Chapter 189

Tang Yao took a deep breath, and gently pulled the gear lever upward with his right hand.

In an instant, Zhan Shuo trembled slightly and flew upwards slowly.

As Tang Yao pulled the gear lever more and more, the speed of the shuttle was getting faster and faster.

After about 200 meters into the air, Tang Yao let go of his hand, the gear lever was reset, and the shuttle was suspended in the air.

Afterwards, Tang Yao adjusted the position of the war shuttle with his left hand.

After the adjustment, Tang Yao held the gear lever with his right hand and pushed forward, and the shuttle immediately flew forward.

Every time Tang Yao pushed forward a gear, the flying speed of the war shuttle increased by a bit.

Soon, Tang Yao reached the edge of the island where Juntian base was located.

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared on the glass in front.

“Please show your identity information!”

Tang Yao knew that he was about to leave Juntian base, and the defense system of Juntian base automatically sent it to him.

If Tang Yao dared to break through, he would be locked by a laser cannon on the ground and destroyed in an instant.

Tang Yaomeng returned the gear.

The shuttle turned from high speed to static in an instant, stagnating in the air.

Under the effect of huge inertia, Tang Yao leaned forward abruptly.

Fortunately, there was a seat belt, which pulled Tang Yao back.

Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction.

This performance is not bad!

Later, Tang Yao said: “Xiao Hei, send identity information.”

After 3 seconds, a message appeared on the glass again.

“Identity has been verified, you can pass!”

Tang Yao pulled the gear lever, lifted the shuttle to about 1,000 meters, and flew towards the nearest land of Xia Guo.

Although it would be faster to fly directly from the sea to the Ningcheng base, flying on the sea for a long time is also dangerous.

The general small war shuttle can only deal with the junior corpse king or the beast king.

And it may not be able to get rid of it.

After all, the wisdom of the corpse king and the beast king is no less than that of human beings, and they will not stand there and be bombarded by lasers.

Tang Yao’s war shuttle is a top-level small war shuttle, which can barely fight against the intermediate corpse king or the beast king.

But if you meet a senior corpse king or beast king, you have to kneel.

Tang Yao chose to fly directly to the nearest Xia country land, which was much better.

Not only the distance is short, but there are often war shuttles in this channel, even if all the king-level sea beasts along the way are not killed, they dare not take it easily.

During the flight, as Tang Yao became more proficient, his control became more precise.

Flying is not difficult, the most difficult is to adjust the direction of the shuttle and the angle of the laser cannon.

Fortunately, Tang Yao’s control technique included the primary combat shuttle driving skills.

Tang Yao is not a beginner, but like a review, looking for a sense of manipulation.

An hour later, Tang Yao entered the land area of ​​Xia State.

Tang Yao adjusted his direction, and the shuttle flew towards the capital base.

Tang Yao planned to go to the Beijing base first, and then return to the Ningcheng base.

Anyway, they are all in the same position, the distance is not too far, just a little bit far away.

Lao Wan’s fire ability happened to be in Five Elements, how could Tang Yao let it go.

If it weren’t for Karen’s base to be too far away, Tang Yao would be unfamiliar with Samuel.

Tang Yao wouldn’t let Samuel’s petrification ability go.

The flying speed of the war shuttle was not fast, and Tang Yao deliberately spared the major bases and the big cities in the wilderness in Xia State.

After flying for nearly two hours, in a small city to the left of the war shuttle, a dark shadow suddenly lifted into the sky and charged towards the war shuttle.

This scene was captured by the ultra-long-distance high-definition camera with night vision function on War Shuttle, and transmitted to the glasses worn by Tang Yao.

Tang Yao in the driver’s seat lit up and smiled.

After waiting, it’s finally here!

Soon, the distance between the black shadow and the war shuttle was reduced to 1,000 meters.

At this time, Xiao Hei’s voice came.

“Dangerous creatures are found and are approaching quickly!”

At the same time, Tang Yao could clearly see the appearance of the dark shadow through his glasses.

Corpse King!

A few seconds later, the corpse king was only 500 meters away from the war shuttle.

At this time, Xiao Hei’s voice sounded again.

“After testing, the dangerous creature is a junior corpse king, with a physique of 2536 points.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao smiled.

Fortunately, it’s just a junior corpse king.

Even if you can’t beat it, you can still run.

At this moment, Tang Yao suddenly noticed that the corpse king had stopped.

Tang Yao frowned and gave a wry smile.

Depend on!

There are too many laser cannons on it, so I guess it scared the guy.

Tang Yao immediately said: “Xiao Hei, cut off the network connection and change to completely manual operation. You are in sleep.”

Immediately, Tang Yao controlled the war shuttle and quickly turned to the direction where the corpse king was approaching.

As soon as Zhan Suo turned, the corpse king turned and ran away.

Tang Yao’s heart moved.


In an instant, Tang Yao’s corpse turned into a junior corpse king.


A coercive roar of the carrier’s corpse king came out.

The escaping corpse king took a pause and stopped in mid-air.

A trace of surprise flashed through the gray pupils of the corpse king, and he turned around and looked at the approaching war shuttle.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao smiled coldly.

After 1 second, Zhan Shuo turned to complete, facing the floating corpse king straight.

After 3 seconds, the Shuttle was still 200 meters away from the corpse king.

At this moment, a paw of Tang Yao’s right hand violently pressed a small ball on the operation panel.

In an instant, a large amount of energy was drawn away and rushed into the laser cannon in the middle of the shuttle.


A huge beam of energy rushed out of the muzzle of the black hole of the laser cannon and went straight to the corpse king in front of him.

At the same time, Tang Yaomeng pulled the lever back, and the shuttle instantly changed from forward to fast backward.

The speed of the laser cannon is extremely fast, and the corpse king without a trace of defense cannot be avoided at all.

The Shuttle was less than 5 meters retreated, and the beam of energy hit the Zombie King in the horrified and unbelievable gaze of the Zombie King.


The violent explosion sounded, and the corpse king was directly blown into pieces.

Before the dark green blood could splash, it was vaporized into gas and dissipated in the air.

The war shuttle that Tang Yao was driving was affected by the shock wave of the explosion, shook it twice, and stabilized.

Tang Yao clenched his fist in excitement.

The power of this laser cannon is too powerful!

A junior corpse king was killed by shelling!

It is still equivalent to the junior corpse king of 2-star God of War, not the kind that has just been promoted.

strong enough!

However, this is me, who can confuse the corpse king.

Otherwise, if the corpse king keeps running away and dodges, it will not be easy to hit him.


It’s just a pity.

A level 7 corpse crystal!

That’s a waste!

Shaking his head, Tang Yao lifted the corpse.

After changing his clothes, Tang Yao activated Xiao Hei.

Tang Yao ordered: “Xiao Hei, change to autopilot mode and fly to the capital base at full speed. Bypass major bases and large cities. If you find any danger, notify me immediately.”

Xiao Hei said, “Yes, Master.”

Later, Tang Yao walked out of the cockpit, and after eating something, he began to rest.


September 6th, 7 o’clock in the morning.

Tang Yao finally arrived safely at the base in Beijing.

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