Chapter 144

Seeing Yi Qingxuan’s staring expression, Tang Yao only felt a special flavor.

Tang Yao smiled and said: “As for signing a contract in the name of the Yi family without telling anyone, how easy it is! You solve the cold problem and you will surely let your family know. Then you tell them, this It’s the price you need to pay to solve the problem.”

“As for who provided you with the life essence of fire, then they don’t need to know. Ask your father to sign the contract, put his handprint, stamp the seal of the Patriarch, and then send it to me.”

Yi Qingxuan shook her head and said, “How can it be that simple? Even if there is a discount, all these things will cost more than 25 billion. 25 billion, although it won’t make my Yi family bankrupt, but it’s also traumatizing. The Yi family is not just a word in my line.”

Tang Yao shrugged and said, “That’s your business. The essence of the Red Maple Demon King’s life is not lacking for buyers.”

Yi Qingxuan said: “I need to discuss with the family, the result may not come out so quickly, give me a few days.”

Tang Yao thought for a while and said, “Wait a minute, you are still far from the 9-star warrior, and you are not in a hurry. If you are discussing this with your family now, if they learn from someone that I just encountered After the Red Maple Demon King, I might be suspicious. Also, Mr. Hao told you about the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King, right?”

For Tang Yao, this matter is not difficult to guess.

After all, it has been less than an hour since Tang Yao gave the video, and there were only a few people in contact.

After hesitating, Yi Qingxuan nodded and said, “Yes, Mr. Hao has been blessed by my father. I didn’t know until after I arrived at the training camp. After getting in touch, I felt that a good teacher was a good person, so I took care of my affairs. She said. That’s why Teacher Hao will help me. I hope you don’t blame Teacher Hao for this matter.”

Tang Yao thought for a moment and said, “Ms. Hao wants to repay her gratitude. It has nothing to do with me. But as the exclusive teacher of the training camp, she should not base her repaying her gratitude on the basis of bringing danger to the students.”

Yi Qingxuan hurriedly said: “Before, Teacher Hao had hesitated again and again before telling me her guess. If it weren’t for my father to save her life, she would never say anything to anyone. Tang Yao , You have been in contact with Teacher Hao for a while, and you should be able to feel that Teacher Hao is definitely not the kind of person who ignores the safety of others in order to satisfy his own interests. I promise, Teacher Hao will not say one more word, including yes. My father.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “I will not pursue this matter. In this training, we have caused some trouble to each other, even if it is even. If so, then we will solve the trouble separately.”

Yi Qingxuan looked at Tang Yao with some confusion. She really didn’t know what trouble Tang Yao had caused Hao Jing.

Seeing Yi Qingxuan’s expression, Tang Yao understood.

Hao Jing didn’t tell Yi Qingxuan about the fact that she and Yuan Zhan had jointly killed the five Zaluyev.

In this case, Hao Jing still has principles.

Although, this is absolutely impossible to hide.

Tang Yao said: “In order to prevent your family and Teacher Hao from suspecting me, you must wait for a while before revealing that you have a solution to the cold. Now, can you still suppress the cold in your body?”

Yi Qingxuan said: “It’s barely possible. It should be okay to break through before the general. However, under my full cultivation, I will be promoted to the 6-star warrior within one month. After that, I will consume 3 Xuanyuan in a row. Fruit. Within 40 days, I will be promoted to the 9-star warrior. I hope that at that time, I can get the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King.”

Tang Yao shook his head and said firmly: “No, the time is too short, at least 3 months. With your first-class genius, when you reach the 9-star warrior, it will take about a month for your Physique Ascension to be close to 100 points. After that. , You will inevitably polish your body before breaking through.”

“It’s almost 3 months after this calculation. At that time, you can use the Red Maple Demon King’s life essence to neutralize the cold and transform your physique. Not only can you solve your problems, you may also Ascension your level to 3 in one fell swoop. The extent of the Star Wars soldiers.”

After thinking about it, Yi Qingxuan nodded and said, “Okay, then do as you said. In 3 months, I will discuss your request with the family. Whether the family agrees or not, I will give it to you when the time comes. An answer.”

Tang Yao said: “Well, if we reach an agreement, remind your family, don’t try to do anything with the things you give me. If I find anything, the transaction between us will be cancelled immediately.”

Yi Qingxuan said: “Don’t worry, I won’t make fun of my life. If this is the case, then I will leave first.”

After speaking, Yi Qingxuan got up and walked towards the door.

Tang Yao got up to see him off.

Opening the door, Yi Qingxuan walked out.

At this time, Tang Yao said lightly: “Yi Qingxuan, I hope you and your family will not become my mortal enemies.”

Yi Qingxuan nodded, and left without turning her head.

While walking, Yi Qingxuan warned herself secretly.

Tang Yao is too cautious.

This person is not only thoughtful, but also decisive.

Courageous and careful, courageous and strategic.

This person must not be underestimated.

With his super genius and the identity of the awakened, he will inevitably rise in the future.

Even now, in this genius training camp, although his level is not high, he is also a leading figure.

In the future, Tang Yao will inevitably enter the God of War training camp in Juntian Martial Arts Hall, and then he will be a God of War class powerhouse.

If it is not necessary, you must not be an enemy of this person.


I still have to remind my father that I must be optimistic about Yi Qing’an.

Otherwise, if he provokes Tang Yao again, the consequences will be unpredictable.

However, the bastard Tang Yao dared to talk to me like that.

When I solve the problem of coldness, I must teach him a lesson.

Thinking of this, Yi Qingxuan’s eyebrows frowned.

But immediately, Yi Qingxuan seemed to have thought of something, and her icy beauty suddenly bloomed like snow lotus, which was extremely stunning.

Expecting to solve her biggest problem, Yi Qingxuan’s mood has improved a lot, and her whole person has also become softer.


After sending Yi Qingxuan away, Tang Yao sat on the sofa and smiled.

This iceberg beauty has a lot of talk.

The human setting is broken!

Immediately, Tang Yao sighed, frowned and thought for a while.

Shaking his head, Tang Yao gave a bitter smile with some helplessness.

Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to expose my healing powers.

Now, although Yi Qingxuan will never reveal anything in a short time, it is an unstable factor after all.

The plan must be changed.


Um… not right!

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Tang Yao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

There is still room for transfer!

My original plan may continue to be implemented!

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