Chapter 213

Bai Qiuyun didn’t care about this unpleasant smell.

Bai Qiuyun carefully took out the same items in the box.

While holding it, he was constantly stroking it.

As if she was stroking the beautiful girl who had disappeared for a long time.

Gradually, Bai Qiuyun burst into tears, but did not let out a single cry.

Tang Yuanshan at this time, staring at those objects, his eyes were blood red.

Tang Yuanshan’s eyes were very complicated, with longing, reluctance, anger, and unwillingness.

In the end, two huge teardrops fell straight down Tang Yuanshan’s eyes.

Tears fell on the ground and shattered, as if they were the hearts of the three people at this time.

Tang Yao squeezed his fists fiercely, and resisted so that the tears did not rush out of his eyes.

Old sister!

I am getting closer and closer to you!

You must wait for me!

Tang Yao didn’t persuade Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun about anything, but just stood there silently to accompany them.

Since Tang Yu disappeared, a big rock has been pressed in the hearts of the family.

It’s okay to cry!

For a while, the room was unusually quiet.

However, the sad atmosphere filled every corner of the room.

After taking out all the items in the box, Bai Qiuyun got up and took a brand-new towel and a basin of water.

At this time, Tang Yao said, “Mom, wait a minute.”

After speaking, Tang Yao turned and walked out of the room and walked downstairs.

Tang Yao walked to a big tree and put his hand on the trunk.

Talented ability: life!

In an instant, the vitality of the tree was continuously extracted by Tang Yao.

Tang Yao didn’t try his best to extract the vitality of the big tree. After drawing one tenth, he switched to the next one.

After extracting the vitality of 10 big trees one after another, 3 drops of light green liquid appeared in Tang Yao’s hand.

The liquid exudes a fresh breath, making Tang Yao feel comfortable all over.

These 3 drops of life liquid composed of plant vitality, although the effect is not as good as the life essence, but the effect is good in healing and cultivation.

Later, Tang Yao returned to 1602 and dropped a drop of life fluid into the basin.

Tang Yao collected the remaining two drops into a small glass bottle.

Suddenly, the water in the basin exudes a faint fresh breath.

Although the breath is light, it is enough to eliminate the peculiar smell on those items.

Bai Qiuyun nodded to Tang Yao, soaked the towel with the water in the basin, and then began to wipe.

After wiping all the items that could be wiped three times, Bai Qiuyun placed these items neatly on the coffee table.

After that, Bai Qiuyun took the remaining items and the small glass bottle containing two drops of life fluid, walked into the bathroom, and began to wash one by one with her hands.

Soon, Tang Yao in the living room heard a low sob from the bathroom.

Bai Qiuyun’s depressed cry made Tang Yao’s heart tear like a pain.

Tang Yao took a deep breath and walked to the sad Tang Yuanshan.

Tang Yao patted Tang Yuanshan on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, “Dad, the old sister should not be dead.”

Tang Yao rarely calls Tang Yuanshan Dad, but now, he wants to call it that way.

Tang Yuanshan raised his head abruptly, staring at Tang Yao, his eyes gleaming with hope.

Tang Yuanshan asked hoarsely: “What you said is true?”

Tang Yao nodded solemnly and said, “At present, there is a general direction and some eyebrows. The missing genius is not just the old sister, these people should have been captured by the same force.”

“But like the old sister, there are not many people who deliberately arrest people from the Beijing War Palace where the masters gather. Taking such a big risk to take the old sister, shows that the old sister is very important to the force that took her. Therefore, I judge that the old sister is not dead.”

“The old sister’s matter, I will definitely follow it up. You and Mom, just wait patiently. Don’t reveal anything, and don’t deliberately pursue anything. That power is hidden in the human world, if they are aware of something , You are in danger.”

Tang Yao didn’t tell Tang Yuanshan about the Shengmeng because he was afraid.

He was afraid that Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun would do irrational things, that they would be targeted by the Holy League, and that they would die.

Hearing this, Tang Yuanshan’s eyes showed brilliance, and his frowning brows stretched a lot.

Tang Yao continued: “Mom, please calm down and don’t make her feel too sad. I took these things back to make you think, but I don’t want you to cry all day. I still have something to do. Let’s go first.”

Tang Yuanshan nodded.

Tang Yao took a deep look towards the bathroom, then turned and left.

When going downstairs, Tang Yao sent a message to Jiang Changhai.

After receiving the reply, Tang Yao returned to the villa and drove the war shuttle straight to the main city.

At 8:30 in the evening, Zhan Shuo landed on the roof of the main building of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Tang Yao walked out of Zhan Shuo with a calm expression.

On the way, Tang Yao has adjusted his own emotions.

Tang Yao came directly to the door of Jiang Changhai’s office.



Tang Yao knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Jiang Changhai’s voice came from inside the office.

Tang Yao opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Tang Yao, Jiang Changhai laughed and said, “You kid, if you don’t come to see me today, I will also find you tomorrow.”

Tang Yao smiled, walked to the reception area and sat opposite Jiang Changhai.

Tang Yao asked: “The chief curator already knows what I’m here for, right?”

Jiang Changhai nodded and said, “Wan Polu contacted me with an old man. Your kid really made me look at me! Why? Are you interested in my position?”

Tang Yao said bluntly: “Yes, my family and friends are in the Ningcheng base, and this is my root. The position of the general curator of the Juntian martial arts hall of the Ningcheng base is very important to me.”

“But, your kid has just been promoted to the general. I can’t wait for too long. I don’t want to be like Lao Wan, becoming the peak of God of War and getting caught up in the things of the martial arts every day after tomorrow. There is not much time for cultivation. ”

“The curator, before the end of the year, I will be promoted to 7-star warriors, or even 8-star warriors. In the middle of next year, I am confident that I will break through to God of War. If the curator can provide me with some resources, this time will be Shorter.”

“You kid is pretty confident! But even if you break through to God of War, you’re only a beginner God of War. It’s a long way to go if you want to take my class!”

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Although after breakthrough to God of War, the strength span is very large, it is impossible to directly advance to the 3-star level like the breakthrough warlord. But with my talent, it is still not possible to directly advance to the 2-star God of War. questionable.”

“With 3 Tianyuan Fruits, I am a 5-star God of War. I believe that at that time, whether it is a complete Demon King Life Essence or 10 Origin Pills, it is not so difficult for me to obtain. .”

“So, I will soon be promoted to the 6-star God of War. With my talent and ability, with my astrology and occult skills, even the 7 to 9-star advanced God of War, I don’t necessarily lose to them. Even at the peak of God of War, I have the power to fight.”

“It will take me about four months to advance from a 2-star God of War to a 6-star God of War. If nothing else, at this time next year, I will be able to officially take over as the director general. I think, Can the chief curator still wait for a year?”

After speaking, Tang Yao smiled confidently.

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