August 8th.

In a residential area in Suzhou City,

Gao Zhiqiang sat on a chair and opened a newly published top journal.

He is the dean of the School of Life Sciences of Suzhou University. He is now over 50 years old.

His lifelong research direction is sugar-immune biology.

Gao Zhiqiang has published more than 60 academic papers in international journals and compiled two national textbooks on his own. He is well-known in the industry.

Scholars become officials.

Even though he holds a high position in the school, he still maintains the habit of reading journals every week.

While flipping through them, a paper caught Gao Zhiqiang’s attention.

The title of the paper is”Nature: Turning waste into treasure! Xiaguo scientists have achieved the synthesis of carbon monoxide into protein for the first time!”

The first author of the content is Xu Qing, a student of Suzhou University.

Seeing this, Gao Zhiqiang’s eyes lit up.

If I remember correctly,

Xu Qing is a student of the School of Life Sciences!

With strong curiosity,

Gao Zhiqiang read and browsed carefully.

The paper mentioned that carbon monoxide is a recognized harmful gas.

And protein is an important component of all cells and tissues in organisms.

These two seemingly”one good and one evil” substances were connected together by Xu Qing with a substance.

This substance is the ethanolic clostridium, which plays a key role in”carbon monoxide synthesis of protein”.

Ethanol clostridium is not a new thing.

In 1994, scientists isolated this substance from the feces of shrews.

Since then, adding carbon monoxide to acetic clostridium for liquid fermentation to prepare ethanol clostridium protein has become one of the common methods for biological feed raw materials.

Natural protein synthesis is a very slow and inefficient process.

This process must be carried out in plants or in specific microorganisms with nitrogen fixation functions.

They will allow the sugar substances generated under photosynthesis to undergo a very complex biological conversion and enzymatic reaction to form amino acids.

With this, after further synthesis and transformation, the desired protein can be obtained.

Generally speaking.

There are only three main raw materials for preparing protein in this way: carbon monoxide, ethanolic clostridium, and ammonia water.

Among them, ethanolic clostridium bears the heavy responsibility of”fermentation”.

During the fermentation process, carbon monoxide and ammonia water will undergo oxidation reactions to form amino acids, which are important components of protein.

By further culturing, centrifuging and drying the liquid fermentation liquid, the simple-structured ethanol Clostridium protein can be obtained.

Xu Qing’s method is a different approach.

During the research and development of the gas biofermentation process for ethanol synthesis, he discovered that there was a”troublesome viscous substance” in the ethanol separation and distillation process, so he separated it out to find out its composition.

It turned out that this substance was protein!

To this end, Xu Qing used industrial exhaust gas containing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and ammonia water as the main raw materials under artificial conditions.

“”Creating something out of nothing” creates a new feed protein resource, ethanol Clostridium protein, which converts inorganic nitrogen and carbon into organic nitrogen and carbon, achieving independent innovation from 0 to 1 and has completely independent intellectual property rights. The entire synthesis process only takes 22 seconds.

After reading the entire paper,

Gao Zhiqiang was full of praise.

Of course, judging from the experimental data in the paper,

Xu Qing’s technology still has some flaws.

While ethanol Clostridium uses carbon monoxide to synthesize protein, it also produces a large amount of ethanol.

This technology can only process 20% of carbon monoxide and turn them into high-quality protein. It will still pollute the environment.

However… the emergence of this technology can use the synthesized protein in the field of feed processing.

In short,

Xu Qing’s use of carbon monoxide to synthesize protein is far from being as world-renowned as Professor Chen Yu’s use of carbon dioxide to synthesize starch.

But in terms of the quality of the paper

, this paper is fully qualified to be published in the journal Nature!



Gao Zhiqiang continued to read the journal articles.

Soon, another article caught his attention.

The title of the article was”Nature: A new mechanism for intracellular cholesterol transport!”

The first author of this article was Tang Chuxing, from Suzhou University.

Gao Zhiqiang remembered that

Tang Chuxing was also a student of the School of Life Sciences.

The article began by saying that the transport of cholesterol in cells is a complex process involving the interaction of multiple molecules and organelles.

It is a fat-soluble substance, so it needs the help of specific carrier proteins to be transported in cells.

Through whole-genome screening, Tang Chuxing identified more than 300 genes related to cholesterol transport and found that lysosomes transfer cholesterol to peroxisomes by contacting each other.

At the same time, he identified the molecules that mediate the contact between lysosomes and peroxisomes as Syt7 protein and PI(4 5)P2 phospholipids, thus explaining the molecular mechanism of cholesterol transport.

In layman’s terms,

Tang Chuxing discovered the dynamic contact between lysosomes and peroxisomes.

