Chapter 179 Promoted to 3-Star War General

Energy outdoor.

Hao Jing did not leave, but sent a message to Liang Shaohui.

Soon, Liang Shaohui rushed over.

In the training camp, there were only two super geniuses, Tang Yao and Chu Jian.

Liang Shaohui still cares about Tang Yao’s breakthrough.

Although the breakthrough warlord is not dangerous, there is still a certain risk.

If something really happened to Tang Yao, it would be a big loss for Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Moreover, Liang Shaohui is not easy to confess to Wan Polu.

After returning from the Karen base, the captive Wan Po returned to the base in the capital.

Before leaving, Wan Polu specially found Liang Shaohui, and Qian reminded Wan to ask him to take care of Tang Yao.

Looking at the energy room that was already in operation, Liang Shaohui smiled.

If Tang Yao could really liberate Lao Wan, it would be a good thing.

If Lao Wan had more time to cultivate, he might actually be able to enter the No. 10 Ruins in the next year, breakthrough Realm.

If Lao Wan could really break through to God of War, it would be of great significance to both the Juntian Martial Arts Hall and the human beings.


Energy room.

Because the energy is too strong, it has turned into a faint smoke.

The rich energy brought a lot of pressure to Tang Yao. Tang Yao only felt his body sink, and his breathing was slightly difficult.

Tang Yao had this feeling when he made a breakthrough in the army, and he was already familiar with it, but it had little effect on him.

In the smoke, Tang Yao was sitting in the Lotus Position, and he was running Primary Astrology.

Although Tang Yao’s astrology level is intermediate, he can accelerate his cultivation speed by 50 times at the fastest, but he is not strong enough to use it at all.

For Tang Yao, the 20 times acceleration of primary astrology is already the limit.

The energy in the energy chamber was sucked into Tang Yao’s body at an extremely fast speed, and was madly swallowed by the cells of his whole body.

The energy in the cultivation room continued to gather towards Tang Yao.

As the energy concentration decreases, the energy gathering device starts to operate again, quickly replenishing energy, so that the energy in the energy chamber has been maintained at a very high concentration.

As he continued to absorb energy and strengthen himself, Tang Yao felt that some unknown changes were taking place in the cells in his body that had already reached the limit of the combat period.

Five minutes later, Tang Yao’s body suddenly shook, and a refreshing feeling covered every corner of his body.

Tang Yao only felt that the cells in his whole body seemed to have broken through a certain boundary, becoming stronger and more active.

Tang Yao knew in his heart that he had made a breakthrough to a general.

At the moment of breakthrough, Tang Yao felt that some subtle changes had taken place in his own talent abilities.

But now is the critical moment, he can only wait until the breakthrough is over, and then check again.

At the moment of breakthrough, the cells that were already saturated suddenly gave Tang Yao a feeling of hunger, and the rate of absorbing energy suddenly increased.

At this time, Tang Yao’s speed of absorbing external energy could not keep up with the speed of cell phagocytosis.

After breakthrough, Tang Yao tried to slow down the acceleration multiple of Ascension.

Although Tang Yao’s rate of absorbing external energy continued to increase, the energy entering the body still couldn’t keep up with the speed of cell swallowing.

Gradually, Tang Yao felt that the hunger from his own cells became stronger and stronger!

Suddenly, the cells in Tang Yao’s whole body seemed to be dissatisfied with such a slow absorption rate, and they began to directly swallow the energy in the energy chamber frantically.

The energy rushed into Tang Yao’s body through the stomata, and was swallowed by the cells extremely quickly.

At the same time, the energy of the cultivation room formed a whirlpool around Tang Yao, continuously drilling into Tang Yao’s body.

The majestic energy poured into his body extremely quickly, and Tang Yao only felt a huge pain in his body.

Fortunately, the cells swallowed very fast, but it didn’t hurt Tang Yao.

Tang Yao tried his best to hold back, but he didn’t let out a roar.

Tang Yao must insist, once the cultivation is interrupted, the energy infusion will end.

Now, he is only a newcomer, which is far from his expectations.


Energy outdoor.

Liang Shaohui and Hao Jing waited for a while, and suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

The two were shocked, and they reacted immediately.

That’s the sound of the energy gathering device being overloaded!

Without a trace of hesitation, the two of them, one from the left and the other, immediately rushed to the cultivation room next to Tang Yao’s cultivation room.

After some operations, the two connected all the energy gathering devices in the cultivation rooms on both sides to the cultivation room where Tang Yao was located.

The three energy gathering devices were running at the same time, and the buzzing sound disappeared.

Returning to their original positions, Liang Shaohui and Hao Jing glanced at each other, and both shook their heads and smiled.


The speed at which the super-powered energy-gathering device gathers energy is not as fast as Tang Yao’s absorption.

When Chu Jian broke through, there was no such big movement as Tang Yao!

At this moment, Liang Shaohui suddenly admired Wan Polu.

That guy Lao Wan, his vision is really poisonous!

With Tang Yao’s talent, I am afraid that Lao Wan will be liberated earlier than he himself expected.


In the energy room, Tang Yao noticed that his own pressure gradually began to decrease after the energy infusion was carried out for a while.

Tang Yao understands that this is because the energy concentration in the energy chamber is decreasing.

In other words, the energy gathering device is not as fast as he can swallow the energy.

Soon, Tang Yao felt the pressure began to rise.

Tang Yao knew that this was what the people outside discovered and did.

Tang Yao felt a little helpless, he really didn’t want to expose too much.

But the speed of the energy infusion is completely beyond his control, unless he stops cultivation now and ends the energy infusion.

Tang Yao sighed softly in his heart, no longer thinking about this, focusing on cultivation.

Thirty minutes later, Tang Yao’s whole body cells swallowed energy and began to slowly decrease.

The hunger from the cells gradually disappeared.

After a while, the energy vortex around Tang Yao gradually dissipated.

After another 10 minutes, the energy absorption rate of Tang Yao’s body returned to normal.

End of energy immersion!

Tang Yao’s heart moved, stopped the operation of the astrology, and stood up.

Detecting that Tang Yao is no longer absorbing energy, the glass walls around the energy room once again shoot out red lights, scanning Tang Yao’s body continuously.

After 5 seconds, the red light disappeared and a mechanical voice sounded.

“Breakthrough is over, physical strength is 355 points.”

At the same time, the remaining energy in the energy chamber is quickly drawn away.


The door to the energy chamber that was originally locked was also unlocked.

Tang Yao didn’t go out immediately, but tried to move.

Tang Yao originally just wanted to lift his left foot slightly, but his left foot seemed to be unwilling, and he mentioned it sharply.

With that, Tang Yao’s right foot was also off the ground, and the whole person suddenly jumped more than 1 meter high.


At the moment he landed, Tang Yao didn’t control his strength, and his feet hit the ground heavily.

Fortunately, the floor material of the energy room is very good, but it is not damaged.

After standing upright, Tang Yao gave a wry smile.

It’s a good thing that Ascension has reached the middle stage of the 3-star warlord!

However, the strength of Ascension is too much to control at all!

When breakthrough came to the battle soldiers, I had the foundation of the 7-star battle soldiers in the previous life, and I quickly took full control of the strength of Ascension.

But now, I can only rely on myself.

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