God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1001: Associate Tenmu

The first thousand and one chapter of Zhun Tianwu

Qin Qi really couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't expect Hurunze to master such a terrible martial art. If he was hit, he would have to be in the same place.

Dodge is the best choice.

However, Qin Qi is going to have a hard time to look at it.

Golden Dragon Festival!

Qin Qi's body, muscle agitation, blood vessels burst, almost instantly turned into a blood man, and the golden dragon above his sword front, but it is twenty!

Twenty gold dragons, 20,000% of attacks, two hundred times, you are not dead and die!

Hu Runze laughed, Qin Qi actually chose to pick up this trick, stupid!


This is quasi-Tianwu, that is, he has to pay a huge price to be able to display it, and after it is displayed, it will enter a state of weakness, and there will be no one in the battle force, and even the potential will be affected.

However, killing Qin Qi is the first one now, and this price is worth it!

The power of the wind reached its peak at this moment, and it can cut everything. However, the dragon **** grows up with the sword light, not only does not fall into the wind, but instead suppresses it step by step.

"This is impossible!" Hu Runze's face was distorted, and he could never admit it.

Qin Qi, how can it be so strong!

"Slow go and don't send." Qin Qi whispered indifferently, Jianguang squatted, Hurun Ze into two paragraphs, even the soul was directly broken.

After collecting the soul, Qin Qi also could not support it and fell from the sky.

There is a light in his body that beats and repairs the injury, but the last blow is still too reluctant, and the counter-attack is serious. Fortunately, the battle is over and there are no enemies.

The peak of the seven stars is still strong, and I don’t know how amazing the eight stars are.

"Qin Qi, you are fine!" Xiaobai came over and will hold Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is now blood, looks very miserable.

"I'm fine, this is nothing to hurt, give time to recover." Qin Qidao, the light shrouded, the trauma is constantly being repaired, but the inside injury, it takes some time to nurse.

"I didn't expect that the goods could even be used to display the martial arts." Qin Qi smiled, knowing that the anti-shield would not be so fast.

However, Hu Runze is not an idiot. He will not force Qin Qi to rebound and he will not be able to use such killings.

"It's really amazing." Xiaobai nodded. She felt the power just now. She couldn't help but tremble and didn't dare to disobey, but she quickly laughed and said, "But you are more powerful."

"That is!" Qin Qi proudly smiled, praised by Xiaobai, my heart is still beautiful, after all, Xiaobai praises you, that is true boast, never take false.

And some people will definitely not be like Xiaobai.

"Wow, Lin Egg is not so good, I admire you too much!" Green Luo flew over and shouted at the big eyes.

Look, the same meaning, even more exaggerated than Xiaobai, but it sounds so unsatisfactory?

"Don't worship brother, brother is just a legend." Qin Qi said.

"That legend, brother, space ring, give me a look!" Green Luo smiled, the nature is exposed, it is estimated that just praised Qin Qi, is entirely for the baby.

"What space ring, I am too heavy, very weak, to rest." Qin Qi to Xiaobai, I do not want to care about this heartless hoe.

The green radish flat mouth, then jumped to Qin Qi, and stood like a landscape painting.

"You, what do you want?" Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, but did not want to look at the green radish, but the green radish is so beautiful, pretty, the skin is like shining, Qin Qi's eyeballs are like It is difficult to remove the iron that is attracted by the magnet.

Man, hey!

"Give me the space ring, double repair with you!" Green red lips slightly, Qin Qi ears sighed.

Qin Qi was a spirit, his hair was up, and he was defeated.

"You please, all of you, you just leave me some soup water." Qin Qi handed the space ring to the green radish.

This day, I am not afraid of the hoe, too embarrassed, Qin Qi is not an opponent.

Green Lorton smiled happily, and the satisfied drumstick baby went.

Qin Qi did not care about him, was brought to the ground by Xiao Bai, then sat down and began to heal.

There is the treatment of the bright priest, and the recovery of the body of the dragon vein. Qin Qi’s injury will be restored in about half a day.

At this time, Xiaobai sat by Qin Qi, staring at Qin Qi, thinking about when Qin Qi can recover, just not eating enough, but also being disturbed, must eat more delicious to make up for it. .

Green radish is looking for a space ring, sometimes smirking, sometimes a look of disgust, yelling at those people waste, the realm is so high, baby so little, deserve to die.

Green radish, or sputum, is the same for all sides.

Finally, the baby, the green radish itself has a few copies, many can be directly fed to the saplings, it is estimated that after the small saplings are digested, the strength of the green radish can be improved, will not be opened by Qin Qi, and even she will work hard again. One, there is more than Qin Qi's possibility.

The talent of the green radish is really rare in the world. It is a matter of rebuilding the martial arts. Most people don’t even think about it. They may be scrapped directly, but the green radish succeeds, and catches up again.

Unceremoniously, she is too greedy to play. If she has half of the pains of paying for the color, it is definitely several times more powerful than Qin Qi.

Those who are taken care of by God are not comparable to mortals.

The hard work of a genius for thousands of years may not be as serious as her year of hard work.

Sometimes, people are more mad than people, and they are not willing and useless.

Put the baby you can use, and the green radish will hand Qin Qi and Xiao Bai to them.

Xiao Bai got a sword, which is the treasure of the Yaozu, the heavenly grade, the absolute good baby, and the white color, it is indeed in line with the white temperament.

This sword is derived from Hu Runze, this product likes the demon girl, so it collects many treasures of the Yaozu. This sword is the best one, although it can't compare with the Dragon God tears, but In the same level of the sword, it is also very good.

As for Qin Qi, it is a martial art.

"Tianfeng blood book?" Qin Qi's eyes flashed in the eye, isn't this the last time Hu Runze's last-placed Shi Tianwu?

Good things, I am afraid that this time the income is the most prepared, you know, not all eight forces can have a quasi-Tianwu!

"You can't cultivate the wind system, you are cheaper, but the quasi-tianwu is not comparable to the national martial arts. Even if there is a 'quasi-' word, it is still a martial art. It is difficult to cultivate, and you want to dig into the essence and achieve perfection. It's even harder."

"I estimate that Hu Runze is simply able to use this quasi-tianwu, otherwise it may not be known to defeat you." Green Luo said, telling the strength and cultivation difficulty of Zhunwuwu.

"However, your words should be able to master it quickly." Green Luo finally laughed, although often smashed Qin Qi, and Qin Qi bicker, but the strength of Qin Qi is still extremely recognized.

"Of course." Qin Qi smiled, a blood line appeared on his fingertips, and immediately turned into a blast, and his breath suddenly increased.

Quasi-Tianwu, already learned!

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