July 1st.

A residential area in southern Hunan Province.

It was evening.

Children in the community gathered together to play, and laughter could be heard from time to time.

In the crowd, a sweet-looking little girl stood out.

The reason for her conspicuousness was not because of her appearance.

She only had an upper body and her legs were equipped with prosthetic limbs.

The little girl’s name is Xia Xi, and she is 13 years old this year.

Three years ago, she was in a car accident and her legs were shattered.

After being sent to a local hospital for emergency treatment, the doctor diagnosed her condition and said that her limbs were destroyed and she was in hemorrhagic shock, and she needed amputation to save her life.

In the end, Xia Xi underwent 10 operations and more than 280 days of treatment. She survived tenaciously, and was equipped with prosthetic limbs and stood up.

During the 10 operations,

Xia Xi went through many ghost gates and experienced countless pains.

But she actively accepted treatment and always had a smile on her face.

Now, Xia Xi has integrated into the circle of her peers and started a new life.

Her friends did not discriminate against her. Instead, they took good care of her and were willing to play with her.

Xia Xi is currently in the growth and development period. She needs to replace a pair of 14-yuan prostheses every two years, which is very expensive.

In response, all sectors of society have actively carried out charity donation activities to raise funds for Xia Xi.

At this moment, on the stone table on the lawn of the community,

Xia Xi is arm wrestling with a fat boy.

Because she used to move entirely with her hands, her arm strength is very strong.

Under the gaze of everyone,

Xia Xi easily defeated the boy and won the arm wrestling competition.

“Wow, Xia Xi is so dangerous!”

“No one of your peers in the community can beat you, Xia Xi, you are so strong!”

“Among the children under 15 years old in our community, you have the strongest wrist strength!”

Hearing the praise from her friends,

Xia Xi said with a smile:”After a while, I won’t be able to beat you.”

The friends were about to say something, but Dad Xia waved to Xia Xi and said:”Xixi, come with me and do”one one seven”””


Xia Xi responded quickly.

She supported the stone table with both hands, stood up, stepped on the prosthesis, and walked over slowly.

Dad Xia asked:”Xixi, how do you feel today?”

Xia Xi said truthfully:”I’m fine, but I’m a little tired when walking.”

Hearing this, Dad Xia’s eyes were a little distressed.

Amputation in a car accident and fitting a prosthesis do not mean that you are the same as ordinary people. After his daughter was fitted with a prosthesis, it would be very tiring to walk. From then on, she said goodbye to alternating up and down stairs and could not squat, which had a great impact on the lumbar spine.

Dad Xia said:”Xixi, I saw a piece of news on the Internet today.

The Universal Clinical Trial Center is recruiting drug testers.

The requirements for drug testers are amputation, paralysis, muscular atrophy, neurological diseases, etc.

Your situation meets the standards of drug testers.

Their official website said that new drug tests will be conducted on drug testers.

During the drug trial process, any sequelae and adverse reactions will be treated free of charge by the Universal Clinical Trial Center.

This is what Dad thinks.

I’ll take you to sign up to be a drug tester.

Even if the new drug cannot cure you, the Universal Clinical Trial Center can install the world’s most advanced prosthesis for you.

In addition, we can also get a sum of money for drug testing.

Xixi, what do you think?”

Hearing this,

Xia Xi nodded quickly and said,”Dad, I am willing to be a drug tester!”

She is young, but very sensible.

She knows that by choosing to become a drug tester, she will have the opportunity to treat her disease.

Seeing his daughter nod, Dad Xia said,”Xixi, since you are willing, I will take you to the Sucheng Universal Clinical Trial Center to become a drug tester.”


Xia Xi responded quickly


A few days later,

Dad Xia brought Xia Xi to the building of the Universal Clinical Trial Center.

After the medical staff verified the basic information, they took Xia Xi for a full physical examination.

After the full physical examination report came out, the medical staff informed in detail of the various adverse drug reactions and symptoms that may occur during the drug trial.

After knowing the information, Dad Xia and Xia Xi signed the consent form.

Soon, the two came to a clinic.

A young man named Wu Hao introduced himself:”Some time ago, Professor Chen Yu developed a gene repair drug.

I am Professor Chen’s student and one of the leaders of the gene repair drug research team.

This drug can quickly repair surface wounds, repair damaged organs, repair cell nerves, and eliminate viruses and bacteria.

It can heal cells, repair cells, repair nerve choroids and human organs through deep gene repair.

With this gene repair drug, diseases such as muscle atrophy, nerve rupture, ligament injury, bone injury, broken hands and feet, and paralysis can all be cured!”

Hearing this, the father and daughter of the Xia family were both brightened.

They have long been familiar with Professor Chen Yu’s name.

Since this drug was developed by Professor Chen, it is likely to be successful!

