the battle can not continue, the dragon light dance forced Qin Qi to make a choice.

"Out of the sword!"

The dragon screamed and the sword ran straight toward Qin Qi.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth, his eyes finally settled, the dragon **** tears, stabbed.

In the eyes of the dragon, she flashed a detachment. She was crying but she laughed.

Her hand holding the sword was released, and the sword fell, and she, open to the sword of Qin Qi, opened her arms like a moth.



The long sword penetrated the body of the dragon light dance, and the blood instantly dyed her plain clothes.

Qin Qi’s Confucius contracted.

Trembling, deterred.

The dragon light dance went forward, letting the blade continue to penetrate the body. She stood in front of Qin Qi, like an intimate companion, holding Qin Qi and kissing Qin Qi's lips.

Very soft.

Very ice.

Very bitter.

"I hate you." The sound of the dragon's light dance sounded in Qin Qi's ear.


Looked at him.

Mistaken her life!



Seeing this scene, no one can say a word.

Qin Qi took back the long sword and held the dragon light dance and disappeared directly into the place.

This battle is over.

The Huang Daolong Palace, no longer exists, the last one, also died under Qin Qijian.

But obviously, Qin Qi’s revenge will not end like this.

Where will the next stop be?

But if Qin Qi continues to be crazy, then many forces of the Terran, I am afraid, can not sit idly by.

No one knows what things will develop.

But since Lianlong light dance has died under Qin Qijian.

Then no matter who is in front of Qin Qi, Qin Qi will kill!


An unknown mountain village.

炊 炊 袅袅, willow fluttering.

This is a mortal world, and there is no relationship between the military and the hegemony.

It's ordinary, but simple.

Qin Qi came to this place with the dragon light dance and placed her under a willow tree by the pond.

"I'm sorry." Qin Qi whispered, reaching for a hand, the wound on the dragon light dance quickly recovered.

Qin Qi that a sword can not be stabbed.

He believed that he could kill anyone who was in front of him, but found that he could not kill her.

But for her, to continue to live, it is the boundless pain.

If not, come back to the world!

Qin Qi this sword, deceived everyone, but also deceived the dragon light dance, this sword can not her life, she is still alive.

But she will forget everything, forget the sect, forget the master, and forget him.

Since the dragon light dance said, after her encounter, her life became very bad.

Then, just as you have never met.

The Dark Wizard appeared and erased the memory of the Dragon Light Dance.

From now on, she will not remember him anymore.

"Forgive my selfishness and live well." Qin Qi whispered, then slowly retreated and stepped back into the void.

The picture of the dragon light dance is blurred in front of his eyes, which is probably the last glance.

I hope she can be happy and happy.

Hope, no longer meet him.

After Qin Qi left, the dragon light dance slowly woke up, her eyes were full of confusion, like a newborn baby.

She looked curiously at the left and right, scratching her head, some distressed and confused.

Her lovely little nose sniffed, and there seemed to be a strange smell in the air, familiar, but I couldn't remember.

Her eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle, feeling very uncomfortable, and her mind was in chaos.

However, at this time, the sound of the wooden fish was introduced into her ears, allowing her to calm down in an instant.

The dragon light dance looked curiously. A monk, like an ascetic monk, wore worn clothes and knocked on the wooden fish while walking towards it.

But it is very strange, he does not seem to care about what is under his feet, whether it is a pond or a large rock, can not let him change direction.

Along the way, every step can overcome all obstacles.

"Amitabha, female donor, you have a relationship with my Buddha, can you follow me to the Buddha?" The monk came to the dragon light dance and asked softly.

His eyes are reassuring, very clear and clean, seemingly able to wash away the time to filthy obstacles, and to enter into bliss.

The dragon light dance did not know what to answer, and he hurriedly bowed to the monk, and then said: "Master, I can't remember the past, can Buddha remind me of everything?"

"Forgetting is liberation, but it is not available, but why should you obey the past?" The monk smiled.

"But, I think it is very important." Dragon danced.

The monk nodded, and did not insist, just said: "Maybe, can you give it a try?"

"Good." Long light danced and nodded.

She smiled, and it seems that this monk with no desire and no desire has some heartbeat.

Realizing this, the monk immediately put his hands together and even "Amitabha", this is quiet, but can not help but smile, this practice is far, he is not enough.

“Women’s donors can remember their names?” asked the monk.

"Who am I?" Long light danced his head, but could not remember anything.

She wants to recall a name, but the most beating, but two words, very vague, can not see the surname, only one "empty."

"I only remember one empty, but I don't know if it is my name." Dragon danced.

"Empty?" The monk nodded and then smiled: "Since the female donor wants to convert to the Buddha's door, how can I let Xiaoxiao get a law number for you?"

The dragon swayed the gimmick and did not change anything. He said: "The master is tired."

"That's what you call 'empty'."

A memory, a thought, a memorial.

Forgotten, decided, has become empty.

"Look at the empty?" The dragon danced slightly, and the name was not annoying.

"Let's go." The monk laughed.

"Yeah." The dragon lightly nodded and followed the monk.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Western desert."

"Buddha, I am coming back."


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