God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 992: Only hope to die without regret

The ninth ninety-two chapter only hopes to die without regret

Infinite sword system!


Infinite day sword!

Double open unlimited, see who is stronger!

This is the first time that Qin Qi has displayed an infinite sword. Each sword inherits the 50% attribute of the Dragon God Tears. The sword is like a god, endless.

Jianguang forward, Qin Qi's attack speed is too fast, the naked eye can not keep up, can only see a sword and light to the king without hate.

When Jianguang passed, Jun had no hate and some could not stand it. He constantly waved his arm and shook a large thunder, and the mirror also flashed, and the thunder hit with the power of destruction.

However, Qin Qi is still too fast, and every time he shoots, he is almost unpredictable.

The ten-handed swords are constantly flying, and Qin Qi flashes back and forth. No one can know where he will attack the next moment. These combat skills have been extremely sublimated and difficult to resist.

There is no pressure for Jun’s hate. If it is a general attack, it will be considered. However, every sword of Qin Qi is like martial arts. It is huge in power and seemingly endless. It is really difficult to parry.

Moreover, Qin Qi's combat skills are too high, and the use of shadow sword teleports is even more subtle. Whenever you want to counterattack, Qin Qi has already moved away from the first step, and at the same time launching new attacks, it is extremely tricky.

If you don’t have years of fighting experience, I’m afraid that Qin Qi has found a flaw.

"Unfortunately, I am too old, if it is young and a hundred years old, how good!" Jun no hate eyes brighter a few points, the body shape is more straight, it seems to return to youth.

He began to counterattack, the action is like lightning, the old state before the opposite.

"Come back, let me die without regrets!" Jun did not hate a long laugh, the endless red thunder roared, the electric light flashed, like the sky dawning, a fiery red!

Quasi-national Wu·leiming dawn!

No, no, this Thunder is too horrible, and there is a vision of heaven and earth, and the sky is dawning.

This is only afraid, it is already a martial arts level at the national level!

This martial arts, Qin Qi once saw Mo Ziqi cast, is one of the secrets of the Jun family, it is indeed very powerful, but there is no more hate in front of the show, but it is much stronger than Mo Ziqi.

It is simply the difference between an adult and a child.

Indeed, Qin Qi possesses ancient Wu, even like Shi Tianhao, and also has the same level of ancient Wu Wu, the power of these martial arts exercises far exceeds the national military.

But that is the premise of being able to dig out all the forces of martial arts. A perfect national martial art and a martial art that only touches the fur, I am afraid that the power is better than the national martial arts!

The understanding of martial arts is the foundation of strength!

Qin Qi, Wan Jian Qi moving, the scene is incomparably scary, these swords, like a shower, all stabbed to Jun no hate.

It’s just that there is no hate around, the thunder roars, the whole person is like a thunderball, the law is not invading, the sword of Qin Qi, has not been touched, no hate has been shattered by lightning, even if Wan Jian moves forward, breaks The road thunder protects the body, but in the end it can not penetrate the chest without hate.


The thunder of the sky, the red light of the thunder is like a dawn, reflecting the sky.

This is the dawn of the thunder of perfection.

The real power of Guowu.

"Old friend, I haven't used you for a long time, I was almost unfamiliar. Fortunately, I created you, and I will not forget it." Jun hated whispering, and thunder was even more terrifying. If the sky is gongs and drums, it seems that the beast that was closed is finally I can see the weather.

Qin Qi's look changed, this thunder and dawn, actually created by the eyes of this person, no wonder so powerful, truly master the essence of this national weapon!

"Little dolls, continue to fight!" Jun did not hate to drink, the war is soaring, the Thunder, almost integrated with the lightning in the clouds.

"Hey, I am afraid that your old arms and legs will not last long!" Qin Qi responded, his breath has also changed, becoming even colder, like a sword.

People are like dragons, and they are like swords!

A piece of golden dragon, condensed around Qin Qi, constantly roaring, exudes amazing power.

Golden Dragon Festival!

Qin Qi also has a high spirit of war, and there are many martial arts behind him, not only the ancestor king, but the Ding lord also appeared, brute force, dragon power, and integration.

In a snow and ice, the ice queen is like the **** of ice, hands behind the two violent martial arts, and their strength is further stimulated out!

This scene, about the only young king of the gods can be called!

"Three gods and martial arts, it is really the pride of the sky!" Jun has no hate vibration, but also more excited.

"You are very strong, but old, I didn't use all my strength, but I didn't tell you morally. Now I have two hits, and it's fair. If I lose, I still look at it!" Qin Qi Shen, he has no Hate does not have the disgust of other members of the family, but some admiration, recognize the other's ambition.

But when you are on the opposite side, there is no possibility of kindness, and you must divide one life and death.

Qin Qi only hopes that he can die without regrets.

"Haha, little doll, old age likes you more, you can rest assured that the end of life can have this battle, die without regrets!" Jun no hate laughed, very sprinkled, his breath is stronger, like The ignited thatched grass, the blazing fire is only a moment.

Just at this moment, decide a winner!

"Little white, up!" Qin Qi whispered, and the body of Jinlong fluttered.

Xiaobai nodded, the demon power was raised to the limit, the road was rotated, she had already turned out the body, completely liberating the power of the blood!

Jinlong and the white fox, combined to kill.

"Well come!" Jun did not hate to laugh, the mirror above the head suddenly slammed into a big, like a portal, standing behind the king without hate.

Inside, there was a **** red thunder jumping, as if a thunder sea would rush out, but in the end, but failed to do it, but still attached a large number of thunder to the non-hate.

A thunder, the world is dawning.

"Boom!" A loud roar sounded, and the clouds of the sky were directly shaken by this terrible force. The dark clouds retreated and dissipated in the raging power, and a concave pit appeared.

The clouds continued to diverge. Eventually, the violent force penetrated the thick clouds and the sky fell.

Fire red, like a glow.

"It's amazing!" Green Luo whispered, this last blow, whether it is the combination of Qin Qi and Xiao Bai, or the power of no hate, is terrible, has the power of close to the seven-star high.

Everyone looked at it, and Duan Ping and the sharks were the same, waiting nervously for the results.

They hope that Qin Qi can win. After all, if Qin Qi loses, then their final result is a dead word, killing the four forces, and those who are strong will never let them live.

In the end, the power dissipated, and Xiaobai re-formed the adult shape, standing with Qin Qi, and the two bathed under the Holy Light to repair the injury.

Their injuries are indeed not light, but they are not fatal and barely acceptable.

In fact, Qin Qi’s final blow has condensed twelve golden dragons, which is 12,000% of the attack increase, and the traces of the sky are absolutely unmatched.

And the power of Xiaobai is equally terrible, and the power of the blood of the blood is played to the extreme.

But even then, they are still injured, and the white injury is even heavier than Qin Qi.

This old guy is getting into the ground, but this battle is really terrifying.

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