Chapter 174

Looking at the expressions of Tang Yao and the others, Wan Polu smiled.

Wan Polu said: “Of course, the peak God of War is still far away for you. However, it is not just the peak God of War, it can also be used when you are about to advance to God of War. At that time, the cultivation room The energy concentration can no longer meet the absorption speed of your energy tanks. There is a huge energy reserve in the No. 10 Ruins, which is your best choice.”

“Moreover, the breakthrough in Ruins No. 10 is easier, and the strength of Ascension after breakthrough will be more. Because of the great difference in physical strength between each level of the God of War stage, it is impossible to break through to soldiers or generals like you. At the time, I was directly promoted to a 2-star or even a 3-star level.”

“Outside, even super geniuses with energy infusion, after breaking into God of War, it is difficult to directly advance to the 2-star God of War. In the ruins, there is still some hope. So, wait for you to reach the breakthrough During God of War, the quota in your hands will be available.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao and the others all showed joyful smiles.

Even Yuan Zhan and the others are happy in their hearts. They didn’t get the spot this time. Isn’t there another one?

They still have a certain distance from breakthrough God of War.

At this time, Irina asked: “Wan senior, didn’t Curator Willard say that the ruins are dangerous, and it is not possible to enter the ruins under God of War?”

Wan Polu shook his head and smiled: “Willard means that he doesn’t have the power of God of War. Don’t enter the ruins easily. You are all top geniuses. When you are about to break through to God of War, you can’t Fight against ordinary God of War?”

When several people thought about it, they all showed a proud smile.

Also, at that time, if he couldn’t fight against ordinary God of War, what would he call a top genius?

Wan Polu didn’t have any pretensions, he would basically answer everyone’s questions.

Everyone talked and laughed and returned to the main hall of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Karen Base.

At this point, it is already one o’clock in the afternoon.

After eating something, everyone began to rest.

In the morning’s battle, Chu Jian was basically not injured, and the rest of the people were all injured.

Including Tang Yao, in the first match against Zalusok, he banged for ten minutes and suffered some injuries to his hands.

Back in the room, Tang Yao directly gave himself a healing power.

After feeling it, Tang Yao estimated that he would be cured tomorrow.


At two o’clock in the afternoon, Liang Shaohui opened the door and walked in a conference room in the main hall of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall of the Karen Base.

Seeing Liang Shaohui coming in, Wan Polu and Samuel’s eyes lit up.

Wan Polu asked, “Lao Liang, how is it?”

After sitting down, Liang Shaohui said: “In the next two years, the number of people who will enter the No. 10 ruins is still 200. The three countries, the two major alliances, and our three martial arts clubs will evenly divide the 200 places, which is a family of 25. Places.”

Wan Polu anxiously roared: “Lao Liang, talk about the important points.”

Liang Shaohui gave Wan Polu a white look, and said: “Considering the increasing tension in the recent past, after consultation with the helms of the eight parties, it was decided to double the Ascension quota for the peak God of War. In other words, in the next two years, you can. Enter the top 40 God of War.”

“In the competition for the No. 10 relic, the three major martial arts halls contributed the most, accounting for half of the places. In this exchange competition, we Juntian martial arts hall won two firsts and won 8 places. Guangming martial arts hall and God of War Wuguan, a family of 6 places.”

Hearing this, Wan Polu frowned and said, “This ratio, isn’t it?”

Liang Shaohui said angrily: “Lao Wan, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know. You can’t take half of the quota just because we won two of the four firsts. This matter has to be discussed. We still have a first in the martial arts. When I didn’t get any of them, I didn’t say that we won’t give us a place.”

Samuel looked at Wan Polu with some confusion, and smiled: “Old Wan, why do you care about this so much? Have you reached the critical point of breakthrough?”

Wan Polu sighed and smiled bitterly: “I have reached the tipping point of a fart. I have taken over the martial arts gymnasium in the capital base for 3 years, and I have stayed at the peak God of War for two years. There are so many things to death on the capital base. I don’t have much time for cultivation.”

Immediately, Wan Polu laughed and said, “But, what about now? I’m almost relieved! Next year, I will be choked up, and I will almost be able to use the number 10 ruins in the next year.”

Samuel asked puzzledly: “Relief? Have you found a successor?”

Without Deng Wan’s answer, Liang Shaohui said, “Lao Wan is interested in Tang Yao, and he is thinking about robbing Jiang from the Ningcheng base! However, Lao Wan, Tang Yao is only a 9-star warrior and wants him to pick you up. The class, is it still early?”

Wan Polu smiled and said: “You know what a shit! Tang Yao, that boy, only got a 5-star War Disciple in May this year. Now, more than two months have passed, and that boy is already a 9-star warrior. After a while, As long as he advances to the rank of warlord, with his talents, he is directly a 3-star warlord.”

“That kid has a lot of achievements. Once he feeds 3 earth yuan fruits, he will be a 6-star warlord. I estimate that by the end of the year, that kid will be able to advance to 7-star warlord. There is a place for the No. 10 ruins, Tang Yaona The kid will definitely advance to God of War next year.”

“I will get him three more Tianyuan Fruits, a proper intermediate God of War. With his talent and the identity of an awakener, he can fight ordinary high-level God of War. At that time, I will let him be my deputy. . It’s not a big problem for me to sit behind him.”

“You said, am I going to be liberated? I’m going to be liberated, can I not care about the number of places in the 10th ruins?”

After speaking, Wan Polu showed a proud expression of Daddy’s farsightedness.

Hearing this, Liang Shaohui and Samuel were startled first, and then their eyes lit up.

What Lao Wan said is really very possible.

Seeing Samuel’s eyes turning randomly, Wan Polu said with a full face: “Samuel, I warn you, you don’t pay attention to Tang Yao. That kid, I have a fancy, if you dare to fight with me, we won’t die. endlessly.”

Samuel glared at Wan Polu angrily, and said: “Who doesn’t know that you are a famous hob meat, I don’t want to ask for trouble! I’m thinking, your bastard has a good idea, I You can also find a suitable genius and focus on training.”

Wan Polu laughed, and said to Liang Shaohui and Samuel: “You two, remember to keep it secret to me! Tang Yao is a sweet potato, I don’t want anyone to pick peaches.”

Liang Shaohui and Samuel both gave Wan Polu a silent glance.

You are so embarrassed to say that others pick peaches!

You are now secretly thinking about how to snatch someone from Lao Jiang!

At this time, Liang Shaohui said: “Lao Wan, now Lao Jiang is not here. You should have talked to Tang Yao for such a good opportunity? How about? Did Tang Yao agree?”

Wan Poluo smiled and said: “No hurry, that kid has been stunned by the generous offer I gave, and he hasn’t been relieved yet. It’s just a little guy, it’s a sure thing.”

Hearing that, Liang Shaohui and Samuel smiled comfortably when they looked at the strong supporter Wan Po.

Lao Wan, this guy must be crippled.

It’s not easy to let this hob’s meat crumble!

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