The first chapter of the three hundred and thirty-three chapters live

On the surface of the Emperor's prison, the warden looked at the young man in front of him.

Young people grow very ordinary, but they are not simple.

It was not too long for him to join the Zhengda Guangming Hall. After he joined the company, he had been working in the Emperor.

Prior to this, the warden did not pay attention to him at all. If this time, even the warden could not see it, this person actually belonged to the Chaos Era Alliance.

The power of the sinner.

Originally, the warden should kill him.

Such a young man who is not too high, he can lift a hand and can destroy a thousand and eight hundred.

And this is an excuse to the Chaos Era League.

However, he did not succeed in the end.

Because the young man brought him what he dreamed of.

That is the temptation to refuse, a big fruit!

The great world has arrived, there is no big fruit, then you can not ride this Yang Fan's huge wheel, will be abandoned by the times.

So baby, really can't refuse.

Moreover, the demands put forward by young people are not excessive.

He just brought a woman.

"You are really painstaking, very surprised, is it really worth it?" The warden laughed.

The woman he has seen, is really beautiful, but the strength is not high, he wants to do everything possible, can't think of the possibility that this woman can help Qin Qi to escape.

So let her go in, how can it be?

"We just want to leave a little blood for the Qin family. The adults can rest assured that there will be no accidents." The young man smiled slightly.

"Hey!" The warden screamed coldly. "This is the Emperor's prison. It is the weak alliance of your weak alliance. How can it be?"

"The adults say it is very good." Young people always have a smile on their faces.

"But this is a bad rule." The warden faint.

"Adults are assured that no one knows that this woman has been here, dead, never speaks." Young people said.

The warden nodded with satisfaction, and he liked this little guy a little.

If he is not from the Chaos Era Alliance, he can be driven by his side.

It is a pity that after all, it is to die in his hands.

After all, only the dead can keep the secret.

But don't worry, waiting for Qin Qi to be punished in the Three Emperors' Great Festival, he will not wipe it out.

The irony is that this Chaos Era Alliance sent a woman to come in and wanted to leave Qin Qi with some bones.

It is really left, how?

Qin Qi died, and the Chaos Era Alliance has no possibility of existence.

How can a sinner's son, a sinner, live in this world?

And he, in vain, has a big fruit, will rise in this big world!

"Qin Qi, I would like to thank you, even if it is dead, it has brought such benefits to this seat!" The governor laughed wildly.

The young man is on the side, very respectful, he is waiting, waiting for the sorghum to come out again.


"You can actually come in here, it really makes me unexpected." Qin Qi is not surprised.

He thought about the reasons why a high-ranking sorghum brought him back to the body, but he did not expect that Gao Song could enter this prison!

She once said that the tentacle will penetrate into the right-handed alliance.

Unexpectedly, her energy is already so big.

"It is not surprising that the righteous alliance pays attention to the interests, not the justice. As long as it gives enough benefits, it can naturally come in." Gao Wei faintly said.

"It seems that you have opened a price that cannot be rejected."

"A big fruit, no one can refuse."

Qin Qi looked at Gao Yan deeply.

This is indeed a huge price. It can be said that the warden lion has opened his mouth.

However, Qin Qi did not doubt whether it was worthwhile to do so. He only wanted to know what Gao was coming over.

"I told the adults about one thing, about the secrets of my body." Gao Wei calmly said.

Qin Qi heard the words, and the pupils suddenly shrank.

He really remembers.

Gao Wei told him that there is Yuanyin Xuejing in her body. It is a kind of treasure, and it is difficult for one hundred million people to have one case, which can make people instantly improve their realm!

Gao Song is still a virgin, and her Yuan Yin blood essence, with her elevation, is also constantly strengthening.

That power is only waiting for a certain day, someone will pick it!

"What do you mean!" Qin Qi brows up.

"The grown-up is a man, you should know what to do." Gao said.

Her look did not have a slight fluctuation, as if she did not know what would happen next.

I don't know what it means to be a woman.

As if she didn't care.

"You don't need this, and Yuanyin Xuejing doesn't make much sense to me." Qin Qi shook his head.

This is a half-truth.

Yuanyin blood essence can enhance the realm, which does not mean anything to Qin Qi.

Because his upgrade requires experience, foreign objects can not help him.

But in fact, the effect of Yuanyin Xuejing is far more than this. Qin Qi can use the double repair method to absorb all the nutrients of Yuanyin Xuejing, which is used to strengthen the body.

The effect, I am afraid, will be far beyond imagination.

“Is it really meaningless?” Gao Yan asked.

She looked at Qin Qi and seemed to be able to see through everything.

Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

“Why?” Qin Qi suddenly asked, “I don’t understand why you are willing to do this.”

The relationship between Gao and his is actually very subtle.

She is not like Situ Jing, but a woman and family member of Qin Qi. She is in a high position in the league. She just wants to use this platform to realize her ambition.

That's it.

Qin Qi never thought that Gao Song would have any feelings for him.

In fact, it does not.

Even one day, even Qin Qi could not hold high sorghum, so sorghum may be anti-customer and become the opponent of Qin Qi.

This point, Qin Qi knows from the beginning.

Then, why should sorghum make such sacrifices for him?

She can abandon the alliance and re-enter a force!

"With your conditions, any big forces will be willing to reuse you!" Qin Qidao.

"This, even after going tonight, is the same," Gao said calmly. "My value has never been this yin and blood, but myself."

"This Yuanyin blood is fine, the woman is not a night, it is just a bet on my counter!"

"I am betting that gambling adults can live!"

"Because in my opinion, adults are the most suitable candidates, only you can satisfy the ambitions that I have been unable to contain!" Gao Hao said truthfully.

"What is your ambition."

"The world is three."

"You... really crazy!"

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that this is the last effort I can make for adults. If the adults die, I will not hesitate to abandon the alliance and even sell it." Gao said.

"you dare!"

"As long as the adults are still alive, I will not dare, so adults just need to think about how to live!"

Qin Qi looked at Gao Song.

He knows what to do now.

If you are worried.

Then, just stay alive!

At the bottom of the Emperor's prison, in this dark prison, a pair of men and women broke through the boundaries and deepened each other.

A very low repression is a blown horn.

The battle continued until all the strength was exhausted and all the power was drawn.

The violent of the dragon almost broke through the seal of the dragon.

It crouched in this god, waiting for a dragon, shaking the sky and the earth!

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