The first thousand two hundred and seventy-six chapters


A shout, the Buddha's string was smashed, and even some cracks appeared on it.

Obviously, this series of beads can not be compared with the previous one.

"Amitabha!" The evil spirits exhaled a Buddha.

He is angry.

The mercy of the face has disappeared, and the power of Buddhism has completely erupted.

Qin Qi, the realm of Samsung Wusheng, can already see the realm of evil spirits.

Eight Stars Buddha!

No wonder powerful if this is true!

I saw him behind him, a Buddha's Fa appeared, and glared in the world, it was a Buddha, and his arms were stretched out, and there was a tendency to open the sky.

The virtual sanding plate could not support this kind of power and was directly flew out.

Then, it was another sound of the Buddha, such as Hong Zhong Da Lu.

A Buddha's seal fell, and the emptiness of the beast was crushed.

The emptiness beast roars, the power of the void is completely boiling, and it is hiding in the void, and wants to avoid it.

However, even if it can't be done, the Buddha's seal seems to be everywhere, and it will not stop the virtual beast.


This is the power of Devadado. It is no wonder that this evil is depraved. It turned out to be a Christian.

Tivatardo, the cousin of Sakyamuni, is equally terrifying in strength, but he speaks to Sakyamuni and wants to replace it.

Finally, in a terrible battle, Devadado was defeated by Sakyamuni.

And Sakyamuni cares about the old feelings, and did not kill Devadado. As a result, Devadado broke into **** and completely turned into a evil Buddha!

And Devadado, as a battle with Sakyamuni, even if defeated, is still amazing enough.

Among the Buddhist scriptures, apart from the strong Shuka Seal, there is little power to help the mother-in-law.

However, what this evil has mastered should be only a small part. Otherwise, the complete wife will be printed, and Qin Qi may not be an opponent.

However, it is ironic that I believe in Devadado, but a bit of an Amitabha!

Deva prints down.

The Voids have lost and lost, and they cannot resist.

Qin Qi can only abandon the tears of the sword and press the Buddha string, but he is like a emptiness, and comes to the front of the void beast.

Buddha anger dragon print!

Luozha Yin!

The 卍 word shines, double print shock!

The two Buddha seals, under the bonus of the 卍 word, were exhibited by Qin Qi, who had already reached the Samsung Wusheng, and the power was unprecedented.

But even so, it just barely resisted the birth of the daughter.

That power burst open, it is terrible, Qin Qi with a virtual beast, retreating again and again.

But the evil spirits have been completely angry, before the string of beads, take this opportunity to suppress.

There are six beads, and each one has a black plaque in the middle.



The loud noise roared and the whole Buddha’s soil was shaking.

Qin Qi and the Void beast were all shot and flew out and smashed into pieces of Buddhist temple.

Qin Qi body, 12-fold Buddha shield to open, but can barely support, but want to overcome the other side, it is still too difficult.

Is it difficult to enter the four-star Wusheng?

If you can, Qin Qi does not want to be like this. After all, this is too sensational, and it is easy to have big problems.

Even with the ability to erase memory, under the performance of the day, there will always be flaws.

First, I will wait for the green radish to open six Buddha statues. Maybe there is a way to suppress it.

Of course, it is not good, Qin Qi can only erupt.

Evil and violent, a string of beads in hand, and the introduction of the Buddha, plus the Buddha's golden body, is truly unparalleled power.

Even in the ranks of the Eight Stars Wu Sheng, he is also top!

There is almost no gap between the high-ranking Wusheng.

The body of the Void is amazing, and the advantage is huge. But the opponent has the Buddha's golden body, which is terrible and almost has the power to fight with it.

At this moment, it only dares to be on the side, using the power of the void to attack the evil spirits, and has not dared to approach.

"I will contain him, you just don't let him shoot at other people!" Qin Qi shouted, and went forward again.

The power of Samsung Wusheng has already allowed me to thoroughly master the Wanyan documents, and there are 10,000 special characters, all of which are gathered on the word!

The light of the Buddha, such as the golden scorpion, surges in layers.

The evil cockroaches couldn't help but scream, his black scorpion, the dark granules on it, continued to rise.

Just as cotton is corroded by strong acids, it starts to smoke.

The authentic Buddha's golden light is a small suppression of his evil spirits and derogatory words.

However, Qin Qi, although not a Buddhist monk, did not practice Buddhism, but the addition of 10,000 special characters became the only one.

This power is not idle.

"Evil, you can't seem to do this Dharma, or go back to the Buddha to practice it!" Qin Qi coldly said, hands pinch, double-printed across the town.

The two Buddhism's powerful laws rushed, and the giant hand fell, just like from the Buddha.

Even faintly visible, among the Buddha countries, the golden light on the mountain!

"The drowning people who are struggling in the sea are ignorant and ignorant. I am compassionate and can't cross you!" The evil spirits screamed, and the daughter-in-law suddenly slammed down.

Behind him, there are also Buddhism countries, but that is full of glory, but full of degenerate taste.

There is also a mountain, which is the one that Devadado carried to the **** with great mana. One of the original doctrines of Sakyamuni, Lingshan!

At this moment, it has turned into a fallen mountain!

The evil spirits are angry, and the fallen Buddha country is shrouded down. The imprint is heaven, and Qin Qi can't resist it.

However, it can still be supported.

"Say a good Western bliss world, how did it become a scene of hell?" Qin Qi sneered.

"Buddha said, you don't go to hell, who goes to hell, peace of mind, pay back your life to kill!" The evil spirits shouted, the Buddha string rushed out, and the six beads flowed out to a more mysterious power.


Qin Qi is cold, and he will take a hand, and Tian Tears will return to his hands.

Ask the sword!

A sword out, can't open the six reincarnations.

However, they also found opportunities, no shadows, and quickly avoided.

The tears of the sword have returned, and the other string is rushing away, to kill the green radish and so on.

However, the Void Beast has already been waiting for this. With the power of the emptiness of the void, a string of Buddhas, it can still be suppressed.

Qin Qi was attacked by the earthquake and broke a temple again.

The wooden fish cracked and the Buddha clock collapsed, which was the destruction of the Buddha.

Qin Qi snorted and spit out a blood.

This evil is really powerful, and it seems that it has not gone all out and is shackled.

It’s hard to be done, really want to enter another star?

Qin Qi stood up, but was surprised to see the cockroaches on the ground.

Yaksha Temple!

"This temple is dedicated to the Yaksha?"

Qin Qi looked back, and it was a nightshade image. It was similar to the Luosha statue. It was extremely embarrassing, with bat wings behind it, which made people feel awkward.

However, Yaksha is different from Rakshasa, and the hair is a fire of blue light.

And this Buddha statue is still divine!

Qin Qi’s flash of light flashed the word directly into the Yaksha image.

The evil spirits stand in Gaotian. When Qin Qi is not out, he will face the ruins of this Buddhist temple and make another impression.

Deva Yin, send you to hell!

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