God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1353: Behind the exchange

Back exchange of the first thousand three hundred and fifty-three chapters

Qin Qi came out and just saw McLean coming over.

In this auction, Zeus apparently passed the gas with Hera, and this time Dixen ate such a big loss, Zeus naturally could not sit idly by and would share the pressure.

I just saw Qin Qi coming out, and the dragon dance was followed by Lena, and McLean couldn’t help it.

How is this going.

Is Qin Qi shot to grab it!

The strong man of Zeus suddenly slammed down, and if Qin Qi dared to grab it here, he had to pay a painful price!

This is an opportunity!

"Lord Qin Qi, how come you will come out from here!" McLean blocked the way Qin Qi went.

"This, Hera's friend is still more enthusiastic. I have to give her to me, saying that it is a jade, it is polite." Qin Qi smiled.

"Qin Qi, what are you talking about, how is this possible!" Zeus's quasi-jun is cold.

Qin Qi’s light is cold, and he looks indifferently to the quasi-jun. “If you want to find death, try again.”


The quasi-jun will bite his teeth, but he can’t speak.

"Dishu, what is going on here?" Zeus, the strongest quasi-jun, snorted and looked at Dixu in the VIP room.

"He said yes, I gave it to him. This is the end of the matter. I will bear the loss." Dix's voice did not fluctuate.

After all, the entrance to the VIP room was closed directly.

"Look, it's really awful." Qin Qi laughed and walked to his VIP room.

It is difficult for Zeus's people to understand. I don't understand what Dixu is doing. Is it because Qin Qi has seized a handle?

A billion-dollar handle?

But in any case, the dragon light dance has arrived in the hands of Qin Qi, and it was sent by Hera, then the two goals of the original plan could not be achieved.

Losing a billion, bought a woman for Qin Qi.

This Nima, really warm!

Back to the VIP room, Qin Qi looked at the stage, and Qiaoqiao had already started the auction of the batch of auctions. It was indeed a good thing.

However, Qin Qi is not interested in much, and he has not continued to participate.

"The following is a special kind of monster bone, according to the Demeter's speculation, it may be the ancient **** of the supreme beast - the **** of the Peng."

"The starting price, 500 million."

The bones of Kun Peng?

It is indeed worthy of surprise, but many of the demons in the store, but not much enthusiasm, apparently not interested in this bone.

"This is the auction of many auctions, the starting price is too high, and the role of the bones is seriously inconsistent." Qing Litian explained.

“Qin Peng?” Qin Qi whispered. “It is reasonable to say that this is a strong race of the Yaozu. It is said that it used to compete with the demon gods. How can its bones have no value?”

Qing Litian shook her head.

"There has been such a **** in the past, but even Demeter, it is impossible to play its value."

"Perhaps there is a **** of the Peng Peng family in this bone, but I am afraid that except for Peng Peng, foreigners simply cannot obtain it, and there is no meaning."

"Unfortunately, Kuangpeng is like Jinwu. It has disappeared and no longer appears. This bone may be worth the money, but it is definitely more than 500 million. Even if it is Demeter, it does not want to waste the coin on it." Qing Li Tiandao.

It turned out to be the case.

This Shiva auction house is really embarrassing. They obviously know how rude the gods and bones are, but they still want to exert the most value.

Anyway, they are not short of money, and they rush to shoot. If one day encounters a neuropathy, do you have to use 500 million to photograph this god?

"500 million!"

In the end, Demuel called out the starting price of 500 million.

Maybe, they are so rich, they just don’t want to see this lot.

"Okay, 500 million once!" Qiaoqiao is more direct, even no pause, has begun to report, for fear of Demeter's remorse.

"500 million one." Qin Qi opened.

On the forehead of the clever and clean, I couldn't help but drop a few black lines.

Come again?

Forget it, don't care about this with Qin Qi, there is more than one crystal coin.

Qin Qi shot, apparently unexpected, difficult to achieve, Qin Qi has the power to master the spirit of the Peng Peng?

I only slammed Qin Qi, but when I thought about the tragic fate of Dixie, I couldn’t help but hesitate.

In case Qin Qi does not want it at all, it is just a simple price increase.

In the end, no one bid, Qin Qi successfully won the bones of the Peng Peng.

"Why, do you have the power to use this god?" Qing Litian was also a little surprised, did not expect Qin Qi to actually shoot.

500 million, can not be a small number, so many top-level gods Qin Qi are not tempted, but this Peng Peng God bones actually shot down.

"Maybe." Qin Qi did not say much. "Oh, I have such a coin on my body. If you have more, you can make up."

"What are you talking about!" Qing Li Tian squinted.

"Qing Litian, you are too close to me." Qin Qi smiled.

Qing Litian’s eyes are almost murderous.

However, Qin Qi is a good one, and seems to be waiting for her to go away.

In the end, Qing Litian could only stand it and give Qin Qi the rest of the crystal coins.

"I really thank you very much." Qin Qi sneered, and after taking the bones of Zang Peng, he left.

In the VIP room of a single person, all the seat decorations were shattered. Qing Litian’s chest was ups and downs, and the white face was covered with blue veins.

Even her, she almost couldn't stand it.

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

Qing Litian glimmered slightly, took a deep breath, suppressed all emotions, and calmed down.

Open the door and come in a middle-aged man.

When he saw the situation inside the house, he also stumbled, but he did not ask much, and did not even say a word.

Qing Litian knew his intentions, and the light flashed in his hand. There was a transparent glass bottle with a lot of lines surrounded by a very strange blood.

The blood is bright and bright, and it has a strong deity.

"Yes, it is indeed the blood of the Gorefiend. With it, this study should have a result." The middle-aged excited, the blood was taken down.

Immediately, he also took out a box and handed it to Qing Litian.

"This is what you confessed. The Mirror Mirror is personally built. I believe there will be no accidents." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Hello Mirror?" Qing Litian could not help but be surprised.

The Mirror is the chief university student of Demeter. He personally shot it. Naturally, he is trustworthy. There must be no accidents.

Qing Litian couldn't help but feel a little excited. She opened the box and only looked at the things in it. When the light was shining, she closed it up.

"Everything is ready, only owe the east wind!" Qing Litian laughed.

"Then I wish you a success." The middle-aged man smiled and turned and left.

There is a very special force in his body, I am afraid that no one knows that he has come here except for Qing Litian.

Watching him leave, there is a ray of light in the eyes of Qing Litian.

Soon, she returned to normal and left the Shiva auction house.


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