Chapter 233 Rest in Peace!


At this moment, the speed-type crystal armor pierced in the abdomen exploded fiercely and turned into a big fireball.

Immediately before the explosion, the brain of this crystal armor slowly turned to the direction of Ningcheng base, as if he wanted to take a last look at the home he was guarding.

But in the end, before he turned his head, the crystal armor exploded.

After the crystal armor exploded, the shock wave and the parts that burst into the crystal armor all rushed to the golden feather eagle that pierced its abdomen.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao’s heart trembled.

This is targeted self-destruction!

The explosion of the crystal armor was not due to an accident, but the soldier named Xiaohu took the initiative to trigger the self-destruction mechanism.

He could have looked at his home for the last time, but he didn’t.

The purpose is to seize the fighter opportunity and create opportunities for comrades to kill the Golden Feather Eagle.

The moment the crystal armor exploded, the right claw of the golden feather eagle piercing the crystal armor was directly shattered by the explosion.

The huge body of the Golden Feather Eagle was thrown upward by the huge shock wave.

Jin Yuying let out a miserable cry, madly fanning his wings, trying to stabilize his body.

But the golden feather eagle only stirred its wings, and was shot out, and a large number of fragments of the crystal armor burst into the body.

The fragments that hit the golden feather eagle’s wings all returned without success, but the fragments stabbing the golden feather eagle’s abdomen and the roots of the two wings all pierced in.

Large swaths of dark red blood are constantly spilling.

The wings of the Golden Feather Eagle fell weakly, and could only be thrown away by the shock wave.

However, the direction in which the golden feather eagle was thrown away was actually in the direction away from the battle line.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers who gritted their teeth could only sigh helplessly.

Xiaohu’s desperate blow had severely damaged the Golden Feather Eagle, but it was impossible to kill it.

At this time, Tang Yao flashed a cold light in his eyes, and put down the Skyfire M362 machine gun in his hand.

With a thought, the Liefeng 5 series sniper rifle appeared in Tang Yao’s hands.

Tang Yao filled 3 armor-piercing bullets at the fastest speed.

After that, Tang Yao raised the sniper rifle, aimed it at the golden feather eagle in the air, and pulled the trigger.

After 0.3 seconds, Tang Yao adjusted the angle and pulled the trigger again.

After a pause of less than 0.1 seconds, Tang Yao slightly adjusted the angle of the muzzle before pulling the trigger for the third time.

Three armor-piercing projectiles were ejected from the muzzle one after another, and fired at extreme speed in the direction of the Golden Feather Eagle.

At this time, the shock wave has weakened, and the golden feather eagle is facing the front of the human side and is falling backward.

When the first armor-piercing projectile approached the Golden Feather Eagle, it was immediately spotted.

The golden feather eagle struggled to raise the right wing, blocking own body.


The first armor-piercing projectile hit the golden feather eagle’s wings, and after a crisp sound, it fell down.

Resisting the attack under the severe injury caused a touch of contempt in the eyes of the imperfect Golden Feather Eagle.

The golden feather eagle put down its wings, intending to see who attacked it.

At this moment, the second armor-piercing bullet arrived.

The shooting position is exactly the right eye of Golden Feather Eagle.

At this time, it was too late for the golden feather eagle to raise its wings, and the golden feather eagle immediately closed his eyelids.


The bullet hit the golden feather eagle’s eyelid, dented the eyelid a bit, and then fell down.

Jin Yuying let out a stern cry in pain, and suddenly opened his eyes in anger.

Golden Feather Eagle wants to see who is attacking it!

It will tear the attackers to pieces.


The moment Golden Feather Eagle opened his eyes, the third armor-piercing bullet penetrated through its right eye.

The anger in Jin Yuying’s eyes was frozen, and before he let out a scream, his head drooped.


After a while, the golden feather eagle fell straight to the ground and lost its breath.

Tang Yao sighed.

Little tiger, rest in peace!

Upon seeing this, the soldiers of the 6th Battalion were overjoyed, and they all secretly thanked Tang Yao for his timely action.

Duan Peng who was fighting shouted loudly: “Captain Tang, thank you!”

Tang Yao smiled and said nothing.

Tang Yao glanced at the place where the golden feather eagle’s corpse fell, and frowned secretly.

At this time, the upgraded beast on the ground was already very close to the battle line.

At the forefront is a huge number of upgraded rats.

Just as the body of the Golden Feather Eagle fell, a nearby gold-eating rat with green pupils rushed over and bit the head of the Golden Feather Eagle in half.

Afterwards, the golden rat swallowed the golden feather eagle’s beast crystal into its stomach with a roll of its barbed tongue.

Tang Yao picked up the Skyfire M362 machine gun and continued to fight, while secretly muttering in his heart.


Cheap this golden rat!

Rat tide!


After swallowing the beast crystal, the golden rat’s body began to swell, and it didn’t stop until it doubled its size.

The pupils of this golden rat gradually turned cyan, and his eyes showed a hint of agility.

Obviously, this Golden Rat has been promoted from a high-level beast soldier with only instincts to a junior upgraded beast commander with a trace of consciousness.

Swallowing corpse crystals and beast crystals is the quickest way to advance zombies and upgraded beasts.

As long as it can withstand the energy impact of the corpse crystal and the beast crystal, the promotion will be completed soon.

Moreover, the higher the level of the corpse crystal and the beast crystal, the faster the promotion speed, and the higher the strength of Ascension.

In less than 1 minute, this golden rat completed the promotion.

The strength of this Golden Rat has reached the middle level of the junior upgraded beast commander, which is equivalent to a 2-star warrior.


At this time, the golden rat roared, and hundreds of soldier-level rat-like upgraded beasts quickly gathered around him.

With little brother own, this golden rat quickly rushed towards the human defense.

The Skyfire M362 machine gun in Tang Yao’s hand was madly ejecting bullets, and the flying upgraded beasts in the air in front of him continued to fall.

When the upgraded beast on the ground was about to reach, Tang Yao finally exhausted all the bullets.

Tang Yao put the Skyfire M362 machine gun, which was about to be scrapped, into the Interspatial Ring.

Instead, it was a black spear and a pair of black gloves that were as thin as cicada wings.

Although Tang Yao’s customized level 9 weapons have not yet arrived, for now, as long as they are not fighting against king-level zombie upgraded beasts, level 6 black gold is enough.

This pair of Level 7 gloves was purchased at Karen Base when Tang Yao participated in the three martial arts competitions.

With this pair of gloves, even if facing the junior corpse king or the beast king, Tang Yao dared to fight.

Tang Yao walked forward quickly, while walking, Tang Yao operated a few times on the tactical watch.

Going to the center of the front of the 92nd Battalion’s defense line, Tang Yaoyi spear thrust out.

This shot directly pierced the head of a blood crow at the junior commander level who was fighting with a squad leader.

Tang Yao used his wrist to pick the blood crow’s body to the rear.

Later, Tang Yao thought.

Talented ability: Master the soul!

At the upper left of Tang Yao, the body of a two-headed griffin of the Intermediate Commander level appeared for an instant pause.

Upon seeing this, a squad leader who was fighting against a two-headed griffin lit up and immediately jumped upward.

Raising the knife in his hand, the team leader chopped off both heads of the double-headed griffin with a single knife.

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