Chapter 155 Tang Yao, you’re done!

There is a 5 hour time difference between the area where Xia Guo is located and the area where the Africa-Canada Alliance is located.

When Tang Yao left the Karen base, it was 12 noon.

At the Ningcheng base, it was already 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

In the main urban area of ​​Ningcheng base, in the office building of Ji’s Pharmaceutical Ningcheng Branch.

Ji Qiangwei finished processing the day’s things and stretched lazily, extremely charming.

Ji Qiangwei smiled tiredly, but her eyes were full of charming expression.

Since the end of the pharmacist exchange competition within the family, the family has greatly supported the Ningcheng branch.

Although I am more tired, everything is developing in a better direction.

In a while, I will almost be able to completely control the power of the family in the Ningcheng base.

The plan for the next step can also be prepared.

After I have reviewed and cleaned up all the family members at Ningcheng Base, I can implement the next step.



At this time, the office door was knocked.

Ji Qiangwei cheered up and said, “Come in!”

The door of the office was opened from the outside, and Xu Hai walked in from outside.

When he reached Ji Qiangwei’s desk, Xu Hai stopped.

Ji Qiangwei smiled and asked, “Uncle Xu, what’s the matter?”

Xu Hai handed a copy of the materials in his hand to Ji Qiangwei, and said, “Big Miss, this is the news from the Juntian Martial Arts Center genius training camp just now. Please have a look.”

Ji Qiangwei’s eyes lit up and took the materials in Xu Hai’s hands.

Ji Qiangwei said: “Uncle Xu, you have been working hard during this time. If it weren’t for helping me, you are still enjoying the good fortune in Jinxiu District at this moment!”

Xu Hai smiled and said, “Big Miss needn’t be so polite, I am also an old man of the Ji family, and it is okay to do something for the family. If there is nothing wrong with Big Miss, I will leave first.”

Ji Qiangwei nodded and said, “Uncle Xu walks slowly.”

Hearing this, Xu Hai turned around and walked out of Ji Qiangwei’s office.

Shutting the office door shut, Xu Hai smiled and shook his head.

Some time ago, Miss Miss had just returned to the Ningcheng base and asked me to contact the family’s geniuses in the Juntian Wuguan genius training camp.

Said to pay attention to the situation in the training camp to facilitate the opportunity to attract geniuses.

But in fact, the big Miss is really only concerned about one person.

Tang Yao!


Although Big Miss is very capable, she is still a little girl after all.

Once a woman has curiosity and guilt towards a man, it is very dangerous.

However, judging from Tang Yao’s performance during this period, whether it is a talent for medicine or cultivation, it is indeed very good.

Moreover, Tang Yao is bold and careful, brave and decisive.

If he were the son-in-law of the Ji family, it would be fine.

While thinking about it, Xu Hai walked away.

In the office, after Xu Hai left, Ji Qiangwei quickly picked up the materials and looked at it.

In the materials, the recent events of the genius training camp are recorded in detail.

Ji Qiangwei looked carefully, and she really paid attention to this information.

For the students in the genius training camp, Ji Qiangwei does have the heart to solicit.

However, what Ji Qiangwei paid more attention to was obviously the information about Tang Yao.

After reading the information on the materials carefully, Ji Qiangwei put the materials on the desk.

Ji Qiangwei smiled lightly, and a wicked smile appeared on her seductive face.

Tang Yao, as always, can cause trouble.

However, no matter how much you can cause trouble, you can’t escape the Five Finger Mountain of my old lady.

Dare to shake my face with my old lady!

Dare to ridicule the old lady!

Tang Yao, you are done!

Even if I made a mistake first, you are dead!


At this moment, the tactical watch on Ji Qiangwei’s wrist vibrated.

Ji Qiangwei clicked on it, and it was a message.

“Qianwei, come home for dinner, all your favorites.”

Ji Qiangwei smiled happily, and then replied.

“Okay, thank you Bai Aunt, I’ll be there.”

Afterwards, Ji Qiangwei tidyed up the desk and came to the roof of the office building.

After boarding a small war shuttle, Ji Qiangwei went straight to the Jinxiu District.


After leaving the Karen base, Tang Yao rode a motorcycle forward while killing a lot of zombies and upgraded beasts that got in the way.

An hour later, Tang Yao passed several towns close to Karen Base in succession, and finally saw a small city far away.

Putting away the motorcycle, Tang Yao approached the small town step by step.

After going around the town, Tang Yao found that zombies occupied the east and south sides of the town.

The area where the African Union is located had a large population and many animals before the disaster.

Now, the number of zombies and upgraded beasts in the wilderness is roughly the same.

After killing a few peripheral zombies, Tang Yao entered the small city from the east and walked into a building close to the edge.

After putting on generous black clothes, Tang Yao’s corpse turned into a junior corpse king.

Later, Tang Yao walked out of this building and began to walk in the eastern part of the town.

Tang Yao ignored the zombies wandering around, but kept looking for the leader-level zombies.

Soon, a junior zombie leader appeared opposite Tang Yao, who was constantly wandering with dozens of corpse soldiers.

Tang Yao shook his head and moved on.

The wisdom of the primary zombie leader is too low, and it is too strenuous to communicate.

At least it must be an intermediate zombie leader in order to have simple communication.

Tang Yao continued to shuttle through the streets, and finally, more than ten minutes later, he found a small, intermediate-level zombie leader.

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up, and he walked straight to the leader of this intermediate zombie.

When approaching the leader of this intermediate zombie, Tang Yao released a trace of the breath of a corpse king.

Feeling the breath of the corpse king, this intermediate zombie leader immediately stopped and looked at Tang Yao respectfully.


Tang Yao let out a low roar, and then walked towards a building beside the road.

All the zombies in the building were driven out, and Tang Yao began to have a simple exchange with the leader of the intermediate zombie.

After a while, Tang Yao took a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

There is no corpse king in this small city.

Afterwards, Tang Yao walked to the middle area on the east side of the small town.



Tang Yao let out a roar, and the sound spread, covering the entire eastern part of the town.

From the moment the sound came out, the zombies who heard the roar began to gather towards Tang Yao.

Soon, a high-level zombie leader rushed forward.

Tang Yao’s heart moved, and when the senior zombie leader approached, he roared a few times.

After getting a reply, Tang Yao’s eyes were full of smiles.

In this small city, not only is there no corpse king, but there is also no beast king among the upgraded beasts.

An hour later, more than 2,000 zombies had gathered in front of Tang Yao.



Seeing no more zombies gathered, Tang Yao roared.

Hearing Tang Yao’s order, the more than 2,000 zombies gathered all roared in excitement.

Although the voices were uneven, they were huge and murderous.

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