God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1222: Luozha Yin

The first two hundred and twenty-two chapters of the Luozha

Qin Qi’s light picked up, and a sword broke the arm of the Raksha woman, but the other party did not scream.

For Raksha, the pain in this flesh does not have any threat.

It is a pity that there is a day and a Kun Kun, Qin Qi can not use the Dark Wizard, and forced twice to find that there is no result, Qin Qi also killed this Rakshasa woman.

"Maybe the Buddha is really going to make a comeback." Yan Kun whispered, and his heart was a bit heavy.

"But this is also true. Buddhism has always been the most divine sect. It is about causality. The technique of deepness is almost always taboo, and sacred and dark coexist!"

"How can such a sect be easily dying? I am afraid that they are all crouching, waiting for this big world!" 夯 夯 whispered.

"In any case, this Raksha woman will not appear for no reason, looking around, there may be clues." Qin Qi Shen channel.

This road is the ruins of the day, so Qin Qi is not in a hurry, willing to spend some time to explore.

Buddhism is too different, and there may be some chances.

"Maybe because of this relic." Qin Qi whispered, and found nothing in the circle, the three stood in front of the remains of the small temple.

After thinking about it, Qin Qi infiltrated the soul power under the ground and continued to explore. He felt that there might be something hidden under the temple.

After exploring the nearest kilometer, Qin Qi’s light suddenly flashed.

Sure enough, there is space below.

"Go and see." Qin Qi laughed, and a sword fell, directly blasting a passage to the underground space.

There are runes that shine, obviously sealed, but they can't stand the years of attack, they are already very fragile.

Qin Qi did not spend much time, he broke it, and the three successfully entered the underground space.

"It is a Buddhist temple, that is the Rakshasa!" Yan Kun looked around and finally fixed his eyes on the Buddha statue in the middle.

This is the statue of Raksha, and it has been worshipped and enjoyed incense.

"I know, the Raksha woman came out from this Buddha statue!"

"What do you mean by this?" Qin Qi did not understand.

"Buddha is the most divine, paying attention to causality, enjoying incense, and practicing willingness. It is said that if the power is enough, the Buddhas will come!"

"And, even some ancient books even record that the powers of Buddhism are not actually existed in the past, but they have been subjected to the incense of the world and appear in the will."

"And this Raksha, also enjoyed the incense willingness, but not enough to let her really 'live' come, but the arrival of the great world, but gave her the opportunity, success came!" said Kun Kun.

If this is the case, the Buddhist temple is too terrible, and it is possible to create something that does not exist, which is horrifying.

"So, those Buddhas who enjoy the incense will not return again?" Qin Qidao.

"It is possible, and this is a big world. This is a chance to go against the sky. Anything that seems impossible can happen."

Qin Qi exhaled a sigh of relief, and he knew a little more about Buddhism.

"Unfortunately, there is only one Raksha statue here, and there is nothing baby." Qin Qidao, some disappointed.

"This Rakshasa is like a psychic. It may have condensed something that is unacceptable. It is necessary to check it out." Min Kun is very interested.

At the moment, the three people use their own means to explore the Rizal image, but unfortunately there is nothing special except for some residual forces.

Qin Qi’s heart moved, trying to condense the word.

Before I got the Buddha's anger, I used this word, and this time I might have a miraculous effect.

"I am going, brother, when did you comprehend the Buddha's word!" Yan Kun was shocked when he saw the golden light shining.

This word has great significance for Buddhism, but it is said that it is a patriarch of Wanfo. It has already been lost. Can Qin Qi actually master it?

At this moment, Qin Qi used the word ,, the golden Buddha light, the Raksha statue really changed, there was a Luosha virtual shadow, which is much stronger than the previous Raksha woman.

And in his hand, holding a Buddha seal, has the atmosphere of destruction.

"Bumen Luozhan Yin, good guy, earned!" Yan Kun eyes brightened and hurriedly shouted: "There is not much left in the willingness of this place. This virtual shadow can't be supported for a long time, and it will be realized quickly, otherwise there will be no chance!" ”

Wen Yan said that Qin Qi was in a tight heart and quickly began to comprehend.

He has a slogan in front, and the Buddha shines brightly. He has a huge advantage in comprehending the Buddha's seal. After only a few breaths, he has already had a look.

I saw him sitting in the void, pinching his hands, and the Luocha method slowly appeared behind him.

Luozha Yin!

At a certain moment, Qin Qi gave a low drink and shot the print.


It seems that there is a Luochao rushing out, the power is terrible, the wall is directly pierced, and a larger space is blasted.

The willingness of the Rakshasa image has gradually dissipated and it is difficult to support.

"Rely, just a little more!" 夯 夯 郁 depressed, he did not succeed.

She opened her eyes in the daytime, and she did not understand it completely, but she snorted. "Are you still far behind?"

Hearing the words, he was stunned by Kun.

He didn't have a slogan, nor did he practice the Buddhist scriptures. How could it be realized in such a short time?

It is also Qin Qi, mastering the word, almost no disadvantage.

Su Kun suddenly had an idea. Now Qin Qi enters this desert, it will not be like a dragon into the sea, the opportunity is almost everywhere!

Qin Qi carefully realized the power of Luozha Yin, and it was a little bit angry, but it was strong enough.

And if it is the two printings, the power will be beyond imagination!

"Let's go, there is nothing here, keep moving forward." Qin Qidao.

After leaving the temple ruins, the three continued to go to the remains of the day.

Along the way, it is still extremely dangerous. It is not just a tornado storm. There are even hail, mad thunder, and earthquake. Everything is not a natural weather. It can destroy the semi-sacred strong.

However, after that, he never encountered the existence of Buddhism.

Six days later, Qin Qi finally came to the edge of the relics of the day.

It was a basin, extremely huge, and there was no end at all.

And this place is very special, half of which is the red-red flame rising from the sky, with the golden awns, while the other side is the pale ice flames, but the other extreme.

"Here..." Qin Qi’s hole shrinks, and Qiankun is also the same.

They all look to the day.

Because that half of the ice flame is almost exactly the same as the power of the day!

This is the relic of the day.

Is it that there have been red days and pale days together?

Only Qin Qi did not ask, but the look suddenly changed.

Someone is ambushing here!

"Get out!" Qin Qi cold drink, the body's breath soared.


Someone is clapping.

Immediately, at the entrance to the ruins of the day ahead, a boulder slowly disappeared, and several people came out from inside.

The people of the Huang Daolong Palace!

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