September 21.

Sucheng Lord Li Mingyang, Secretary Yuan Kang and others came to Suzhou University for inspection.

President Zhu Xiulin, Vice President Xiong Sidong, and Business School Professor Li Xin accompanied them.

Media reporters took photos.

Walking on the campus.

Li Mingyang smiled and said,”President Zhu, your school’s business school has seen many excellent entrepreneurial projects recently. Even I have heard of them!”

“”You are too kind, Lord!”

Zhu Xiulin said modestly,”The students are just making a fuss, and it is not a big deal.”

During the conversation, everyone came to the Entrepreneurship Incubation Industrial Park on the campus of Suzhou University.

The park consists of three small six-story office buildings.

There are many entrepreneurial projects on each floor.

In order to support student entrepreneurship, Suzhou University provides students with free entrepreneurial venues and office equipment.

Walking into the second floor of Industrial Park A, the first thing that caught my eye was a company called Suzhou Shared Charging Co., Ltd.

Everyone could see thirty students, busy and vigorous inside.

Qi Han, the founder of the company, had long known that the Lord of the City was coming to inspect.

He hurriedly came up and introduced himself,”Lord Li, I am Qi Han, a sophomore student at the School of Business of Suzhou University.

The Suzhou Shared Charging Co., Ltd., which I founded, is engaged in the sharing and leasing business of power banks.

The product is a mobile phone charging device with a large-capacity battery, and it adopts the form of a desktop single power bank.

Our desktop power bank uses Bluetooth + 2G dual communication, is not affected by the instability of scene WIFI, and uses multi-device mode for fast charging.

In addition, the power banks we produce have passed many professional certification tests at home and abroad, and the quality is top-notch in the industry!”

Hearing this, Li Mingyang nodded slightly.

He was not unfamiliar with Gusu’s shared power banks.

To be more precise, all Suzhou residents were very familiar with them.

Since August,

Gusu’s shared power banks have appeared in hotels and bars of all sizes in the city.、KTV、Teahouses, coffee shops, commercial plazas, restaurants, scenic spots, service areas and other places are for residents to use.

After the popularization of smart phones.

People’s demand for electricity is increasing day by day.

Once the mobile phone is out of power.

Many times, you can’t do anything.

For this reason, the birth of shared power banks just met the needs of the general public and was quickly accepted by all sectors of society.

Zhu Xiulin said:”City Lord Li, since Qi Han started the Suzhou shared power bank entrepreneurial project, the school has seen the prospects of the project and immediately gave Qi Han a 5 million yuan angel investment.

With sufficient funds, the research and development, promotion, coverage and other links of Suzhou shared power banks are proceeding in an orderly manner.

At this stage, well-known venture capital companies such as Sequoia Capital, IDG Capital, and Teng Xun Investment are very interested in shared power banks and are willing to invest in Qi Han.”


Li Mingyang’s eyes lit up.

He only knew the basics of venture capital.

But he also knew that if a startup company received venture capital from companies such as Sequoia Capital and IDG Capital, it would most likely rise rapidly in the future.

They are so optimistic about Gusu Shared Charging Co., Ltd.

Perhaps in time, a nationally famous star company will be born in Suzhou!

Li Mingyang looked at Qi Han and asked,”Mr. Qi, how did you come up with the idea of engaging in the shared power bank industry?”

“That’s all thanks to Professor Chen Yu!”

Qi Han said truthfully.

Li Mingyang immediately became interested:”Professor Chen is engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, and he also dabbles in shared charging?”

He is Chen Yu’s friend.

Two months ago, he also attended the Chen family’s housewarming party.

At this time, Professor Li Xin of the Business School took over and said:”City Lord Li, this is what happened.

Last semester, because I had something urgent to do, I asked Professor Chen Yu to go to the 14th Finance (1) class of the Business School to inform the students to study on their own.

Later, I don’t know how.

Professor Chen gave the students a vivid entrepreneurship class.

In class, Professor Chen mentioned the sharing economy and said that everything can be shared.

Student Qi Han kept this sentence in mind.

At the same time, he used the execution power that ordinary people do not have to quickly start the shared power bank project!”

Zhu Xiulin also said:”Professor Chen Yu has also been a great help to our school.

Since the launch of Universal Artificial Blood, Suzhou University and Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. have split the profits 50-50.

So far, the school has earned tens of billions of yuan.

With sufficient funds.

The school was able to come up with 5 million yuan of angel funds to support Qi Han’s entrepreneurship.

If it was in the first two years, even if Qi Han’s project was good, the school would have no funds and could do nothing to help.”

“So that’s it!”

Li Mingyang nodded in sudden realization.

After finding out the whole story, he suddenly realized that Chen Yu played such a big role behind the scenes.

Students’ entrepreneurial guidance and school funding sources are actually very important.

At this time, Qi Han smiled and said,”City Lord, after Professor Chen taught me.

I didn’t have a deep understanding of the sharing economy at first. I just had a basic concept in my mind.

Until three days later.

When I was shopping in the mall outside, I wanted to pay with my mobile phone.

