God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1303: Talent

The first thousand three hundred and three chapters

Only child.

Qin Qi heard this name from Mr. Shi’s mouth and was a little surprised.

Has he finally emerged?

Also, if he can't even rise in this big world, who can rise?

For Qi Zi, Qin Qi does not think that he can succeed, but respects his decision, and does not deny the value of his doing.

The talents know the decay inside the human race, and it is clear that the righteous alliance is not an example of justice.

But he still hopes, he resolutely joins the Zhengda Guangming Hall, wants to change it from the inside, let it become what it should be.

And now, he finally achieved something.

The core hub of the Zhengdao Alliance, Zhengda Guangming Hall, which has disciples and elders of the major sects of the Zhengdao Alliance.

They are headed by the fourth day of the House of Lords, and they are right in the world, with the power to audit the entire alliance.

The genius begins with the lowest deacon, step by step, and he infects others with his own actions.

That is innately righteous, the straightforward, righteous, and unconstrained style of doing things, although sometimes seemingly old-fashioned, but it is a heartfelt admiration.

Over time, he gathered a group of people around him, some young people who are just like him.

His blood, like fresh blood, washed away the right-handed alliance that had already scented.

More and more people are coming together, only because of the right way of the child, is the right way in their hearts!

The alliance, indeed, has begun to change. Although it is still only a small part, it is really feasible to change the idea of ​​the alliance from the inside.

Therefore, he worked harder to spread his justice!

Maybe, there is really hope.

But what is the truth?

The top of the Guangming Hall of Zhengda also apparently noticed the new star.

In fact, they themselves are also very clear that the inside of the alliance has been decaying, the so-called right way, only the interests that have long been spent.

If this is the case, the alliance will probably collapse.

But the appearance of the child, but let them see hope.

It is not the hope of changing the alliance, but the opportunity to stabilize the alliance!

If you establish a talent and let people see the hope of the alliance, then the life of the alliance will be extended.

And those who make a profit can continue to enjoy the power they have at the moment!

They do not care about the justice of the child.

What they care about is the benefit that talents can bring to them.

It can be said that talent is the positive example they have established.

Talented people in front of all the criticisms, showing the "justice" of the alliance, then secretly, those people can continue to **** the blood of the Alliance.

Also, **** the blood of the people!

In the memory of Qiu Guan, Qin Qi has no confidence in the Zhengdao Alliance.

He knows that the league has long been hard to return, and unless it is broken, it can no longer be changed.

However, Qin Qi respects the choice of talented people. He also believes that what is done by talented people is not meaningless!

Nowadays, the status of talented children in the Guangming Hall of Zhengda has risen in a straight line. It has long been a thing of the past, and he can do more and more things.

But there are more and more constraints.

The slick old guys know very well how to deal with such a young man with justice, because the league never lacks such young people.

They have done the same, and they have been unable to remember how many such young people have been used. This time, it is no exception to think about it.

Because this young man has a feature.


That is their fatal injury!

However, this time, there are some differences. There are more and more problems accumulated within the alliance. I am afraid that in this big world, the problem will completely break out.

Therefore, the alliance also needs a younger than the past, acting as the facade of the alliance and shaking the situation.

Talent is the best candidate.

The talented people who got a lot of resources from the alliance did not disappoint anyone, even far beyond expectations.

He is like a dragon into the sea, completely exploding that endless potential.

Unspeakable peerless talent.

It’s the old guys who are holding up the talents, and they didn’t think that it would be such a situation. They don’t need too many shots, and they seem to have the first capital in the world!

All the rising stars of this Zhengda Guangming Hall have begun to pay attention, and the Three Emperors' Great Festival is about to begin. He has also become a powerful contender for the executioners.

Zhengda Guangming Hall certainly hopes that the talent will get this opportunity, and as a result, the alliance will be as stable as Taishan!

However, the real decision of the candidates, after all, is still the King of Light and the Emperor of the Emperor, the other people, at most, is behind the waves to help, forming a general trend.

As for whether the trend is the trend, it is necessary to look at the two people's strong attitude.

I heard about the recent situation of the talented person from Mr. Shi. Although Qin Qi had his own thoughts in his heart, he could not help but admire.

He has never seen a child before, even among his peers, the only person who has paid attention to him is his talent.

He can have this achievement today, this is what should be, can not be expected.

The only thing that surprised Qin Qi was that he was not sanctified.

Not yet sanctified, the strength can not be compared with Qin Qi, but with his accumulation, with his qualifications, how could it not enter the holy world?

His most recent record was to kill a five-star demon sacred man.

It was an incredible record, and Qin Qi could not help but be shocked.

The fruits of his greatness, the eggs of sanctions, gave him almost incompetent ability!

How can he be so sacred?

Can he not see his own path?

There are many ideas in Qin Qi’s mind, and in the end, they can only sigh and can’t know what is wrong with their talents.

But no matter what, Qin Qi did not have any concerns.

If the opponent is a child, then the qualification of the executioner, he will not fight, and it is very likely that he will give up.

Without this, the opponents directly supported by Zhengda Guangming Hall can be obtained, and the possibility of Qin Qi’s selection is naturally increased.

Coming back from Mr. Ten, Qin Qi went directly to find Tao.

The agreement between them should also come to an end.

"Little brother, you are finally back, how are you, find what I want?" Peach sits on the peach tree, beautiful and picturesque.

Qin Qi was silent for a moment, took out the peach blossom and handed it to the peach.

The peaches stunned, and the look was a bit complicated. Finally, a low laugh, "The flowers are broken into trees, and they can't come back anymore."

Qin Qi does not speak.

"What's under the peach tree?" Peach asked in a low voice.

Qin Qi hesitated for a moment and answered truthfully: "One inch of heart, and, a line of words."

"What did you write?"

"There is nothing more than a hatchback, only peach blossoms and acacia!"

The peach smiled. She looked at the sky, the breeze blew, and picked up her hair. The peach blossoms fell, and the peach branches brought back by Qin Qi fell from her hands into the mud.

"Women!" Taoer finally laughed, she looked at Qin Qi, the meaning of the eyes, Qin Qi I am afraid will never forget.

Mixed with too much emotion, entanglement, entanglement.

"Little brother, you should never learn from him." Taoer laughed and turned into a peach blossom, and she disappeared.

Qin Qi walked out of Taohualin, and some of his heart was not a taste. However, he did not have the extra time to sigh.

He still has something to do.

In order to ensure the safety of the Thunder madfield, Qin Qi will destroy the remaining entrances.

At the same time, find the emperor!

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