God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1307: Qin Yi

The first thousand three hundred and seven seven chapters of Qin Yi

Qin Qi swallowed his mouth and quickly displayed the king's field and isolated everything.

The salary is indeed strong, this is beyond doubt, but the realm of the mysterious woman is not high, so Qin Qi can still suppress at this moment.

The salary is of great importance and there must be no loss.

And before Ye Liangchen was in the front, although he was a fake, but the ending, but also let Qi Qi know that in some people's eyes, even if it is a fire, it is still only a chess piece.

Like a poem, as a real Mozu smallpox, still calculated by people, want her to die.

From the point of view of insurance, Qin Qi will never dare to let the news of the recovery of the fire pass.

Another point is that the power of Di Ji makes the mysterious girl wake up from sleep, what does it represent?

What is the existence of Emperor Ji, is she not particularly connected with the salary?

It is a pity that this kind of thing can only be asked in person, and Qin Qi can't guess.

Thinking of this, Qin Qi will bite his teeth again.

When he fled from Zhengda Guangming Temple, he went to kill the dead.

Regardless of those, the mysterious girl did start to wake up, the volatility of her body became more and more intense, and the **** of the human origin could continue to flow in her body.

The fire between the foreheads beat again, burning, giving people a feeling that is indeed more profound than Ye Liangchen.

Even Qin Qi was affected.

Is this the real fire?

"She woke up!" Su said in a pleasant surprise.

The mysterious girl woke up, she opened her eyes, but it was full of confusion.

She looked around and it took a while to really recover her mind.

"Where is this?" The girl sat up, somewhat difficult, and at the same time very confused.

"This is the moon fall." Su said hurriedly to the front and held her.

“Monthly Fall?” The girl was confused, looking at Su’s words and blinking: “Who are you?”

"My name is Su, when I am slumbering, I am taking care of you." Su said softly, then he pointed to Qin Qi. "His Qin Qi, he saved you."

"Qin Qi, Su Shi?" The girl licked her head and had no impression.

"Do you know who you are?" Qin Qi asked.

"I?" The girl pointed at herself. After a while, she shook her head. "I don't know."


Qin Qi and Su dialect looked at each other, and Qin Qi continued to ask: "Do you still remember the things before going to sleep?"

The girl tried hard to remember, but her memory was a chaos, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Occasionally, I will flash a few pictures, but they are all fleeting. I can’t grasp them at all.

The girl shook her head.

It seems that she really forgot who she is.

For this point, Qin Qi’s heart is a pity, but it is not too much of a surprise.

She was almost smashed into a cockroach by Nanzui. It is miraculous to survive. Now the soul is repaired, wakes up, but forgets the past, but nothing.

"Nothing, you will stay here first, you will be able to think of it later." Su said comfortably.

The girl nodded, her mood was fairly stable, and she did not react too much.

But since I have forgotten everything, I am afraid it will be difficult to react.

"Or, you should give yourself a name first, otherwise we don't know how to call you." Su said with a smile.

"You can do whatever you want." The girl said, didn't care.

"Hey, let me come." Qin Qi volunteered.

He is still very keen on the name.

"Since the power of Emperor Ji makes you wake up, then you will call Ji Ji later, how?" Qin Qi laughed.

"The son!" Su said anger at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi licked his mouth and said: "I take the name, either double-stacked, or add a small one in front, or, called Xiao Ji Ji?"

"..." Su said with Qin Qi, this guy, still as serious as before.

"Okay, okay, that is simply with my family name, and since you have lost your memory, it is called Qin Yi." Qin Qi laughed.

They Qin family, there are already Qin Qi, Qin Kong, Qin night, and the unborn baby in the small white belly, and now with Qin Yi, that is the lever!

The people's fire is also his Qin family, it is simply invincible!

"Well, that's called Qin Yi." The girl didn't plan to spend time on this matter. She is still very confused now, and she is very hungry.

I have been sleeping for too long, and now I wake up without any feeling of comfort. I feel dizzy and upset, and my stomach is hungry.

"I am hungry." Qin recalled.

Su said nothing, feeling that Qin Qi is simply cheap, but Qin Yi has always been in a state of confusion, had to give up.

"Have you been in a hurry?" Su said dissatisfied with Qin Qi.

"It doesn't catch up, and we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we are not in a hurry to leave." Qin Qi laughed.

Su Shi’s face was reddish and he said: “Then you are going to cook for her.”

"Well," Qin Qi laughed.

Qin Qi did not dare to appear in front of others, so it can only be active in the restricted area of ​​this month.

Here, ordinary people will not come over, and at this moment, the Su dialect will open the array, which is Su Mei, and will not come to bother.

There is a presence of the New Moon in the Su dialect, so she is extremely reassured to her Qin Qi, even if it is the performance of the Tian Yan, it is difficult to measure the existence of the Lunar New Year.

She is the power that existed in ancient times. During the peak period, the strength far surpassed that of the emperor, and it was a battle with the moon god. Who would dare to get rid of her in this world?

Even if her soul has only one corner left.

Qin Qi's craftsmanship is naturally nothing to say, that is, the Su dialect can not help but eat a lot, Qin Yi, not to mention.

She was so hungry, and with such a delicious taste, she couldn’t stop.

Until she ate the essence of the cooking of several monsters, she finally stopped, took a soup, was lazy, and wanted to sleep.

"I am sleepy." Qin Yidao.

"Then go to sleep first." Su said warmly.

Qin Yi nodded, but then he got to the side of Su, and fell asleep on the thigh of Su.

"I am also sleepy." Qin Qi also laughed.

Su Shi did not breathe a sigh of Qin Qi, "You are so strong, how can you sleep?"

"I have done so much in one breath, it must be very tired!" Qin Qi argued.

In fact, he is really tired.

It is not the body, but the heart.

In the past year, he has not rested, has been fighting, want to seize this last chance, escape the birth day!

Huge pressure has been pressing him, even if he stayed with the green radish for three months, he never had a rest.

He has been tempering various techniques, the use of martial arts, even if the promotion is not so significant, but he still refuses to give up, and does not want to miss a chance to become stronger.

He is really tired.

But it can be forced to suppress and always maintain vitality.

This is not a good thing, but Qin Qi has no choice.

Can be around Su, this tired but can not be hidden, completely exposed.

Su Shi has such magic power, which can make people feel calm inside, as if it is the warmest harbor, just want to rest well around her and eliminate all fatigue.

Su dialed his lip and immediately changed his posture. He shot the leg that was not occupied by Qin Yi. He smiled and said, "Let's take a break."

"Hey." Qin Qi smiled twice, sitting on the beautiful legs of Su, feeling that the soft and gentle, like relying on cotton clouds, people can not tell the comfort.

Soon, Qin Qi fell asleep and went to sleep.

Su said that they looked at the two Qin people who occupied each other's legs. They were speechless, but they also had a pity.

"The son, take a rest, you... no, it should be us, we can be successful." Su said in a low voice.

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