Chapter 223 I’m the Messenger of the Corpse Emperor

Tang Yao smiled, and then the corpse turned into an intermediate corpse king.

As Tang Yao’s body grew, his battle clothes changed rapidly, always firmly covering him.

Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction.

This jersey is awesome!

It really suits me!

After that, under the cover of two bodyguards, Tang Yao squatted and started to move along the wall on the west side of Lujia Manor.

In this way, even if the bodyguards farther away saw it, it would only be when the two bodyguards were chatting and would not doubt anything.

As he walked, Tang Yao released a faint zombie aura.

This breath is very weak, even at the peak of God of War, as long as the distance is not too close, it can’t be perceived.

But as long as Lu Wenju is not too far away, he will definitely be able to perceive it.

After all, Lu Wenju is a junior corpse king, and he must be very sensitive to the breath of zombies.

Under the cover of two bodyguards, Tang Yao walked about 50 meters back and forth before stopping.

Tang Yao first created a false memory for the two bodyguards, and then left again in a creeping manner.

Back among the rocks, Tang Yao found a relatively open position and stood there waiting quietly.

At the same time, Tang Yao stopped the release of zombie breath.

From the Lu Family Manor to here, there is a remnant of zombie aura, and Tang Yao is not worried that Lu Wenju can’t find him.

Tang Yao waited for a few minutes, and saw a black shadow approaching quickly.

Tang Yao’s thoughts moved, his battle clothes exposed his head, and a pair of vertical pupils looked at the black shadow that was getting closer and closer without emotion.

The black shadow reached a place 5 meters away from Tang Yao, stopped, and said nothing.

The black shadow wore a large robe, covering his entire body.

The large hat attached to the robe hides the black shadow’s face in the darkness.

Looking at the black shadow in front of him, Tang Yao’s heart moved, and the pressure of an intermediate corpse king flashed away.

Perceiving this majesty, Sombra’s body instantly swelled, and the pressure of a junior corpse king radiated out and was immediately retracted. .

After that, Sombra took off his hat, bowed to Tang Yao, and let out a few low-pitched roars.

“Lu Wenju, the lurker of primary transformation, has met an adult.”

Tang Yao’s heart moved.

As for what this method is, I don’t know.

It may be a talent ability!

It is also possible that it is an ability of a powerful person at the level of the corpse emperor.

Thoughts quickly flashed through Tang Yao’s mind.

At this time, Lu Wenju also had some doubts in his heart.

When we contacted before, they were all in the wilderness.

This time, how could an intermediate corpse king take the initiative to come to me in the base?

Moreover, it is not the same corpse king that I used to contact.

Could it be that something happened?

Thinking of this, the Intermediate Corpse King on the opposite side never spoke. Lu Wenju asked: “Your Majesty is here, do you have any instructions?”

Tang Yao thought for a while, roared and said in zombie language: “At present, your majesty is discussing with the beast king to jointly deal with humans. I am here now, and it is appointed by your majesty. One is to warn you not to use corpses in the wilderness. The king’s form conflicts with the upgraded beast, so as not to affect the negotiation between his majesty and the beast king.”

“The second is to assess your loyalty to your Majesty by the transformation lurkers. The battle will break out in the near future, and you will be activated. You are the pawns carefully laid by your Majesty, and you cannot afford to lose.”

Tang Yao’s words were very straightforward and very rude.

Because he knew that the ranks among the zombies were strict, and what he pretended to be the messenger of the Emperor of Corpse, if he was too polite, it would arouse Lu Wenju’s suspicion.

Hearing this, Lu Wenju’s heart trembled.

Is the war coming?

After all, I still can’t hide it!

Lu Wenju respectfully said: “My lord, please rest assured, I will definitely pay attention in the wilderness, and I will never influence your majesty’s plan. I don’t know, how do you plan to evaluate your majesty?”

Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction, and said: “My talent can perceive what you think in your heart. All you need to do is to cooperate with me honestly.”

Lu Wen lifted a pair of vertical pupils and shrank fiercely, his heart burning with anger.


If it really probed my heart, then what secret do I have to talk about.

Lu Wenju took a deep breath, suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said in a deep voice: “My lord, when your Majesty transformed me, there was a trace of Mental Energy left in my mind. If I dared to be unfaithful to your Majesty, I would have died long ago. Under your majesty’s Mental Energy, how can you survive to this day?”

Tang Yao said in a cold tone: “Your Majesty’s order, do you dare to disobey?”

Lu Wenju hurriedly bowed and said, “Subordinates dare not!”

Tang Yao’s tone eased a little, and said, “Human beings have a lot of tricks, your majesty has to be careful. If it weren’t for your majesty’s order, how would I waste Mental Energy doing this thankless thing?”

“You can rest assured, as long as you don’t resist, I will carefully manipulate my talents and do not hurt you as much as possible. As for your secrets, I am not interested.”

“The only thing I have to do is to confirm your loyalty to your majesty. Don’t resist, otherwise, not only you, but the Lu family will disappear.”

In the roomy robe, Lu Wenju clenched his fists fiercely.

Lu Wenju was angry, but helpless.

From the moment he became the king of the corpse, his fate was doomed.

He is a chess piece of the corpse emperor, a nail that the corpse emperor puts in the human world.

The one that activated him was when Death came.

Lu Wen tried to resist more than once, even if he died, he didn’t want to live such a dark and hopeless day.

But he dare not!

The corpse emperor warned him the first time he was transforming Lu Wenju into a corpse queen.

If Lu Wenju betrayed, the corpse emperor would destroy the Lu family.

For the continuation of the Lu family, Lu Wenju can only linger helplessly.

Now, the messenger of the corpse king once again threatened him with the Lu family, and he could only helplessly compromise.

Lu Wenju sighed unwillingly, and then Lotus Position sat on the rock and closed his eyes.

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