Chapter 149 Holy League

After Wan Polu hung up the communication, he looked at Tang Yao gratefully.

Wan Polu smiled and said, “Boy, thank you.”

Jiang Changhai snorted coldly, and said, “Who said that Tang Yao, with sly eyebrows and rat eyes, is not a good cake? It’s fine now, it’s very quick to take other people’s things!”

Wan Polu smiled awkwardly, and said to Tang Yao: “Tang Yao, I misunderstood you before. Your kid is pretty good. Now it looks more pleasing to the eye.”

Tang Yao smiled and said nothing.

You are so frank and speechless.

Jiang Changhai and Wan Polu both helped Tang Yao, and Tang Yao would not be stingy when he could help his own people.

Besides, if you trouble me, and I trouble you, the relationship can deepen!

Jiang Changhai smiled, and it was not easy for Wan Polu to swallow the previous words.

Jiang Changhai said: “Don’t talk about those useless, things can’t be taken for nothing.”

Wan Polu said: “That’s natural, Tang Yao, let’s talk about it, what do you want?”

Jiang Changhai reminded: “Tang Yao, more points! This old man has money, so you don’t need to be polite with him.”

Tang Yao thought for a while, and said: “Six bottles of ordinary life essence, and the rest, Wan senior will take care of them. It is best to use combat exploits that can be used at will in the training camp.”

Wan Polu smiled and said: “Okay, I will communicate with the training camp, and the rest will be given to you. The difference between 5 bottles of Red Maple Demon King’s life essence and 6 bottles of ordinary life essence is about 4.5 billion. According to the ratio of 100,000 points to 1 point of merit, it is 45,000 points of merit. I will round up for you, 50,000 points of merit, how about?”

Tang Yao waved his hand and said: “Ten thousand seniors, too many. In the training camp, the battle exploits exchanged with Tianlan coins are not very useful. The value of the battle exploits that can be used at will is at least the battle achievements exchanged with Tianlan coins. Twice. 6 bottles of ordinary life essence plus 50,000 points of combat merit is too much. Moreover, you have helped me before, if I collect so many more things, it would be inappropriate.”

Before Wan Poluo could speak, Jiang Changhai said: “You little guy, what are you polite with a local rich man? He is willing to give it, and you will pay. Besides, the cost of healing for Lao Wan, the martial arts hall will have to bear half. Yes. He didn’t pay as much as you thought.”

Wan Polu laughed and said: “Old Jiang is right, you kid helped me a lot this time. Give it to you, and you will keep it. The loopholes in the martial arts hall can’t be exploited too hard, otherwise, I will do more. Here you are.”

Hearing what the two said, Tang Yao did not refuse.

Soon, the staff responsible for the distribution of Tang Yao’s Interspatial Ring came and returned the Interspatial Ring to Tang Yao.

After Tang Yao thanked him, the staff left.

Tang Yao handed the Interspatial Ring to Jiang Changhai and said, “Chairman, you have refined it. You will return to the Ningcheng base in a few days. At that time, please take this Interspatial Ring and the remaining things inside. , Give it to my family. Please give them 4 of the 6 bottles of ordinary life essence.”

Jiang Changhai nodded and began to refine this Interspatial Ring.

A light flashed in Tang Yao’s hand, and a bottle of Red Maple Demon King’s life essence appeared.

Later, Tang Yao handed this bottle of the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King to Wanpolu.

Wan Polu happily took it.

Tang Yao clicked a few times on the tactical watch, and first gave the staff member a good comment, and then Tang Yao rewarded him with 10,000 Tianlan coins.

Tang Yao was a bit sad about the tossing people at night.

Soon after Jiang Changhai finished refining, he took out 4 bottles of the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King and handed them to Wanpolu.

Looking at the 5 bottles of Red Maple Demon King’s life essence in front of him, Wan Polu laughed.

Wan Polu excitedly said: “With these 5 bottles of the Red Maple Demon King’s life essence, within 3 days, I will be able to repair 30% of the abilities. At that time, I will be able to use other Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to recover. . A week, at most 10 days, I can heal. Haha, finally I don’t have to circle this place all the time.”

Upon seeing this, Jiang Changhai and Tang Yao both smiled.

After chatting for a while, Tang Yaogang was about to say goodbye, and suddenly his heart moved.

Tang Yao thought for a while, and then asked in a deep voice: “The Chief Curator, Wan senior, I want to ask, how much do you know about the Heavenly Corpse Sect?”

Upon hearing the name of the Heavenly Corpse Religion, both Jiang Changhai and Wan Polu fell into silence, their expressions were ugly, and their eyes were full of solemn expressions.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao was delighted and shocked.

Fortunately, by looking at the expressions, Jiang Changhai and Wan Polu knew about the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

What was shocking was that strong men like Jiang Changhai and Wan Polu were so jealous of the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

After a while, Jiang Changhai sighed and asked, “Tang Yao, where did you know the name of the Heavenly Corpse Religion?”

“My sister’s disappearance is known to the director general. Since my sister’s disappearance, I have been investigating the matter, but there has been no progress. I also learned about the corpse by chance. Teach the name.”

Jiang Changhai nodded and said: “The news about the Heavenly Corpse Sect has always been strictly controlled by the human world, and it only circulates in circles above God of War and God of War. It seems that which God of War talked about this. When something happened, I was accidentally heard by you.”

“Tang Yao, don’t ask about the Celestial Corpse Cult. It’s too far away from you. You just need to know that the Celestial Corpse Cult is the real enemy of my Tianlan Star humanity. As for more information, When you advance to God of War, you will naturally know.”

“As for your sister’s disappearance, I don’t know if it is related to the Heavenly Corpse Sect. But the Holy League should be the one who really did this.”

Tang Yao frowned, and said suspiciously, “Holy League?”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Changhai’s eyes and said: “On the whole, human beings are at a disadvantage in the face of zombies and upgraded beasts. Among human beings, not everyone is a firm resister. There is a group of people who feel that the future of mankind is hopeless. To survive, they beg for zombies and upgraded beasts.”

“For this group of people, upgraded beasts are basically not accepted. It’s not that they don’t want to, but it is difficult to operate. Upgraded beasts are divided into flying beasts ruled by the Beast Emperor and sea beasts ruled by the Sea Emperor. Because upgraded beasts can only surpass the king level. In human form, even if they want to receive this group of people, it is very inconvenient to connect. However, it is not ruled out that some important people are the dark children of the upgraded beast.”

“Since zombies can be transformed into human forms at the king level, it is a lot more convenient. Therefore, most of these people are accepted by zombies. The corpse king promises them through the corpse king that once the human world is breached, it will leave them a place to survive. ”

“This place of survival, regarded by these people as hope and future, is the place of Sacred in their hearts. These people hide in the major bases of the human world, do things for the zombies, and form an organization. This organization is named by them. For the Holy League.”

“Killing geniuses silently is what Saint League often does. As for whether the Celestial Corpse Cult needs these geniuses, or the Corpse Emperor needs them, it is unclear.”

Holy League!

Hostility appeared in Tang Yao’s eyes, and he remembered the name deeply.

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