God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1225: Anti-kill

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-five chapters of anti-kill

Who can think that Qin Qi would dare to kill it.

Who can expect that, just for a while, the realm of Qin Qi has come to the nine-and-a-half!

No one can think of this in advance, that is, the four-star Wusheng, all of them are relaxed and not half-prepared.

Shen Tuwu was in front of him, chasing Qin Qi, Qin Qi even if he used all means, he could not escape the fate of being killed.

What do they need to worry about?

Waiting for Qin Qi’s death.

However, Qin Qi has returned, avoiding Shen Tuwu, and they are the strongest one in the face of Longaofeng!

With five thousand words, the Zhou Wu-level printing method, violent to endless.

"Qin Kong!" Long proud and other people exclaimed, but his face was pale.

It was the four-star Wu Sheng, and the matter was full of horror, and the instinctive wanted to escape.

Qin Qi, this seal, he can't take it!

There is no time to think about how Qin Qi will suddenly become so strong. What they have to do is to use all their strength to block this seal.

As long as it is blocked, Shen Tuwu can return in an instant, enough to kill Qin Qi.

The four-star Wu Sheng, roaring, countless dragons roared out, and the dragon was clear.

He has already applied the technique of Xeon, and he has attacked and killed.

The other few people, there are two Wu Shengqiang, the same instant shot, the three major Wu Sheng, can not help but still can not block Qin Qi a half holy?

"Oh, stupid, there is such a power, there is no choice to escape, but want to kill us, really looking for a dead end!" Long proud wind sneered.

Although Qin Qi’s seal is strong, the three major martial arts are also horrible. Under the joint efforts, Qin Qi’s seal can’t kill them.

After all, it is a little worse, Qin Qi is overestimating himself!

Luozha Yin!

However, after Qin Qi, a statue of Rakshasa appeared, and while the Buddha’s raging dragon print fell, Luo Shayin instantly caught up!

When the 卍 word is empty, the Buddha's light shines, and the double seal overlaps. The power can be thoroughly passed through, and all the ice flames are instantly overturned to form an open space.

"Ang!" The dragon snarled, but it collapsed in an instant, and could not stop Qin Qi from hitting.

"Impossible!" Long proud wind roared, full of unwillingness.

He came here to see Qin Qi’s death.

Anyone who disobeys their ecliptic palace, **** it, he wants Qin Qi to understand this.

But now, everything is reversed, he is about to die in the hands of Qin Qi!

And he could only watch desperately as the two handprints fell.

The king's field, the king's contempt.

They can't escape at all.


The roar of the shaking of the heavens and the earth sounded like an earthquake. The pale ice flame flew like a wave, and it was shot to the sky!

It’s terrible. Qin Qi’s two seals are simply boundless, and the power of Buddhism’s fingerprints is fully expressed.

The people of the Huang Daolong Palace were instantly crushed into **** and turned into blood mud. Only the four-star Wu Sheng was still lingering.

After all, he is a four-star Wu Sheng, the realm is extremely high, and the exclusive avenue has also entered a high level. It is extremely difficult to kill.

But even so, he was injured and the body was almost completely defeated.

When Qin Qi came forward, the four-star Wu Sheng suddenly scared the souls of the dead, and did not want to, did not want to use the taboo secrets, paying a huge price to increase the speed, broken the void to leave!

Qin Qi, there is no accident, he did not want to kill the other side, but to seize the dragon's egg in the body of the dragon proud.

This is the fruit of the great world. Although it is only one-half, it is invaluable and naturally needs to be in the hands.

In contrast, the life of the four-star Wu Sheng is less important.

"The erect is dare!" Shen Tuwu noticed the change here, and his heart was furious and rushed back.

For the six-star Wusheng, this distance is just a blink of an eye, and it is his attack faster than Shen Tuwu.

Kowloon God Palm!

At the beginning, this palm was broken by Qin Qi’s wrath, but it was the case of Shen Tuwu’s suppression of the realm.

Nowadays, he does not have any scruples. He shoots this palm with the power of full prosperity. It is simply a cracking of the heavens and the earth.

Qin Qi, can't escape.

However, Qin Qi once again missed his expectations.

At the moment of capturing the eggs of the dragon, Qin Qi’s figure disappeared into place.

The earth subsided, and there was a huge pothole, and everything was destroyed by Shen Tuwu.

Moreover, the aftermath of the attack is still rolling, the ice flames are flying, and there is an empty area with a radius of a hundred miles.

However, compared to the huge ruins of the day, it seems that there is only a small bubble.

"Qin Kong!" Shen Tuwu roared, he is a six-star Wu Sheng, how can not see that Qin Qi has escaped.

He was a strong man and did not hurt Qin Qi. Instead, he made this strange place more hostile to him.

The endless ice rush came, and the ice came to the extreme. It seemed that the void was frozen. Although it still hurts Shen Tuwu, the impact on him is even greater.

At least Qin Qi teleported away, he could not find Qin Qi's position for a while.

How can this not be angry?

"Ah!" But it was a tragic, Shen Tuwu's look suddenly changed, the whole face could not help but twist.

It was the four-star Wu Sheng who was screaming. Although he fled, he Qin Qi caught up with him.

It was also the double-printing down, this time, he could no longer escape, and was directly killed by Qin Qi.

Qin Qi, not even fleeing, but taking advantage of this opportunity to pursue!

The courage is too big, but it is successful.

"Qin Kong, this seat is going to kill you today!" Shen Tuwu snarled, almost instantly came to the place where the four-star Wusheng died.

The traces of the double-printing are still there, and the Buddha’s light shines, and a huge pit is blasted. The four-star Wusheng has no bones.

And Qin Qi, has disappeared without a trace.

Shen Tuwu's eyes continued to tremble, and the perception limit was emitted, but no traces of half-points were found.

Obviously, Qin Qi has left his range of perception.

The scope of the six-star Wusheng’s perception is huge, but in an instant, Qin Qi has already left, it is amazing!

This speed is faster than breaking the void.

Moreover, this area is hostile to the Shenwu, weakening its perception, and the breath of Qin Qi is completely covered by the ice flame, and it is impossible to find traces.

Qin Qi has disappeared without a trace. How to find such a huge relic of the day?

Shen Tuwu's face was ugly to the limit. He was roaring in madness, constantly dropping his palms and smashing the earth, trying to force Qin Qi out.

However, Qin Qi has been hiding in the far distance, sheltered by the ice flame, and does not leak half of the breath.

Shen Tuwu is in a crazy shot, just like a bright light, which allows Qin Qi to clearly perceive the position.

"High-order Wu Sheng, really powerful, exclusive avenue body, almost unbeaten!" Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

He has now come to the nine-and-a-half-sacred, and in the single realm, it has been difficult to continue to improve. To defeat Shen Tuwu, he can only start from other aspects.

Yes, Qin Qi is not ready to escape. Such an opportunity, he wants to let Shen Tuwu also stay here.

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