Chapter 158

Tang Yao raised his wrist and checked the time.

July 11, 10:12 am.

22 hours have passed since Tang Yao left the Karen base.

The slaughter of zombies and upgraded beasts in the small city has also lasted for more than 20 hours.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao counted the corpse crystals and beast crystals he received in this small city.

723 stars!

Nodded, Tang Yao secretly calculated.

The number of zombies in the eastern and southern parts of the town is more than 2,000, and the total number is about 5,000.

The number of upgraded beasts should be about the same, around 5,000.

The probability that zombies and upgraded beasts will give birth to corpse crystals and beast crystals is about 10%. 723 corpse crystals and beast crystals means that more than 7000 zombies and upgraded beasts have been killed.

There should be some corpse crystals and beast crystals that have not been sent. In other words, more than 7000 zombies and upgraded beasts were killed in battle, and 8000 are possible.

It seems that the battle in the small city is coming to an end.

After such a long battle, this means that the zombies and upgraded beasts below the commander level are not exhausted, otherwise, the battle would have stopped a long time ago.

The commander-level zombies and upgraded beasts have probably rested more than once.

I still have 60% of Mental Energy left, although I can only use 20% of Mental Energy without any negative effects.

But even in the face of the leader of the advanced upgraded beast, 20% of Mental Energy can directly cause the opponent to instantly fall into a sluggish state.

Although the sluggish time will not be long, it is enough for me to kill the opponent.

In that case, just leave.

Compared to directly causing the opponent to fall into a sluggish state, it is much more difficult to use the charm ability to achieve other effects.

I have to keep practicing, as well as Ascension proficiency, but also the utilization rate of Ascension Mental Energy to reduce the consumption of Mental Energy.

In this small city, there are not many suitable objects for me to practice.

Let’s change to a small city and continue to practice the use of the charm ability.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao walked downstairs.

After using the coercion of the corpse king to kill all the remaining commander-level zombies on the 5th and 1st floors, Tang Yao walked out of the building.

Later, Tang Yao rushed to the western and northern battlefields of this small city, and lifted the order on the zombies.

As Tang Yao lifted the order, the remaining zombies retreated one after another and returned to the area they originally occupied.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao smiled and nodded.

Although the remaining zombies and upgraded beasts can provide me with a lot of corpse crystals and beast crystals, it is not important.

The results of the first stage are of little significance to me.

What about giving priority to opponents?

Defeat all your opponents in the second stage, no more!

There are about 2000 zombies and upgraded beasts left!

It is also possible that most of the zombies and upgraded beasts will be killed in battle.

But if all the zombies and upgraded beasts in this small city were killed in battle, it would be too noticeable, and it would easily arouse others’ suspicion.

Subsequently, Tang Yao returned to the position of entering the city.

After changing his own clothes, Tang Yao left the town.

The moment he walked out of the small town, Tang Yao’s eyes flickered.

If nothing happened to take out the motorcycle, Tang Yao headed towards the next town.

In fact, Tang Yao’s Interspatial Ring also contains a lot of corpse crystals and beast crystals, which were obtained by Tang Yao during training in the Australian mainland.

However, these corpse crystals and beast crystals cannot be counted in the results this time.

Because the corpse crystal and the beast crystal will have the breath of the zombie and the upgraded beast after the death of the zombie and the upgraded beast.

As time goes by, the remaining breath will become weaker and weaker.

Until 3 days later, the remaining breath will all disappear.

The corpse crystals and beast crystals that Tang Yao obtained in the Australian mainland have no lingering aura, so naturally they can’t be counted in the results this time.

The first stage of the competition is set to 3 days, also to prevent contestants from cheating with previously obtained corpse crystals and beast crystals.


In the next two days, Tang Yao kept changing positions.

Every time he enters a town, Tang Yao gathers the zombies first, selects a small number of commander-level zombies, and then lets the remaining zombies start a battle against the upgraded beasts.

After practicing the various effects of the charm skills against the selected leader-level zombies, Tang Yao will end the battle between the zombies and the upgraded beasts.

After that, Tang Yao would take the harvested corpse crystal and beast crystal and leave from the position he entered, and continue to change places.

Since Tang Yao chose not many Commander-level zombies each time, it took a short time to practice the charm ability and restore Mental Energy.

Therefore, every time Tang Yao terminates the battle between the zombies and the upgraded beast, the loss of the zombies and the upgraded beast is about one-third, which is not too prominent, and there is no need to worry about being suspected by others.

After repeated trials, Tang Yao’s control over the various effects of the charm ability is getting higher and higher, the utilization rate of Mental Energy is getting higher and higher, and the consumption of Mental Energy is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, the consumption of Mental Energy no longer decreases, and the consumption is basically the same as Tang Yao’s previous forecast.

During the transfer, Tang Yao met many people one after another.

Among them, there were two teams of human Practitioners who saw Tang Yao alone, and their aura was not strong, so they were ill-tempered towards Tang Yao.

For this kind of person, Tang Yao said, as long as it is not God of War, the more the better!

Tang Yao didn’t kill either of the Practitioners of these two teams.

After fainting, they were all dragged into the nearby grove.

Starting from the war soldiers, Tang Yao began to experiment with the various effects of the charm ability on the human Practitioner.

Experimenting with charm powers on humans with complete consciousness has greatly increased the difficulty.

At first, Tang Yao didn’t grasp the yardstick, and two soldiers were directly driven mad by him.

Fortunately, Tang Yao has the experience of casting various effects of charm on zombies.

Under constant adjustment and improvement, Tang Yao made rapid progress.

After practicing all of them on these people, Tang Yao can basically achieve various applications on humans with charm powers.

Of course, to cast charm on different people, you still need to make subtle adjustments.

After the practice, Tang Yao killed all these people and took away the Interspatial Ring of several generals.

There is no Interspatial Ring for Practitioners at the combat level.

Just like the Yellow Springs team at the beginning, except for Deng Pan at the general level, the other soldiers at the soldier level do not have an Interspatial Ring.

After all, for ordinary soldiers, Interspatial Ring is still very expensive.


In the early morning of the 13th, in a small city.

Tang Yao walked out of a building near the edge of the city in the form of a human.

Last night, after ending the battle between the zombies and the upgraded beast, Tang Yao did not leave, but chose to spend the night in this small city to recover the mental energy consumed.

Every time he resumed Mental Energy, Tang Yao had a good rest.

Therefore, although Tang Yao has been very busy these three days, his energy is not bad.

Moreover, after constantly using Mental Energy, Tang Yao found that his Mental Energy still had a slight increase.

Tang Yaogang walked out of the building, his eyes condensed suddenly.

A faint sense of crisis once again enveloped Tang Yao.

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