God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1087: War situation reversal

The first thousand and eighty-seven chapters of the war situation reversal


The entire Terran, all crazy, that comes from the hot roots of the human race, the power of that, so that they are full of confidence!

The Terran is a fire, reappearing in the world!

The fire is on, the Terran is there, this war, the Terran must win!

The human race that has been retired, the Terran, who was completely defeated by Qing Litian and Athena, now points the weapon at the Mozu again.

Because they know that if they have a fire to lead them, they will not lose!

In the long years of the human race, the fire is the ultimate belief, and it is a powerful source of strength from the end.

"Come on, the outcome of this battle is not known!"

"The fire has appeared, we are still afraid of what, victory must belong to our human race!"

"The ancestors of our Terran, with the will of the fire, thorns and thorns, and the servants of the past, have laid down the rivers and mountains for us today, let us no longer be enslaved, no longer oppressed, how can we let the ancestors be shamed and let our descendants Return to the era of **** wildness!"

"There is a fire to lead us, we will go all the way!"

The Terran Warrior roared, and the momentum immediately suppressed the Mozu.

It's hard to imagine, just because of one person, everything has changed. Qing Litian's unparalleled tactics, using soldiers as gods, countless Mozu warriors rushing into battle, terrible war weapons killing the Quartet, but they can't resist one's own power.

The demon army is weak, not because they are exhausted, but because of the momentum of the Terran side, they have completely suppressed them.

Not only the ground battlefield, but above the Scorpio, Wu Sheng is no longer suppressed by the prince, and the power from the depths of the blood, the will to extinguish the fire, makes them stronger!

"Human fire!" Qing Litian's beautiful voice in the scorpion is constantly beating, even her, the commander of the magic army, the first person of the Terran military to kill the list, can not help but shake at this moment.

Who can think that the power of the firepower is so powerful that it is not only an increase in momentum, but also a terrible increase in power.

Compared with Xiao You’s Dragon War, don’t be too strong.

This is the salary, the significance of the blood of the human race is important to add.

"Hey, is the human race reappearing? It’s good, then let the family completely fall into despair!" Qing Litian was indifferent, and the crystal-clear corner of his mouth was a little curved, and it was an amazing battle!

It is the face of the Terran, the Wizard of the Athena clan is not born, there is no slightest comfort.

"Transfer the whole army, according to my instructions, change the array!" Qing Litian drank, the adjutant around him quickly followed her instructions, and quickly passed the order.

The Mozu Legion began to change its position. It was no longer the pursuit of the past, but it did not retreat, and obviously had to fight with the Terran!

"It is the commander of the Mozu, the descendants of Athena, but unfortunately, meaningless!" Ye Liangchen stood in volley, overlooking the world, his momentum is unparalleled, no one is comparable.

"Hey, the fire of the Terran, let me try, how strong you are!" Qing Litian is not a wizard, in just a few breaths, he has already finished the arrangement.

Then, she did not retreat to the direction of the rear command, but first killed Ye Liangchen!

This Qing Litian, it is really hard to say, whether it is the strength of the war or the heart, she dare to challenge the people!

"Do you want to challenge me?" Ye Liangchen was condescending, and looked at Qing Litian indifferently.

"What is it?" Qing Litian sighed, carrying the power of the legion to rush!

"Whether, if you feel that you have the strength to fight with me, I Ye Liangchen does not mind to accompany the end!" Ye Liangchen cold, turned his hand, as if the sky has collapsed, the power, can not stop.

However, Qing Litian is not a good match. She also has a Guards Corps in her hand. That is the ace of the ace, only weaker than the Wolf Legion and the Allied Legion.

At this moment, the entire Guards united into a battlefield, with Qing Litian as the core. That is to say, now Qing Litian can break out the power of an ace leg, plus her own terrible power, not without a battle. Possible.

"Boom!" The day was bursting, and Qing Litian went up against it, challenging the authority of the Terran, but she failed.

Ye Liangchen's horror was completely beyond her expectations. She was suppressed only by a single blow. The entire Guards Corps was under pressure and almost no magic could work.

"Come on again!" Qing Litian gritted her teeth, and she was born with pride. She never put anyone in her eyes. Even if she is a natural person, she only needs to give her time.

Therefore, even if the other party is a Terran, it is not willing to admit its failure.

"There are the same times again, I have a hundred ways to make you here!" Ye Liangchen faintly said, one-handedly swaying, breaking the terrible attack of Qing Litian directly, "And you, helpless!"


Qing Litian gritted her teeth. She really felt helpless. This tribe was so powerful that she was already strong enough to reach her height. Obviously, the other party has not yet entered the holy, obviously, she is already a nine-step half-step prince, the most under the prince. Strong!

Moreover, she has the power of the Guards' Legion, and she is confronted with a star Wusheng.

But not an opponent!

Can a half-sacred really be strong enough?

The human race has broken all rules.

Ye Liangchen easily defeated Qing Litian, and the morale of the family was revived. On the other side of the Mozu, morale was low.

Such a good opportunity, the commander of the Terran is not vegetarian. His talents are not as good as Qing Litian, but they are not incompetent. They quickly made adjustments and counterattack the magic army.

In the hands of Qing Litian, who supported the two days, finally at this moment, exposed fierce fangs.

The horn of the counterattack has already blown, the human race is like a rainbow, and the counterattack goes away. Although the magic army is still strong, the momentum is different and gradually cannot be supported.


After the Mozu army, the sound of the guns continued to sound, but the guns fell like rain, but Ye Liangchen was in the forefront. These annihilation guns could not fall, and the air would burst open, even hurting the magic army itself.

"Counterattack!" Yan Yinxiu, led the 14th Army to counter the Mozu.

These people, obviously, are mostly injured and are almost exhausted, but at the moment, they are like crazy, going straight to the magic army.

Is the power of the Terran fire so large?

Even the gods like Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan did not consciously follow the figure, followed the flames and fought blood!

I am afraid that now the most peaceful people in the entire battlefield, only Qin Qi is left.

The blood in his body is very calm, and there is no feeling of boiling blood. In the past, when he saw the fire, he became the color power of the dog. At this moment, he is also relaxed and free to operate without fear.

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