Wu Hao continued,”Before using the gene repair drug, we need to perform surgery on your daughter and remove the prostheses installed on her legs.

Then, we will use the gene repair drug to treat your daughter.”


Father Xia nodded immediately,”Thank you, Dr. Wu.”

After the two sides communicated ,

Xia Xi was sent to the operating room.

There is a family ward outside with an 8K high-definition screen, where the operation screen can be clearly and intuitively seen.

In the screen,

Xia Xi has been anesthetized.

An orthopedic surgeon performed the operation and removed Xia Xi’s prosthesis.

Father Xia burst into tears when he saw this scene.

This prosthesis was originally tailored for his daughter by a famous prosthesis expert in southern Hunan Province.

At that time, it took his daughter more than a month to adapt to the prosthesis and she suffered a lot of pain.

He folded his hands together and prayed devoutly:”God, please bless my daughter to recover smoothly and no longer suffer from illness.”

In the operating room,

Wu Hao injected two needles of gene repair agent into the wounds of Xia Xi’s legs.

In just a few minutes, a magical scene happened!

The muscle tissue on the wound seemed to have regained its vitality.

The muscles and bones began to wriggle and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The nerves in the legs were also quickly rebuilt.

Seeing all this on the 8K high-definition screen, Xia’s father exclaimed.

He exclaimed in amazement:”Oh my God, Xixi’s legs have grown out!”

The scene in front of him completely overturned his understanding of the world.

Who would have thought that the miracle of regeneration of broken limbs, which happened in mythological stories, actually happened in real life!

In the operating room,

Wu Hao injected Xia Xi with a special nutrient solution developed by Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Twenty minutes later, Xia Xi’s thighs were regenerated!

Forty minutes later, Xia Xi’s calves were regenerated! Sixty minutes later, Xia Xi’s feet were regenerated! Her previously amputated legs have been restored to their original state, her skin is snow-white and as delicate as a baby’s, in sharp contrast to the yellow skin on her upper body.



Xia Xi was sent to the intensive care unit.

When she regained consciousness, she was stunned.

She could actually feel the existence of her legs?

After the amputation,

Xia Xi suffered from phantom pain.

Simply put, the legs were gone, but the brain didn’t know.

The brain thought the legs were still there, so it would send some nerve signals to see if the legs were still there.

This also made her suffer.

But now…

Xia Xi can really feel her legs!

She can even control her legs to move slightly.

Xia Xi raised her head and saw her legs clearly.

At this moment, she couldn’t stop crying.

The moment she broke her legs three years ago, Xia Xi had already despaired in her heart.

But she was very strong.

Medicine is so advanced now.

Maybe in a few years, there will be a way to treat disability?

With this mentality,

Xia Xi cooperated with the treatment again and again with the most positive, optimistic and sunny attitude.

But prostheses are always prostheses.

She can no longer live like a healthy person! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Now, the gene repair drug developed by Professor Chen Yu has completely cured her and allowed her to regenerate her severed limbs.

Thanks to Professor Chen!


Seven days later,

Xia Xi and her father left the Global Clinical Trial Center.[]

At the moment, Xia Xi has difficulty walking.

Her new legs lack muscle strength. She needs her father’s support to walk independently.

But after a period of recovery, she will soon be able to walk, run and jump like a normal person.


Just as the Xia family father and daughter were discharged from the hospital, the Universal Clinical Trial Center held a press conference.

The conference room that could accommodate thousands of people was packed.

Media reporters, medical experts, and academicians from the two academies gathered together.

At the beginning of the press conference,

Ling Xiao, director of the Universal Clinical Trial Center, walked onto the stage.

He told everyone a series of shocking data.

“The latest data shows that the number of disabled people in China exceeds 85 million, and 24.12 million of them are physically disabled.”

“Among them, there are 2.26 million amputees and 1.7 million lower limb amputees.”

“In recent years, the field of prosthetics has developed rapidly, but it has never been able to completely reach the level of healthy people.”


Hearing this opening speech, everyone nodded.

The medical and technological fields have developed rapidly in the past two years.

But prostheses are prostheses after all.

In addition, amputees will more or less be looked at strangely by the outside world, which has a great impact on their lives.


On the high platform.

Ling Xiao announced:”Just some time ago, Professor Chen Yu, Chairman of Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., successfully developed the Universal Gene Repair Drug.

This epoch-making gene drug has the miraculous effects of bone reconstruction, nerve reconstruction, muscle reconstruction, cell healing, regeneration of severed limbs, and repair of damaged organs.

Muscle atrophy, nerve rupture, bone crushing, ligament and tendon rupture, broken hands and feet, paralysis and other diseases can all be cured!

Since the development of the drug, we have conducted clinical trials on hundreds of patients.

The treatment results show that the Universal Gene Repair Drug is effective.

Hundreds of patients have all recovered!”