As a result, I found that my mobile phone was automatically shut down due to lack of power.

For this reason, I begged the merchant to help charge it, but they refused.

Finally, a counter clerk in the mall helped me.

Because of this embarrassing experience.

I realized that my mobile phone was out of power and everything was barren.

Then I contacted Professor Chen about the sharing economy.

I instantly came up with the idea of starting a business, joining this sharing wave, and engaging in shared charging projects.

At present, Gusu shared power banks have covered the urban area of Sucheng.

Next, I plan to cover the surrounding cities of Modu, Hangzhou, Hucheng, Xicheng, etc. in Gusu shared power banks until the entire Yangtze River Delta region is covered.”

“Very good!”

Li Mingyang nodded and said:”Under the trend of sharing economy, everything can be shared.

With the popularity of smart phones and the substantial increase in users’ demand for mobile phone charging

, shared power banks will become a rigid demand for some users.

In this emerging market, you have already taken the lead!”

“City Lord Li, thank you for your praise!”

Qi Han said modestly:”Now the shared power bank in Gusu is still very small. We will continue to work hard to become the carrier of energy. I believe that a spark can start a prairie fire.”


After leaving the second floor of A, everyone came to the third floor.

The third floor is a trendy toy culture and entertainment company called Gusu Mart.

Trendy figures, toy models, and some blind boxes are placed everywhere in the company. The overall office environment is very beautiful.

Zhong Qi, the founder of Gusu Mart, came up to greet them immediately.

After a brief communication between the two sides.

Zhong Qi introduced in detail:”Leaders, we are a trendy cultural entertainment brand focusing on the promotion of trendy play culture, incubation of innovative business, consumer reach, IP incubation operation, and investment. It is a comprehensive operation platform covering the entire industry chain of trendy toys.

At present, the company’s main operating method is to sell various blind boxes related to trendy play figures. The blind boxes we sell to the outside world focus on product connotation, product quality, product design, and can also provide emotional value to users.”

Zhu Xiulin said from the side:”City Lord Li, since Zhong Qi started the entrepreneurial project of Gusu Mart.

The school saw the prospects of the project and immediately gave Zhong Qi an angel investment of 5 million yuan.

At present, Gusu Mart has launched a new 1ifestyle concept flagship store in a large shopping mall in Suzhou, which is loved and sought after by the outside world.

For each of their products, they have signed a strategic cooperation with well-known designers to develop trendy toys with connotation.

After opening the blind box, fans also feel that it is worth the money.

During the National Day holiday.

Their company will hold the first large-scale trendy toy exhibition in China in Suzhou!”

“Very good!”

Li Mingyang praised:”Blind boxes, as a product marketing method, are a wealth code for merchants.

I hope you can continue to maintain product quality, stick to the bottom line, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the blind box economy.”

“Don’t worry, City Lord, we will!”

Zhong Qi nodded first, and then added:”In fact, the concept of blind box was reminded to me by Professor Chen Yu.”

“Professor Chen Yu again?”

Li Mingyang was a little surprised.

Zhong Qi said truthfully:”The concept of blind boxes can actually be traced back to a long time ago, even to the popular Guanpu in the Song Dynasty.

But few people play this now.

Professor Chen Yu said that everything can be a blind box.

Of course, the premise is to have a product with solid content that can continue to provide surprises and satisfaction to everyone.

I suddenly had an idea and decided to use trendy figures with solid content to develop the blind box economy.”

“Mr. Zhong, you have a very keen business sense!”

Li Mingyang praised him and said to his secretary,”When I visited the Suzhou Museum a few days ago, I found that the number of visitors to the museum was dismal and local citizens rarely went there.

You go to the museum owner and propose to launch an archaeological blind box.

Let them put bronze ware, ingots, bronze Buddhas, and bronze��、Miniature cultural relics such as silver medals are hidden in the soil, allowing tourists to discover treasures themselves while learning about the historical heritage of Suzhou.

This may attract tourists and increase passenger flow.”

“Yes, City Lord!”

The secretary nodded, indicating that he understood.

Archaeology + box, maybe it can really work wonders!


Next, everyone came to Gusu Ruse Technology Co., Ltd. on the fourth floor.

In the company, dozens of employees came and went, very busy.

Yu Bowen, the founder of Gusu Ruse Technology, introduced from the side:”City Lord Li, we are a company that produces, wholesales and sells electronic atomization equipment, electronic atomizers, and their components.

To put it simply, it is an electronic cigarette.

Compared with traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes have a variety of flavors, such as pineapple, watermelon, blueberry, mint, etc.

Since the establishment of the company, Gusu electronic cigarettes have been well received by young people and have become a fashion for young people!”

After the voice fell,

Li Mingyang nodded slightly.

In fact, as early as 2003, electronic cigarettes appeared, but they have never been popular on a large scale.

Now major cities have increased restrictions on smoking in public places. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for electronic cigarettes, if you take a few puffs secretly, others can’t feel it at all.

Therefore, electronic cigarettes have gradually become popular again.

Among many electronic cigarette companies,

Gusu Ruse Technology is one of the best.

