God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1362: One year

First thousand three hundred and sixty two chapter one year


That is an unbeatable level.

Even if you are in a nine-step quasi-jun, as long as you still have one step, you will not want to compete with the army.

Unless, like Catherine, master a supreme artifact.

And can't be used like a monkey brother.

And such a existence, even if it is dead, died for many years, the power possessed in the body is still a terrorist level.

Never be able to resist each other!

The object in the hands of Qing Litian is the refurbishment of Mirror Mirror De Mosul, which is called the illusion of illusion. The only function is to set the boundary of refining desire with the help of Dionysus's blood.

The so-called world of refining desire is the robbing of seven emotions and six desires. Once trapped in it, it will constantly change between various emotions.

So reciprocating until the soul of a normal person is completely wiped out and turned into a blank.

You must know that no matter how strong your heart is, you will be steadfast in your heart, but if you bend it constantly, twist it, and go back and forth, it will have a broken day sooner or later.

This is the result of the refining of the world, with the help of Dionysus's illusion of the world, it is a constant rotation between the seven emotions.

It may be supported two days a day, but ten days and twenty days.

The soul that can't hold it at all, and how powerful it will, will completely collapse and turn into a chaotic blank.

At that time, the soul was still there, the flesh was still there, but only the empty shell was left.

Will become a puppet.

This is the intention of Qing Litian.

She must not only annihilate Qin Qi, but also control the body of the dragon vein in her hands!

However, Qing Litian is also very dangerous in Qin Qi Qin Qi. If he is slightly careless, he may be killed by Qin Qi, but everything is worth it.

In the rich and dangerous, Qiu Litian must calculate Qin Qi, he must be in front of Qin Qi, so that Qin Qi can kill her at any time!

And she, the bet is right.

However, it is not a fluke, but a preparation.

She has a deep understanding of the power of Qin Qi, knowing that Qin Qi has a very high attainment in the soul, and even able to snoop on memory.

To this end, Qing Litian used the power of Venus to make adjustments to his memory.

Enclose all the memories of the plan into your bones.

Venus clan, not only beautiful, but also the charm of the spirit, but also the master of the soul, their charm, you can directly change a person from the deepest part of the soul.

Qing Litian has paid a huge price for this.

The original arrangement was when I was close to Athena, the dead Maharaja, and the memory sealed in the bones would return to the soul of Qing Litian.

In this way, she will be able to remember everything!

It is indeed a preparation for perfection. Even before this moment, Qing Litian did not know that he had to count Qin Qi, and naturally it would not be possible to be dismantled.

The power of Dionysus made Qin Qi want to resist at the last moment, and it was impossible. He was dragged into the realm of refining desire.

In this particular field, the power of the realm does not make any sense.

The strength of the heart is the only key.

However, as I said before, even if the heart is strong again, there is always a moment when support cannot continue.

In the ruins of this Morro underground palace, the silence was restored, as if both Qing Litian and Qin Qi had not come.

The outside world, the passage of time, the battlefield at the Hulu Port is already a one-sided situation.

The soldiers of Beikouguan, somehow, all poisoned, the combat power was cut by nine out of ten, and they could barely rely on Beikouguan to resist the offensive of the 13th League.

Even the masters of the quasi-junior realm have been affected.

And this poison, after identification, actually came from the Helen clan.

Inside the Sen Luoyuan, it began to be chaotic. The Helen clan was dragged down by Qin Qi, and the situation was repeated.

Even so, the 13th League wants to break into the Sen Luoyuan, it is still very difficult.

However, the benefits are enormous. Many war weapons have been piled directly under the North Pass. In the past 5,000 years, how can the 13 Leagues have such a momentum?

Moreover, it is said that among the five clan of Sen Luoyuan, there are strong people killed, and even Jeremy is dead.

Adding the spread of toxins from Shanghai Lun, for a time, Sen Luoyuan was heartbroken.

There are even big amnesties ready to wake up Catherine, but I have been hesitant.

After all, the longer Catherine sleeps, the stronger the strength and the waking up, it is too unwise.

Moreover, although the Thirteen League is already a winning streak, it is not so easy to get in.

In this way, the war has been dragged into a stalemate. The 13th League has continuously consolidated its victory and built many fortifications and war fortresses in the Hulu Port.

After Sen Luoyuan thought about it again, it would be difficult.

However, there are still things that people care about. After Qin Qi and Qing Litian left, they never appeared again. There was no news.

This incident, the Holy Mountain has been asked several times, but the thirteen allies also have a black eye, do not know what is going on.

Over time, this matter has faded a lot. After all, it has been nearly a year since the last Qin Qi left.

A year is enough to change many things.

For example, McLean is brave and refined, and the blood of Zeus in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and he has entered the realm of the Seven Star Prince.

It is rare for younger generations to reach this height.

Moreover, the thunder hammer in his hand, after incorporating the thousands of Lei Shi photographed at the beginning, the quality has once again improved, it is already the Emperor's soldiers, the Thunder shines, and it is extremely terrifying.

The younger generation of Tianyuan, faintly respected him.

The younger generation is so old, the older generation is naturally not far behind.

In this year, Tianyuan’s most shocking event was the nine-step quasi-jun of the Zeus clan, which finally went further and entered the realm of the Maharaja!

The new generation of Maharaja!

How many years have passed, except for the ancient ancestors who have fallen asleep, it is hard to exist to reach such a height, and now, finally, someone succeeds!

This means that the new era has come completely.

The strong fight for hegemony, no matter how old, who has the highest chance of success!

In this way, the changes in this year are enormous, and the world is coming, every minute is precious, more than a few times or even dozens of times.

The arrogance of the sky, the heroes come forth in such a time, Qin Qi and Qing Litian, can not help but fade out of people's attention.

Above the holy mountain, the saint is very incomprehensible, but it is difficult to find Qin Qi.

The Athena clan, because of the disappearance of Qing Litian, the younger generation of faults, it is difficult to compete with Zeus and other, slightly bleak.

However, Athena did not care about this, and she had a sense of ignorance.

This year, not only the Tianyuan, the Terran and the Yaozu, but also major events happen, they can shake the world.

For example, the Huangdao Dragon Palace, the body of the Dragon God, has finally returned from the battlefield of the Dragons. It is said that he has obtained the will of the first generation of the Dragon God, and he can provoke Wanlong with his hands and feet, and can compete with Longdao!

Let's talk about the demon, the demon temple shines brightly, the world is visible, the billion beasts roar, the Wanchen surrender, is to welcome the blood of the world to come to the world!

The demon **** blood, there have been rumors before, and now, finally confirmed.

The Yaozu ushered in the blood of the gods. The Devil's smallpox has been sitting in the holy mountain for many years. Only the ethnic group, the fire has passed away, and it is difficult to be above this sentient being.

The world is changing, every minute is changing, as if one is not paying attention, you will miss a miracle birth!

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