God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1366: friendzoned

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-six chapter good people card

Close to the peak of the dragon vein body, raise your hand to break the mountain and river, the strength of the physical strength alone, I am afraid that the ordinary monarch can not match!

Once the peak is reached, then Qin Qi will be able to compete with the Maharaja.

I have to say that Qing Litian's strength is indeed very strong, and it is much more powerful than the high-grade Yuanyin blood.

After all, according to Qin Qi’s own conjecture, it’s hard to reach the peak without a decade.

And this is only one side of the benefits, the other is the task of "the mortal body terminator (follow-up)".

Among the mission objects, Qin Qi completed two in one breath.


And Wu Sheng, also known as the Prince.

The other party is the prince, and Qin Qi naturally got the systemic reward of the scepter of the gods*3.

Got this, plus the other three pieces that have been obtained before, then the scepter of the gods can reappear!

This is the supreme artifact!

Qin Qi thinks that there is still some little excitement.

In addition, the task object is the reward of the Mozu.

Qin Qi is also not afraid of a smile.

This time, it is really the demon three tribes are all together.

Fu Caixuan, Xiaobai and this Qing Litian.

“Hey, congratulations to the players for meeting the conditions, extra reward package*1.”

The body of the dragon vein has almost reached its peak, and now there are additional rewards, and the previous depression will be swept away.

I have to look at it and see what I can do.

For a long time, there is no gift package, and Qin Qi is also a little nervous, blowing his mouth, and coming to a supreme artifact!

"Hey, congratulations to the player to get a good card*1"

What the hell?

Qin Qi stayed for a while and even opened a good card.

System, you play me, let me send me a good card, I have not pursued you!

Qin Qi's face couldn't help but hang down the black line, holding the good card in his hand and looking at the introduction given by the system.

This card is not for anyone. It can only be used once. Once used, it will have no effect on others.

After use, the other party will instinctively feel that the user is a good person, the degree of goodwill is 50%!

Qin Qi’s eyes are bright, but this is a bit of a meaning. To know that he now has a super wretched heart, the inferiority of non-humanity will have increased by 50%.

The two-phase superposition, although impossible to become 100% goodwill, is definitely the closest.

"Can make an enemy, instantly become a good friend, if it is not known to you, it is not impossible to become a family member instantly!" Qin Qi thought in his heart, suddenly his eyes brightened.

He knows how to use this good card.

Isn't this an existing object?

Of course, Qin Qi refers not to Qing Litian, but to Catherine!

If you can become the most intimate person of Catherine, then what is Sen Luoyuan, isn’t Qin Qi still in charge?

The thirteen alliances do not have to fight with Sen Luoyuan, they are all themselves.

Not bad.

This is to thank Qing Litian.

Qing Litian perceives Qin Qi’s gaze, and the body suddenly shrinks. I don’t know what Qin Qi wants to do.

"Adult, I have not recovered, you wait." Qing Litian bite his teeth, obviously it will be wrong.

"I am not interested in you, you are here to recover, I went to Catherine." Qin Qi said indifferently.

Qing Litian's temptation naturally does not need to say much, but Qin Qi does not have half desire.

"You want to see Catherine yourself?" Qing Litian was shocked, and he refused to feel unwell. He couldn't help but stand up and said: "Adult, without me using Catherine's flaws, you can't get Pandora's Box."

"You are wrong. Now, Catherine is my goal." Qin Qidao.

There are good people cards and super wretched hearts, Qin Qi still does not believe in Catherine.

Among the blood, the woman who is destined to have a lack of roots.

Qing Litian looked at Qin Qi with surprise and would be wrong again.

"Adult, Catherine is a maharaja, not you can now get involved." Qing Li Tiandao.

She thought that Qin Qi had tasted the sweetness and knew the power of the devil's debut, so I wanted to start with Catherine, which is undoubtedly a step into the sky.

But Catherine is the Maharaja, the living monarch, why does Qin Qi touch her?

"Your words, a little bit more." Qin Qi sound suddenly cold.

Qing Litian stepped back and bowed his head, indicating surrender.

Qin Qi also ignored him.

The body of the dragon vein is greatly advanced, and the spiritual power of Qin Qi is naturally skyrocketing. In the small map, the whole picture of the underground palace can be seen.

The position of Pandora's Box is already clear, and Catherine, on the next level of the box, is asleep.

Qin Qi did not hide his breath and walked all the way to Catherine.


Qing Litian is difficult to understand, Qin Qi by what to see Catherine.

Want to take Catherine to sleep, then the overlord hard bow?


To do this, Catherine’s power has long been taken away, not even for that power. For Catherine’s body alone, there will be countless Mozu ancestors who will die.

"If you are dead, then I will be free." Qing Litian whispered.

She felt that Qin Qi should have experienced problems in her mind after experiencing the world of refining, otherwise how could she go directly to see Catherine?

She can't believe that Qin Qi can come back from Catherine.

But even though I think so, I still feel a little uneasy in my heart. This person may really be able to create a miracle.

At the moment, she did not leave, re-sit and calm down.

Qin Qi went to Catherine, crossed a passage, and finally walked into a huge space.

This is a large hall of the underground palace, but it looks like a small world. It is extremely huge. Looking up, you can't even see the dome, but a starry sky!

And the Pandora's Box, in the center of the starry sky, seems to be open, the power of the terrorist level is flowing, and the power of destruction can be reduced at any time.

Qin Qi continued to move forward, went to the edge, looked down, and it was also a starry sky.

And Catherine, I fell asleep in the stars.

She is the real goddess, and her body is shining, the sacredness of the gods, the extraordinary sacredness.

Just looking at it, Qin Qi felt more amazing power than the ancient ancestors of Ares!

Catherine, really strong.

Qin Qi's eyes are shining, looking through the gods of Catherine, and seeing Catherine himself, Qin Qi is also a slight eye.

It was the kind of amazing when I saw the emperor!

Really, the world is beautiful.

Maybe Qing Litian can be with her after coming to the realm of Dajun, but now it is a little worse.

Goddess in general!

This is Catherine, inherited the blood of Pandora.

With all the talents of the Tianyuan Twelve in addition to Athena, although there are many but not refined, but the number to a certain extent, it can also lead to qualitative changes.

If Pandora is not lost, I am afraid it is enough to be called the thirteen clan, not the thirteen alliance.

How does Catherine exist, the majesty of the Maharaja, in this era of no gods in the past 100,000 years, she is the star of the summit.

Even if he was still asleep, the terrible pressure was still to make Qin Qi's heart tighten, and even the blood flow rate slowed down a lot.

Qin Qi looked at Catherine, and Catherine began to wake up.

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