Through this contact, cholesterol is transported from lysosomes to peroxisomes, revealing that cholesterol accumulation is one of the pathogenesis of peroxisomal disorders.

After reading this paper,

Gao Zhiqiang smiled and nodded.

Peroxisome dysfunction can lead to developmental and nervous system dysfunction, and there is currently no effective treatment in the medical community.

Tang Chuxing’s paper has promoted the development of cholesterol research and provided new ideas and methods for the treatment of diseases related to abnormal cholesterol metabolism.



Gao Zhiqiang continued to read the paper.

The next paper was titled”Nature: Revealing the mechanism of dark matter in the human genome driving aging!”

The author of the paper was Zhang Jia, also a student of the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University.

The opening mentioned that the human genome is known as the”code book” of life.

It not only controls our body functions, but is also closely related to health and disease.

In this complex genetic blueprint,”dark matter”——Non-coding sequences account for an astonishing 98%, of which about 8% are endogenous retroviral elements.

It is a remnant of ancient viruses that invaded and integrated into the human genome millions of years ago, and is usually silent.

However, as we age, it is still unknown whether the seals of these dormant ancient virus”fossils” will be lifted, thereby accelerating the aging process of our bodies.

In response to this problem.

Zhang Jia built a physiological and pathological aging research system, combined with high-throughput, high-sensitivity and multi-dimensional multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary technologies, and revealed that in the aging process, the loosening of epigenetic”seals” will cause the originally dormant ancient virus elements to be reactivated, and further drive the”programming” and”infectiousness” of aging.

On the one hand, the ancient virus reverse transcription products in aging cells can activate the natural immune pathway and then induce cell aging and chronic inflammation.

On the other hand, the virus particles released by aging cells can transmit aging signals between cells, causing the”infected” young cells to accelerate aging.

Zhang Jia has developed methods to effectively inhibit the”resurrection” of ancient viruses and remove ancient virus particles at different stages of the ancient virus life cycle, thereby delaying or even reversing the aging process of cells, organs and even the body.

Read the entire paper.

Gao Zhiqiang smiled slightly. Zhang

Jia’s paper provides new evidence for understanding the internal mechanism of aging and developing aging intervention strategies.

At the same time, she provides new ideas for scientifically evaluating and warning aging, preventing and treating aging-related diseases, and actively responding to population aging.



Gao Zhiqiang continued to read the journal

《Nature: New mechanism of DNA replication initiation in human cells revealed》——First author of the paper: Liu Huyi (Xia Guo, School of Life Sciences, Suzhou University)

《Nature: New method enables precise manipulation of DNA from single bases to very large fragments!》——First author of the paper: Wu Haoting (Xia Guo, School of Life Sciences, Suzhou University)

《Nature: Discovery of the existence of a”tangible” biological clock in the brain and its rhythmic regulation mechanism!》——First author of the paper: Peng Xuan (Xia Guo, School of Life Sciences, Suzhou University)


《Nature: New targeted neuromodulatory technology for intervention in Parkinson’s disease!》——First author of the paper: Yang Hui (Xia Guo, School of Life Sciences, Suzhou University)

《Nature: Universal grafting strategy to develop a neuropeptide fluorescent probe toolkit!》——First author of the paper: Lu Zhao (Xia Guo, School of Life Sciences, Soochow University)

《Nature: Intestinal bacteria-derived host isozymes are new targets for regulating metabolic diseases!》——First author of the paper: Huang Qi (Xia Guo, School of Life Sciences, Suzhou University)


In this week’s journal, there are 10 papers from the School of Life Sciences of Suzhou University, which are published in the journal Nature.

Gao Zhiqiang is very pleased.

Since last year,

Suzhou University has been a frequent visitor to the journal Nature (cibj), and students frequently publish papers.

But these students are all from the School of Medicine of Suzhou University!

The entire School of Life Sciences does not even have a single CNS paper.

Faced with this situation,

Gao Zhiqiang has no choice.

After all, Professor Chen Yu is a professor in the School of Medicine.

And starting this year,

Professor Chen Yu also serves as a professor at the School of Life Sciences of Suzhou University.

Since then, he has published a total of hundreds of papers in the CNS journal, which makes the dean Gao Zhiqiang proud. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

The only regret is that, except for Professor Chen, few students of his own college have their papers included in the CNS journal.

There are some, but not many.

But now…

In this issue of the journal Nature alone, 10 student papers from the School of Life Sciences have been accepted.

From a result-oriented perspective.

Under the guidance of Professor Chen Yu, students from the School of Life Sciences have begun to mature and become more and more outstanding this semester.

