Chapter 182 A Thank You Word Is Too Light

The students in the cafeteria were shocked when they saw Tang Yao.

Tang Yao has only been promoted to the generals after entering the training camp for more than two months, which is really amazing.

Walking to the food display area, Tang Yao stretched out his right hand and picked up a large plate of braised lion head made from upgraded sea animal meat.


As soon as Tang Yao picked up the plate, he broke a small part of the plate.

Except for a small piece in Tang Yao’s hand, the entire plate fell towards the ground.

Looking at the soup on the plate, Tang Yao wanted to dodge, but he forcibly held it back.

It is possible to hide, but it is estimated that it will directly hit the pillar or dining table behind.


The plate fell to the ground, but it was not broken, but most of the splashing soup fell on Tang Yao’s vamp and trousers.

Tang Yao frowned and gave a bitter smile.


I can’t eat it, I’m going to starve to death, daddy!

At this moment, a voice came.

“Brother Yao, let me come.”

Tang Yao turned his head to see that it was Hou Hui.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Help me get a meal and deliver it to my residence. It just so happens that I have something to look for you.”

After speaking, Tang Yao turned around, walked out of the cafeteria slowly, and walked towards Building No. 33.

As soon as Tang Yao walked out of the canteen, Hou Hui walked out with a huge lunch box.

Hou Hui was not in a hurry, and walked slowly behind Tang Yao.

After a few steps, Hou Hui seemed to have thought of something.

Raising his wrist, Hou Hui operated on the tactical watch.

After more than ten minutes, Tang Yao finally returned to his own residence.

Tang Yao went directly to the basement floor, and Lotus Position sat on the ground.

The basement floor is a place specially used for cultivation. The materials are very strong, so Tang Yao doesn’t have to worry about destroying objects.

Hou Hui walked to Tang Yao, opened the lunch box, and took out plates of food.

Just as Tang Yao wanted to move his chopsticks, he heard Hou Hui’s tactical watch make a beep.

Hou Hui’s eyes lit up and said, “Brother Yao, I will eat later.”

After speaking, Hou Hui turned and left.

Tang Yao was a little puzzled, but not anxious, sitting there and waiting quietly.

Soon, Hou Hui came back with a humanoid robot.

Looking at Tang Yao’s puzzled gaze, Hou Hui pointed to the robot and smiled: “Brother Yao, this is the housekeeping robot I rented. It can help you with housework. The most important thing is that this robot can help you with food. And feeding.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “That’s good! Hou Jue, you helped me solve a problem. In my current state, I use chopsticks hard. I’m afraid of hurting myself when I eat with my hands. You kid, pay me back. Quite clever.”

“It’s not that I’m clever, I’ve seen other seniors use it before, and I just remembered it. This kind of robot is specially prepared by the training camp for students who have made breakthroughs in the big Realm like you.”

“Specially prepared for training camp? Isn’t it cheap?”

Hou Hui nodded, and said, “A little battle a day.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao rolled his eyes silently.

1 point of combat merit is equivalent to 100,000 Tianlan coins.

Moreover, buying things with combat power in the training camp is almost twice as cheap as outside.

Calculated, the true value of 1 point of combat exploits is around 200,000 Tianlan coins.

It costs 200,000 Tianlan coins a day to play and feed!

Grab money!

200,000 Tianlan coins!

Outside, you can buy several such robots!

The training camp is really dark!

However, there is no way.

People have a monopoly, and if you want to use it, you have to pay at their prices.

Later, with Tang Yao’s permission, Hou Hui took off Tang Yao’s tactical watch.

Hou Hui manipulated the tactical watch and bound Tang Yao’s tactical watch with the robot.

After putting the tactical watch on Tang Yao again, Hou Hui said, “Brother Yao, it’s okay. In the future, what you want this robot to do, just give instructions through voice. If you are far away, give it through the tactical watch. Instructions are fine.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Wait a moment.”

After speaking, Tang Yao slowly operated on the tactical watch, very slowly.

Fortunately, Tang Yao’s tactical watch is level 6 and the material is comparable to level 6 weapons, and it is very sturdy.

Tang Yao did not destroy the tactical watch.

It took a full half a minute for Tang Yao to finish the operation.

At the same time, Hou Hui received the 2000 points of merit that Tang Yao had transferred to him.

Hou Hui was delighted, and while secretly grateful to Tang Yao, he was a little embarrassed.

Tang Yao has helped him a lot. Not only did he ascension his physical skills, tactics, and movement techniques, he also gave him a mysterious fruit worth 1000 points a few days ago.

Now, he was given another 2,000 points of exploits.

And what Hou Hui can do for Tang Yao is basically nothing.

After thinking for a while, Hou Hui said: “Brother Yao, you should take back these 2000 points of combat exploits. I…”

Tang Yao waved his hand and interrupted Hou Hui.

Tang Yao said, “Hou Hui, since you have chosen to follow me, you are my Tang Yao’s brother. For brothers, I won’t be stingy. I only gave you a Xuan Yuan fruit a few days ago because of that time. The military exploits are more than 1,000 points.”

“Accept these 2000 points of exploits, and then buy two Xuanyuan Fruits, and strive to be promoted before the end of the year. I will find a way to Ascension your talent to the level of first-class genius as soon as possible. In this way, you can go in the future. Farther.”

“However, you are a second-class genius. Body purification pills are useless for you. You can only use life essence. Life essence is something you can’t find. You have to wait a little longer. Get it, I will be the first time here you are.”

Hearing this, Hou Hui’s heart trembled and his eyes were slightly red.

Hou Hui said movedly: “Brother Yao, it’s not worth your investment in me so much.”

After thinking about it, Tang Yao said, “Hou Hui, in fact, I investigated you.”

Hou Hui was startled, and then smiled indifferently.

Throwing so many things on a person who didn’t have much contact, if Tang Yao didn’t investigate beforehand, it would be abnormal.

Tang Yao continued: “I know about you and Miss Su’s family. A person with deep affection is worthy of my investment. Again, since you have chosen to follow me, I also recognize you, you It’s my Tang Yao’s brother. No matter how much you invest in you, it’s worth it.”

Hou Hui took a deep breath and said firmly: “Brother Yao, I will follow you for the rest of my life.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Don’t be so serious. It’s your own family. Just feel free. You can leave the training camp when you break through to the generals. I will accompany you to the Su family. Regarding the Su family, I Help you solve it, and you will surely be a beautiful woman.”

“Prior to this, I assure you that as long as Miss Su does not change his mind, the people of the Su family dare not embarrass her. During this time, you can cultivation with peace of mind and strive to break through to the warrior as soon as possible. You kid, work hard. , Don’t let people wait for you for too long.”

Hearing this, Hou Hui looked a little embarrassed, and his eyes were full of excitement and gratitude.

Taking a deep breath, Hou Hui bowed deeply to Tang Yao, then turned and left.

Hou Hui didn’t say thank you, a word of thank you was too light.

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