When the company raises funds.

They received an angel round investment of 5 million yuan from Soochow University.


Soochow RELX Technology received 30 million yuan of venture capital from Fuxing Capital in its A financing, and is well-known in the investment community.

Li Mingyang asked:”Mr. Yu, can you tell me why you founded the Soochow e-cigarette brand?”

Yu Bowen said bluntly:”There are mainly two reasons.

At first, I saw a video on the Internet.

In the video, more than a dozen men got off the high-speed train and lit cigarettes in unison, with uniform movements.

At the time, I just thought it was funny. I didn’t take it to heart.

Last semester, I was in the business school, listening to Professor Chen Yu’s entrepreneurship class.

He mentioned that e-cigarettes are a hot industry.

I thought of the video of smoking after getting off the high-speed train, and instantly felt that e-cigarettes have a bright future.

After checking the information.

I found that the country has recently issued various policies, clearly stating that smoking is not allowed in public places.[]

But what should we do with so many smokers in the country?

So, I conducted a detailed market research on the e-cigarette market.

Data shows that China is the world’s largest tobacco market, with more than 280 million smokers.

However, the penetration rate of e-cigarettes among smokers is very low.

Therefore, I believe that China is the world’s largest potential market for e-cigarettes, so I started an e-cigarette entrepreneurial project.”

“Professor Chen Yu again……”

Li Mingyang smiled and said,”Mr. Yu, have you ever thought that your business would fail?

If it was before, maybe e-cigarettes would really be popular.

But now, the Huanyu smoking cessation drug developed by Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has been approved for listing.

With the sharp decline in the number of smokers in the country, the risk of failure will be very high.”

“Of course I have thought about it!���

Yu Bowen nodded and said,”But when I was visiting and investigating, I found that many smokers do not have a strong desire to quit smoking.

They either like smoking or need to smoke to relieve their sorrow.

Even if there are smoking cessation drugs, they still will not choose to quit smoking.

In addition, the Gusu e-cigarette developed by our company follows the fashionable 547 route, and the cigarette rod and cigarette cartridge are very beautiful.

At the same time, we set up a professional e-cigarette laboratory to continuously improve our products, which are finally loved by consumers.”

Li Mingyang continued to ask,”What do you think is the biggest factor that makes Gusu e-cigarettes stand out?”

“I think it is innovation!”

Yu Bowen said with a smile:”First of all, the electronic cigarette we developed is simple and lightweight in design, very small and handsome.

Secondly, when electronic cigarettes first appeared in China in 2003.

The efficiency of nicotine transmission in the smoker’s body is not ideal.

Smokers cannot feel enough satisfaction, so naturally it is not popular all over the country.

We use a new form of nicotine called nicotine salt, which has a very high content.

When smokers use Gusu electronic cigarettes, they feel that it is comparable to traditional tobacco.

Such electronic cigarette products are naturally easy to open up the market.

In addition, we have launched an original shape of the smoke duct, which can enhance the taste and make electronic cigarette products more suitable for the smoking habits of Chinese people.

Finally, Gusu electronic cigarettes are combined with smart technology to launch Bluetooth.

Users connect Gusu electronic cigarettes to the mobile app, and through factual data feedback, they can bring a more intuitive experience”

“So that’s it!”

Li Mingyang nodded in admiration.

As long as Gusu Ruse Technology’s development route always meets market demand, it will succeed sooner or later!

He said:”Mr. Yu, no matter how smart, high-tech, or exquisitely packaged the e-cigarette product looks

, it is still a deformation of tobacco.

But because e-cigarettes are not currently clearly classified as tobacco, they are taxed as ordinary commodities.

In other words, e-cigarette companies are doing tobacco business and enjoying the treatment of technology companies.

The biggest uncertainty in the industry is actually securities policy supervision.

If one day, e-cigarettes are strictly regulated, the entire industry may be ruined.”

“I understand!”

Yu Bowen nodded and said,”It is precisely because of the uncertainty of the future that it brings me a sense of struggle and accomplishment.

If the future can be predicted, many things will be boring, right?”



Li Mingyang and his team visited several companies in the Entrepreneurship Park.

Gusu Pinyipin Co., Ltd. is engaged in the field of third-party electronic social networking.

Gusu Short Video Co., Ltd. is engaged in the fields of music creative short videos and social networking.

Some companies in Gusu escape rooms operate in the fields of real-life lost escape, role-playing, brand escape rooms, etc.

Gusu offline social network companies operate offline scene games such as Werewolf Killing and Script Killing, as well as online interactive entertainment platforms.

Gusu Singing Pavilion Co., Ltd. operates in the fields of mini KTV, digital cultural innovation software development, and rental of leisure and entertainment equipment.��


After inspecting many companies,

Li Mingyang heard the most that the founders of these companies had all attended Professor Chen Yu’s entrepreneurship class.

Qi Han, Zhong Qi, Yu Bowen and others all mentioned it repeatedly.

Listening to Professor Chen Yu’s words is better than reading ten years of books.

Li Mingyang was amazed at this.

Professor Chen Yu is really a god!

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