After speaking, Ling Xiao projected the patient records one by one onto the large screen in the conference room.

Everyone looked up.

Ligament torn patient records.

Tendon torn patient records.

Muscle atrophy patient records.

Nerve rupture patient records.

Limb amputation patient records.

Paralyzed patient records.

Severe fracture patient records.


Each case showed the effect of the gene repair drug clearly and intuitively.

Everyone in the conference room gasped.

“Oh my god! Can the Universal Gene Repair Drug completely cure muscle atrophy?”

“Can patients with comminuted fractures recover quickly? The drug is so effective!”

“Compared with existing medical methods, gene repair drugs are an all-purpose miracle drug for curing diseases!”

“Can severed limbs be regenerated? Isn’t this too unbelievable? It’s simply amazing!”


Everyone present exclaimed in amazement.

The birth of the Universal Gene Repair Medicine can completely cure a large number of diseases!

It is no exaggeration to say that the appearance of this medicine is enough to make a sensation in the medical community! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle medicine that is unparalleled in the world.


Under the attention of the whole audience,

Chen Yu walked up to the podium and spoke eloquently:”With the development of medicine today, more and more diseases can be cured or suppressed through surgery, drugs, and new therapies.

The emergence of gene repair drugs is equivalent to adding another insurance to human life.”

While speaking, he switched the live video of the operation at the Universal Clinical Trial Center to the scene.

Everyone looked up and saw the doctor injecting gene repair drugs into the patient.

The first video was a patient with an arm amputation.

After the doctor injected him with a shot of gene repair drugs, the muscle tissue on the wound surface of the patient’s arm began to wriggle and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The second video was a patient with comminuted bone marrow.

After the doctor injected him with a shot of gene repair drugs, the patient’s comminuted bones began to repair and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The third video was a patient with a ruptured Achilles tendon.

After the doctor injected him with a shot of gene repair drugs, the patient’s ruptured Achilles tendon began to repair and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye


Everyone at the scene exclaimed in amazement when they saw this scene.

Broken limbs regenerated!

Bones reshaped!

Tendons repaired!

The effect of the gene repair drug was amazing!


Chen Yu introduced to everyone:”Genes are also called genetic factors, which refer to DNA sequences that carry genetic information.

They support the basic structure and performance of life and store the code of life.

The Universal Gene Repair Agent can repair the patient’s defective genes and correct the mutated base sequence of the pathogenic gene in the target cell, so that the patient’s genes can be repaired.……”

As he spoke, the medical experts at the scene were all fascinated.

The media reporters didn’t quite understand what he said, but they also recorded the medical knowledge and used it as news material.


Half an hour later.

Chen Yu said to everyone:”You can see through the live broadcast screen.

When patients are injected with gene repair drugs, they will be injected with special nutrient solution.

This nutrient solution, combined with gene repair drugs, can allow patients to regenerate broken limbs, repair broken nerves, repair cells, etc., thereby completely curing the disease!

Of course, the Universal Gene Recovery Drug 1.9 is still in the clinical trial stage.

But from the current clinical trial results.

Many patients only need one or two injections to completely cure the disease.” As soon as the voice fell.

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time.

The Universal Gene Repair Drug is a medical panacea that can bring the dead back to life, and it can be called the greatest therapeutic drug in human history.


After the press conference, major media outlets reported the news.

《Miracle medicine has appeared! The medical revolution of mankind has officially arrived!》

《The return of life to human flesh and bones – the universal gene repair potion!》

《Professor Chen Yu has created another miracle and developed another miracle drug!》

《Professor Chen Yu conquered the realm of God! Congratulations to Xiaguo’s medical cause!》

《Gene medicine is here! Professor Chen Yu is not only the first in the medical field, but also the first in the field of life sciences!》

《Regeneration of severed limbs! Repair of severed nerves! Repair of cells! Treatment of genetic diseases! Universal gene repair medicine can completely cure countless difficult and complicated diseases!》


On major social platforms, netizens cheered and were excited.

“Oh my god! Regeneration of severed limbs? Isn’t this too magical?”

“Life and death, human flesh and bones! The universal gene repair potion is invincible!”

“Professor Chen Yu is so powerful, he deserves the praise of the contemporary god of medicine!”

“Of course! There are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames!”

“Professor Chen Yu is invincible. He has once again developed a groundbreaking drug! It’s amazing!”

“It is said that Hua Tuo has been reborn, and Bian Que has been reborn. This is the god of contemporary medicine – Professor Chen Yu!”

“No wonder Professor Chen Yu is a professor at both the School of Medicine and the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University. Obviously, his attainments in the field of life sciences are no less than those in the field of medicine!”

“Oh my god! How can there be such an amazing person in the world? I feel that even in the entire history of medicine, Professor Chen Yu can be ranked in the top three!”

“Be bold, Professor Chen can already be ranked first in history!”

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