God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1383: Goodbye Ye Liangchen

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-three chapters see you again

Qin Qi did not know where he was, he only knew that step by step.

He appeared in the snow and snow, and he appeared in the magma. His body was full of dirt. He was like a beggar, walking aimlessly.

Now, he has not used the great powers, it is like a mortal, walking in a step.

In front of you, it is Huajie Liuxiang, with lights and greens, and Yan Yan.

Qin Qi’s eyes were gone without a god, and they were driven by Xiao Xiao as a cockroach. They were thrown to the corner by the strong guards.

However, he did not react.

He just climbed up hard and was ready to go.

Because of the same thing, Qin Qi has not remembered how many times it happened.

But this time, it is a little different.

Because Qin Qi saw a person who is very similar to himself.

He is also like a beggar, curled up on the corner of the street, drinking the wine that others have left and stolen by him.

He had already stinked and his hair was glued to his clothes, but he didn't feel it, just thinking about getting drunk himself.

Qin Qi suddenly felt that this person seems to be familiar.

Qin Qi is now, if he is dead, he has already ignored everything around him, but at the moment, he can’t help but look at it.

Because this person should not appear.

"Ye Liangchen."

Qin Qi’s eyes, for the first time, have other gods.

The heart was greatly shaken.

This person turned out to be Ye Liangchen?

The old people's fire, Ye Liangchen!

Isn't he already dead?

Qin Qi suddenly woke up from the shackles, and Ye Liangchen was still alive.

Or is he returned from the resurrection?

Qin Qi quickly rushed up.

Ye Liangchen thought that Qin Qi was an ordinary cockroach. He wanted to grab his drink and rush and ran.

Two crickets, one chasing one and escaping, attracted a large scream, but these people are also surprised, how do these two **** skunks run so fast?

One is the old people's fire, and the other is the future future **** of war.

It has always belonged to the peak of the young generation of the human race.

But at the moment, they all turned into embarrassment. They did not use the power of a martial art. They just ran wildly in the scorpion, as if they were all mortals.

Perhaps, in their hearts, there is a knot that cannot be opened.

If even the beloved can't protect it, what is the use of this Tongtian Budo?

But in the end, Qin Qi still caught up with Ye Liangchen, it was already outside the city, and Qin Qi threw him to the ground.

And Ye Liangchen, who is holding a jug, is constantly pouring into the mouth.

It seems that only the violent taste of this day can make him live less uncomfortable.

"Ye Liangchen." Qin Qi looked at him and whispered.

When I heard the name, Ye Liangchen was shocked and even the jug fell on the ground.

Ye Liangchen.

How long has he heard of this name?

The one he listened the most was the skunk and the meal.

"Is it you?" Ye Liangchen looked at Qin Qi with surprise.

"No, I am not Ye Liangchen, you have mistaken people."

Immediately, he stood up violently and hurriedly wanted to escape.

But how could Qin Qi let him do what he wanted, and grab him.

Ye Liangchen backhand, want to get rid of Qin Qi, the two former Xeon, the two current shackles, began to wrestle together, madness and catharsis.

In the end, they didn't have the strength, lying on the ground and watching the stars in the sky.

Their faces are full of blood and tears, but they are very miserable, but in their eyes, there is more decomposition, it seems that only the pain of the body, but also the pain in the heart is a little slower.

"Ye Liangchen, why are you still alive, you are already dead." Qin Qi said.

Ye Liangchen flashed a bit of pain in his eyes.

"Yeah, why don't you let me die like that? How good."

"How come you survived!"

"Beautiful, she..." Ye Liangchen’s face appeared a sigh of relief. "She used her own life to change me back."

Qin Qi was shocked and changed his life with life.

They should not die like this.

"She is, how did it?" Qin Qi asked for a while before he asked hoarsely.

"The crow has stolen a corner of my soul, sacrificed with the life of the beautiful scenery, and made me reborn." Ye Liangchen said.

After he was resurrected, he knew everything and was decadent and never stood up again.


In the eyes of Qin Qi, suddenly a ray of light was born.

Fu Caixuan is different from Ye Liangchen. Because Ye Liangchen has a remnant of the soul, he can be resurrected by the crow.

However, Fu Cai Xuan has been devastated, and this method does not allow her to live.

However, Bodhi said that since the endless years, one person has been suspected of success, and that person is the law from the land.

The predecessor of the mask of the dead is the land government. As a past plague, the crow is very likely to master this law.

Qin Qi breathed quickly, even if there is only one in a hundred thousandth chance, Qin Qi will have to try.

Since someone has been suspected of success, then Qin Qi, you can certainly do it!

He must do it!

"Do you know the whereabouts of the crow?" Qin Qi asked.

"Know, he said, if you want to see him, you can go to a place to find him." Ye Liangchen said with a blind eye, there is no living atmosphere, "but how can he find him, the dead can not resurrect ""

"This does not have to worry about you, tell me the place." Qin Qi cold channel.

Ye Liangchen is very simple, told Qin Qi position, he has not cared about anything, he has been abolished, no accident, he will be like this, stunned.

Qin Qi looked at Ye Liangchen, this former fire, when he was born, what kind of heroic, is the pride of the human race, gathering thousands of eyes.

But now, it has to end like this.

"You don't want revenge?" Qin Qi asked.

He is not qualified to teach Ye Liangchen, because in the past time, he is no different from Ye Liangchen, but now, he wants to change, he wants to recapture his woman from the dead!

Then, he still wants revenge, let those people feel his anger!

"Revenge? I don't want anything now. If you are willing to do the impossible thing, let me go," Ye Liangchen called.

"Where is Chen Mei's tomb?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

Ye Liangchen suddenly trembled and he climbed up and wanted to escape.

"Tell me, where is her tomb?" Qin Qi grabbed him, pinched his neckline and referred him to midair.

"Qin Qi, you roll, roll!"

"My business doesn't have to be yours, you go away, it's going to roll!"

Ye Liangchen cried wildly, and his eyes were full of fear.

He can't go to the tomb of Chen Meijing, he has no face!

Qin Qi took a deep breath and he understood the pain in Ye Liangchen's heart because he was the same.

However, just as he knows that Fu Cai Xuan will not want to see his decadence, Chen Meijing, also do not want to see the current Ye Liangchen.

In Chen Meixin's heart, Ye Liangchen is the only great hero and the pride of her life!

Behind Qin Qi, the Dark Wizard appeared and searched directly for Ye Liangchen's soul.

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