God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1360: Must be in the middle, not killing

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-six chapters will be in the middle, and the lore will not kill.

"It seems that you don't welcome me, I thought, you will be very willing to see me." Qin Qi smiled and walked to them.

"Qin Qi!" Toby exclaimed, but did not expect that the person turned out to be Qin Qi.

He is not in the South Pass, how come to Sen Luoyuan inside!

How is this possible? Sen Luoyuan has the power of Catherine, and the chaos of the endless mountains cuts off the border. How can Qin Qi come in?

"You are Qin Qi, the guardian knight of His Royal Highness?" Jeremy’s flash of light was quite unexpected.

Toby looked at Qin Qi and found that it was not false. This person is indeed Qin Qi!

This time, Toby’s heart suddenly became very excited.

In the battlefield, I want to kill Qin Qi. There are still some difficulties. After all, the strongmen of the 13th League will never sit back and wait for the opportunity.

But now, Qin Qi actually sent it to the door!

The real body came to his Gratis, and it is still the core area, eight steps in front of Junjie Lemi!

Looking for a dead end.

In addition to looking for a dead end, Toby has not thought of anything possible!

"Sure enough, it is stupid, stupid, the priest is too young, it is difficult to make a correct judgment, even let you come to be a guardian knight!" Toby smirked, his eyes bright and incomparable.

Kill Qin Qi, this is the best chance!

"Don't you let me be?" Qin Qi sneered, and took a sword against Toby.

This kind of goods, there is no need to listen to him nonsense, and the best way to let him shut up is to kill.

"Be bold, what do you think is this place!" Jeremy saw Qin Qi shot, suddenly screamed, strong power cut off in front of Toby.

Toby’s eyes are all mocking.

Qin Qi actually wants to kill him in front of Jeremy. How stupid is it to make this decision?

"How stupid is it, will it not shine under my sword?"

Qin Qi sneered, of course, will not keep hands, above the sword front, the power of annihilation raging, even if Jeremy is blocking, there is no half effect.

"What!" Jeremy was shocked, and Qin Qi actually smashed his power.

"Stop!" Jeremy yelled, a konjac in his hand, thorning to Qin Qi, to force Qin Qi to close.

However, Qin Qi did not evade at all.

The sword fell, and the mockery on Toby's face was still in the future. Maybe he was still killing Qin Qi, getting Qing Litian, and finally becoming the dream of the guardian knight.

Unfortunately, dreams are dreams after all, and he has no chance to dream.

Because it is already dead.

Jeremy smashed, the power was more violent, but it was easily blocked by Qin Qi.


"How is it possible!" Jeremy couldn't believe that his own powerful attack could not even pierce Qin Qi's defense!

The reality is such cruelty.

Toby did not evade, and was killed by Qin Qi.

Qin Qi did not evade, but Jeremy could not even move a cold hair of Qin Qi.

When Jeremy missed a shot, he quickly retired and first opened the distance with Qin Qi.

An eight-step quasi-Jun confronts the five-step quasi-jun, and it is ridiculous to make such a move. However, it can be seen that Jeremy’s attention to Qin Qi is in his heart.

It is no longer a contempt.

"You came to my Gratis, what do you want to do!" Jeremy sighed.

He wants to send an alert to inform the family.

However, Qin Qi’s field is wide open, he can’t do it, and he’s suppressed.

Is this still a five-step quasi-jun?

Moreover, this breath is simply the Terran!

"I came, I want to borrow the same thing as my predecessors." Qin Qi smiled.

"what would you like?"

"The life of the predecessors."

Jeremy’s glare and coldness, he gnawed his teeth: “So, is it only a broken net?”

"No, the fish is dead, the net can not be broken." Qin Qi shook his fingers.

"That depends on your ability, your defense is really powerful, but it is a pity that in front of the ability of this seat, nothing is done, you are now dead!" Jeremy roared, above the konjac, There is a cross star, and it instantly locks Qin Qi.

Cross lore!

Unable to evade attacks, and, ignoring defense!

Qin Qi’s heart was moving, and this feeling was similar to when he was arrested with an absolute ruling.

It’s just that one day, one day, it’s not the same.

At most, it is almost the same effect.

Qin Qi snorted and opened two skills.

Must be effective.

The mark of the sky!

In this case, Qin Qi also used the effect of the inevitable, a sword out.

Qin Qi's response, let Jeremy's eyes jump straight, so that is not to resist the Qin Qi sword?

However, he has confidence in his own cross-killing, Qin Qi must not resist.

And Qin Qi, this sword, he, with the power of eight steps, should be able to kneel down.

As a result, the konjac wore through the air, but fell to the empty space, the long sword like a rainbow, directly through Jeremy's chest.

It must be in the middle.

Do not kill.

"Compared with the talented person, it is too much worse." Qin Qi shook his head, this cross-lost, can not completely lock him, with his ability, enough to avoid.

And Jeremy, there is indeed strength, but unfortunately it is shrouded in the field of light and the king of the king, even avoiding this sword is impossible.

In front of Qin Qi, who does not limit the Wuhun, the eight-step quasi-jun is not enough to see!

"Who are the Terrans, or my saints!" Jeremy was in a difficult way, staring at Qin Qi.

“Is this important?” Qin Qi said indifferently.

"If you are not injured in this seat, do you think that you can kill this seat?" Jeremy was unwilling.

If it is full, he will be defeated!

This is of course impossible, but Qin Qi must also correct his mistakes, but smiles bluntly: "This is called the old, the weak and the sick, and who makes you sick."

"Qin Qi, you entered my Sen Luoyuan, you don't want to go out again, you will definitely marry you!" Jeremy muttered.

Qin Qi’s expressionlessness made up a knife, and he did not care about his threat.

"Easy and easy, it is 10 billion days shield, seven steps are already at the foot!" Qin Qi can not help but a little excited.

It is a pity that if you want to move forward, you will have difficulty. With his current strength, if you do not improve the realm, it is impossible to compete with the nine-step quasi-jun.

The other eight-step quasi-jun is not as good as this, and it is easy to attract Catherine's attention.

However, you can't just stop it.

After all, he came in and gained experience is part of it, and weakening the power of Sen Luo Yuan is also part of it.

The Helen toxin extracted by Qing Litian can be used.

Helen's toxins are colorless and odorless. So far there is no antidote. It is Demeter, and for the time being it has only developed inhibitors.

Of course, this toxin is not the top of the list after all, it is not too horrible, the realm of high-powered people can suppress themselves, at most, it is more hidden dangers.

But for the lower realm, that is dangerous.

When used together with Demuel's dispersing agent, it can cover the entire North Port.

This weakening of the combat power is extremely huge.

Moreover, as a result, Helen is estimated to be miserable by Qin Qikeng.

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