If this trend continues, the number of CNS papers published by students from the School of Life Sciences will only increase in the future!


With this in mind,

Gao Zhiqiang opened the latest issues of Science and Ce11.

《Science: The three-dimensional structure of the spliceosome!》

《Science: Discovery of magnetic receptor protein MagR!》

《Science: Basic research on the molecular structure of RNA junctions!》

《Science: Unveiling the black box of early primate embryonic development!》

《Science: Crystal structure analysis of the supramolecular complex of photosynthetic membrane proteins of photosystem I in higher plants!》


《Science: The perception mechanism of plant branching hormone strigolactone!》[]

《Science: Structure and function of mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplex!》

《Science: Construction of human organ chips and multimodal precise measurement methods!》

《Science: Epigenetic regulation of gene expression networks in human primordial germ cells!》

《Science: The”lock-key” model of stigma-pollen recognition in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the molecular mechanism of the pollen-induced effect!》


《Ce11: Molecular mechanisms by which cells sense glucose levels and regulate metabolism!》

《Ce11: Autistic behavioral manifestations and germline transmission of MECP2 transgenic monkeys!》

《Ce11: Establishment and regulation of histone methylation modification in early embryonic development!》

《Ce11: m6A base modification regulates the fate determination of vertebrate hematopoietic stem cells!》

《Ce11: Discovery of active RAG-type transposons reveals antibody V(D)The origin of J reorganization!》


《Ce11: Neural circuit mechanism of itch information transmission!》

《Ce11: Liver cancer immune map based on single-cell sequencing!》

《Ce11: Establishment of a gene-edited Rett syndrome monkey model!》

《Ce11: A novel glutamate synthesis pathway in the brain is involved in learning and memory?!》

《Ce11: Unraveling the mystery of supramolecular structure and function of diatom photosynthetic membrane proteins!》


Gao Zhiqiang roughly counted them.

There are 18 authors of the Science journal and 20 authors of the Ce11 journal in this issue who are students of the School of Life Sciences of Suzhou University.

���He slid his mouth and couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

It’s really hard to imagine.

These students who were originally mediocre.

After being taught by Professor Chen Yu for a semester, they would become so outstanding?

It’s incredible!


Gao Zhiqiang remembered something, and hurriedly used his mobile phone to check the hot searches on the Internet.

Students from the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University are publishing CNS papers crazily, and there will definitely be media reports.

Just as he expected.

On the real-time hot search list.

There are indeed many hot searches about students from the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University.

Among them, the most popular hot search is a clip of a reporter’s interview with Chen Yu.

Xiaguo News reporter Bingbing said:”Professor Chen, in the latest issue of the CNS paper journal.

Students from the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University have a total of 48 papers included in the CNS journal.

It caused a sensation in the entire Xiaguo scientific community.

Judging from the list of paper authors.

They are all your students.

This shows that your ability to teach students is simply unparalleled!”

“I personally don’t think so!”

Chen Yu shook his head and said,”I haven’t been in contact with students for a long time, only a little over a semester.

The reason why they can succeed is that they hone themselves day after day and rush to the other side of the mountain of books and the sea of learning.

I am proud of them from the bottom of my heart!”

Bingbing continued,”Professor Chen, you are a national famous teacher and are very good at teaching and educating people. I would like to ask, what do you want to say to contemporary young people?”

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu said,”The most beautiful scenery of a country is the young people of this country.

Because of them, the world will like Xiaguo more. Because of them, the youth shown in the novels, music, and movies of this world is no longer sad and confused, but kind, brave, selfless and fearless, with fire in the heart and light in the eyes.

The imagination of my generation is not enough to imagine the future of young people.

If contemporary young people still need my blessings.

Then… Rush the back waves.

We are in the same rushing river!”


In the video comment area, countless netizens responded

“A good teacher produces good students! Professor Chen’s students have also risen!”

“Professor Chen said it well! I want to work hard to become the”back wave” that Professor Chen mentioned!”

“Wuuuu…I don’t deserve to live in this world!”

“I burst into tears on the spot. At the same age as him, he was already the first in the medical field, but I only knew how to eat.……”

“Some people live to shine, but I live to prove that not everyone can shine!”

“Today is another day in the world! I have repeated this question in my mind ten thousand times: what is the meaning of my life?”

“Professor Chen is amazing! Not only is he great himself, he has also trained a large number of outstanding talents in the field of life sciences for the country.”


Seeing this,

Gao Zhiqiang was full of praise.

Professor Chen said it very well.

The most beautiful scenery of a country is its young people.

But he wanted to say,

Chen Yu, you are also a young person!

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