Chapter 247 Little Brother

In the guest room of Juntian Wushu Hall, Tang Yao contacted Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui.

Knowing that both of them were all right, Tang Yao felt relieved.

After telling Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun that they were not going home recently, Tang Yao took out a small bottle.

Looking at the 30 drops of life essence left in the bottle, Tang Yao smiled.

After using up these, only a whole bottle of life essence is left.

It can’t be used anymore, a bottle must be left for later use.

In terms of Ascension’s strength, a bottle of life essence is equivalent to an earth element fruit, both of which are 100 points of Ascension’s physique, and it takes ten days to absorb it.

In other words, you can ascension ten points of physique a day, and you can control it instantly.

Fortunately, without special cultivation, the strength will continue to Ascension.

After 3 days, my physique will reach 796 points.

Take another bottle of level 6 genetic medicine to advance to the 8-star warlord.

At that time, go to the wilderness.

Intermediate vitality extraction skills must be used well.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao poured all the life essence in the bottle into his mouth.

Afterwards, Tang Yao took out his battle clothes and began to refine.


November 3, 8 o’clock in the morning.



Tang Yao heard a knock on the door as soon as he finished breakfast.

Opening the door, Tang Yao saw Ji Qiangwei who charmed all living beings.

Tang Yao was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Ji Qiangwei’s intentions.

Tang Yao smiled and let Ji Qiangwei into the room.

Looking at Tang Yao who was intact, Ji Qiangwei nodded comfortably and smiled: “I went to the hospital to see you this morning, but I didn’t expect you to have been discharged. I asked Aunt Bai and I knew you were here. No, I I came here. How is the recovery?”

Tang Yao replied: “Fortunately, you will be able to fully recover in one or two days. Sister Qiangwei, in two days, I will be able to help you transmit information to those Ji family pharmacists. This matter, you and Miao Miao Have you negotiated?”

“You kid, you still have a conscience and haven’t forgotten about me. Well, it has been negotiated, and it will be carried out in the name of cooperation between the Ji family and Juntian Wuguan Dange. Fortunately, people have already arrived a few days ago, otherwise Now it’s difficult to get people over.”

“Indeed, all major bases are now guarding against zombies and upgraded beasts. I don’t know when they will start a war again. Pharmacists are important strategic resources. It is not easy to get people away.”

“Yeah! I have already discussed with Miao Miao sister, when you are fully recovered, first transmit information to these pharmacists in Ji’s family. After the end, Juntian Martial Arts Hall is likely to send you to Juntian base. That’s it. On the other hand, Ms. Miao Miao had gathered all the pharmacists below level 6 in the Dan Pavilion.”

“Okay, no problem, let’s start tomorrow!”

“Well, tomorrow morning, you can come and find me. I have arranged the place. If you don’t want to reveal your identity, just pretend to be.”

Tang Yao nodded.

Tang Yao really had to pretend.

Now, he is conspicuous enough.

It would be even more dangerous if he could transmit information through Mental Energy, the level of a wide range of Ascension pharmacists.

However, after Tang Yao was promoted to God of War, even if he was exposed, there would be no problem.

At that time, even if there is a lurking corpse king or someone from the Holy League in the base, he can not beat him, and it is okay to delay some time and wait for rescue.

After chatting for a while, Ji Qiangwei left.

The sudden outbreak of the war brought Ji Qiangwei a lot of trouble, and she also had a lot of things to deal with.

After Ji Qiangwei left, Tang Yao continued to refine the battle clothes.

With the intermediate forging magic technique, Tang Yao was able to recover Mental Energy much faster, greatly shortening the time required for refining the battle suit.

At eight o’clock in the evening, Tang Yao completely refined the suit.

Tang Yao smiled satisfied after turning his battle clothes into casual wear.

Still wearing this stuff, feel more secure.


On the 4th, eight o’clock in the morning.

Located at the gate of Jishi Ningcheng Base Branch Building in the main urban area.

A beautiful figure stood there, waiting quietly.

The people who saw this scene were a little surprised, but also a little confused.

These people are all speculating, who has such a big face?

Actually let Ji’s big Miss, the head of the Ningcheng branch stand in advance to greet him personally!

These people did not dare to bother, passing by Ji Qiangwei’s side, they all bent over to pay their respects and left immediately.

At this time, Ji Qiangwei saw a person walking in the distance, wrapped tightly.

Ji Qiangwei smiled and walked forward.

Walking to Tang Yao’s body, Ji Qiangwei chuckles and said, “You kid, all right! I just ruined a battle suit and got another one out. The package is pretty tight!”

Tang Yao smiled triumphantly: “No way, I’m too good, I can only keep a low profile.”

Even if she couldn’t see Tang Yao’s expression, Ji Qiangwei could imagine Tang Yao’s ass expression at this time.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ji Qiangwei took Tang Yao to the top floor of the building and walked into a spacious office in the eyes of everyone’s speculation.

This office is next to Ji Qiangwei’s office.

Ji Qiangwei smiled and said: “Little demon, you wait here first, I’ll arrange for someone to come over.”

After speaking, Ji Qiangwei smiled charmingly, turned and walked out of the office.

Looking at Ji Qiangwei’s back, Tang Yao sighed silently.

Little demon?

The mother must have told this little lady!

I’m such a masculine and handsome young man, doesn’t it match this name?

The two bastards, Ba Jie and Dead Man Face, have their nicknames!

However, Ba Jie and Dead Human Face don’t seem to sound good!

Forget it, too lazy to care about them.

Call it whatever you want!

Ten minutes later, Ji Qiangwei came back.

Ji Qiangwei handed Tang Yao a wireless controller and said, “I have arranged everyone. You press the button in the middle of this controller, and you will hear a sound outside, and a pharmacist will come in.”

“There are 112 pharmacists in total, don’t worry, take your time. Pay attention to the consumption of Mental Energy, and take a break when you are tired. Among the pharmacists, there are many arrogant and arrogant.

Tang Yao nodded and smiled: “Sister Qiangwei, don’t worry, I know it in my heart.”

Ji Qiangwei said, “Then, it’s up to you. Little Demon Little Brother!”

After speaking, Ji Qiangwei giggled, turned and left.

The corner of Tang Yao’s mouth twitched.

This little lady is getting more and more frantic!

Shaking his head helplessly, Tang Yao picked up the controller and pressed it.


One morning, Tang Yao transmitted information to the pharmacist selected by Ji Qiangwei while recovering the mental energy he had consumed.

By twelve noon, Tang Yao had already transmitted information to 30 pharmacists.

As breakthrough was approaching, Tang Yao transmitted knowledge of pharmacists one level higher.

If there is still a distance from breakthrough, Tang Yao will transmit the knowledge of the current level of pharmacist.

It can be so fast, mainly because Ji Qiangwei is arranged according to the level of the pharmacist, from lowest to highest.

In the early stage, Tang Yao needs to consume less Mental Energy, and the progress is fast.

Later, the speed will get slower and slower.

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