God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1203: Nine-toothed sky

The first thousand two hundred and three three chapters

"Qin Kong!"

Jiang Lingqing’s roaring, shaking the four wild, his face was ugly to the extreme.

No one has ever dared to talk to him like this, dare to humiliate him in front of him, compare him to a dog!

there has never been!

"Chief brother Jiang, it seems that your prestige in the Tianzi Academy is not high." Long proud wind stood on one side, looking cold and faint.

And this sentence is undoubtedly the cold water poured into the hot oil, Jiang Lingqing directly bombed.

Jiang Lingqing knows that if he does not press Qin Qi today, then his face may be thrown away. Don't say it in the Tianzi Academy, just outside, can't lift his head.

"Qin Kong, it seems that you are really helpless. Or, as your brother, I am obligated to restrain your behavior. Today, I will do my part as a brother!" Jiang Lingqing whispered, imposing Crazy shaking up.

Jiang Lingqing, the three disciples of the Tianzi Academy, one of the three giants of the Zhengdao Alliance, has already demonstrated his power.

Before the advent of the Great World, he was already a leader of the human race, ranking the pinnacle of the younger generation.

Nowadays, with the advent of the Great World, he has also become the first to grasp the existence of the fruit of the great world, and his strength has further increased and he has achieved transcendence.

Nine and a half, it is enough to stand out!

The younger generation, who can have such a realm, Qin Qi has only seen two, one is the fire of Ye Liangchen, and the other is the day from the Temple of the Devil.

Jiang Lingqing broke out of power, above his head is his unique **** martial spirit - Tianwang Zhengjian!

This martial art is extremely powerful, and at this moment there is a way to smash it, it is the power of a quarter of the broken egg owned by Jiang Lingqing!

"Qin Kong, you really don't know how to live and die. You can be insulted by the three divisions. Today, you have to pay the price!"

Seeing Jiang Lingqing's momentum, the people around him are shocked. Naturally, Qin Qi can be better than Jiang Lingqing.

"Teacher, I am going to find Mr. Ten!" Li Ningshang's face was white, and Jiang Lingqing's momentum was too horrible. How could Qin Qi be an opponent?

"No, the bad dog always likes to bite people, but as long as you hit it once, you will naturally be embarrassed." Qin Qi is indifferent.

Tianwang Zhengjian?

It is indeed not weak, but this kind of person, what qualifications are used to use the sword!

Compared with the talented person’s soul, the soul of the sword, I don’t know where it is, what about Zhengjian?

"Qin Kong, I am thinking that you are my same door, I will give you a chance, please sin!" Jiang Lingqing held his hand and stood up, like a sword god.

"Garbage." Qin Qi said directly.

"Looking for death!" Jiang Lingqing was furious and couldn't stand it anymore. The sword in his hand flashed, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be the same color. That is the white of the sword!

Shen Bing, white shark nine-tooth sword!

Under the shackles of a sword, the power of the nine-segment and the half-sacred is undoubtedly revealed. It is close to the power of the saints. Who can resist the younger generation?

In the face of Jiang Lingqing, Qin Qi can't be as casual as Duan Han or Zhao Mingyu, but it only needs to be more serious.


The king is standing up, and the field is suddenly suppressed.

In the realm of the field, it is the territory of the king, above the king, only one person is king!

Jiang Lingqing's sword entered the realm of the king, and the power was greatly reduced. The words in Qin Qi were smashed into swords, forty words, and should be easily blocked.

"This is the power of your martial arts?" Jiang Lingqing sneered, but revealed a sarcasm. "It is indeed a little doorway, but unfortunately, for me, useless!"

"Now I will let you see, the power you are proud of, in front of me, just a chicken and a dog!" Jiang Lingqing then cold drink, the white shark in his hand is like a resurrection.

"White shark kisses blood!"

No blood, no turning back, this style, how does Qin Qi resist?

The white shark roared, really like a living thing, overwhelming, wild and unparalleled.

The sword is stunned, with the power of shattering, even if it is the king of the field, it seems to be swallowed up.

It is Jiang Lingqing, the same artifact, the silver fire star gun in the hands of Duan Han, and the white shark nine-tooth sword in the hands of Jiang Lingqing, is just one day.

This is called the power of artifacts!

"Good swordsmanship!" Long proud wind praised, but in his eyes, he looked at the play.

In his eyes, it seems that even Jiang Lingqing is just a play.

Qin Qi's eyebrows picked up slightly and greeted the sword.

Too white and sword!

The sword flashes, and there is no endlessness. For example, the rain of the stars, the road is stabbed above the white shark, and its own text is shaped. If the sword is blazed, the power can be unparalleled.

The two men fought, the sword was raging, and the sword was colliding, but Qin Qi relied on the human king's field, but it was not weak.

"This martial art is really weird, and it can actually cause such suppression to me." Jiang Lingqing secretly said that some underestimated the power of the king.

"However, it just made me a little surprised, and I couldn't change the result."

"Quasi-Zuwu, nine teeth hanging in the sky!"

Jiang Lingqing looks still chic, the sword moves change, and the white shark nine teeth sword meets, one tooth is prominent, if the sky sword hangs down, plow the mountain river!

The first tooth, Jiang Lingqing wants to divide the field of Qin Qi!

"This is the nine-toothed sky?" Long proud wind looks slightly moving, feeling a bit of pressure, this power, indeed very extraordinary.

Qin Qi is still calm, but the text has changed to one hundred.

Mad lion sword!

Another hundred words rushed into the sword, forming the shape of a lion, and the white shark bite together, both sides are fierce beasts, difficult to win.

"Hey, how long can you last?" Jiang Lingqing sneered, added to the second tooth!

The void is broken and it is difficult to resist the power of Jiang Lingqing's sword. However, Qin Qi is not a good match. The ancient powers are beating and the lion's sword is even more amazing.

Three teeth!

Jiang Lingqing's face is slightly ugly, this battle is too long, even if he finally defeated Qin Qi, it is difficult to form a shocking effect.

If it is not to crush Qin Qi, if there is no suspense, then he will still be criticized.

Not enough teeth, four teeth, no, five teeth!

At this moment, the power is terrible, and the king's field seems to have been cut open.

"Five teeth, do you know that you are shameless?" Qin Qi could not help but shake his head, this move name, trouble to go for a snack.

The amount is wrong, it seems to be too heart-warming.

Two hundred words, the sword asked!

A sword, a white shark.

"It seems that it is not enough to be shameless." Qin Qizhen said that the characters in the body are constantly lingering and extremely miraculous.

"Do you use the power of one-tenth of the great fruit? Oh, it’s pitiful, one-tenth, and dare to show up in front of me?" Jiang Lingqing sneered.

Qin Qi can block a five-toothed sky with a sword, and it is sure to use the power of the fruit of the great world.

Although he does not know what kind of attributes Qin Qi masters, but there is no other possibility than this.

Qin Qi's Wuhun, although powerful, has obviously been suppressed by his power. Only the fruits of the great world can make Qin Qi once again improve its combat power!

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