At the end of May, in an office at the School of Medicine of Suzhou University, Liu Qi, a fifth-year student, knocked respectfully on the door.

“”Come in!”

A strong voice came.

Liu Qi pushed open the door somewhat stiffly and came to Chen Yu’s desk.

He said politely:”Professor Chen, I am Liu Qi, a student of Class 10 Clinical Medicine (2).

I recently wrote a paper, which has both Chinese and English versions.

If you are not busy, can you give me some advice?”

Chen Yu glanced at Liu Qi and nodded with a smile.

He remembered this student. He was a leader among the students of Class 10 Clinical Medicine (2), a good student with both good character and good academic performance.

Chen Yu took the USB flash drive handed over by Liu Qi, put it into the USB port of the computer, and read the paper.

He asked curiously:”Student Liu, what field did you write the paper on?”

Liu Qi said truthfully:”Professor Chen, I wrote a paper related to the respiratory field.”

Nowadays, everyone in the entire School of Medicine of Soochow University knows how great Professor Chen Yu’s achievements in the field of medicine are, and he is proficient in all branches of medicine.

That is why he took the liberty to come here and ask Professor Chen for advice.

Hearing this, Chen Yu nodded and focused on the computer screen.

After reading the paper, he glanced at the title of the paper.——《”Conduction pathways from nasal mucosal sensory nerve fibers to brainstem respiratory nuclei”.

Then, Chen Yu read the paper carefully.

Liu Qi mentioned at the beginning of the paper.

The sneeze reflex is a protective reflex of the respiratory tract and one of the manifestations of diseases such as allergic rhinitis.

The body”sneezes” almost every day.

But little is known about its neural signaling pathways.

In order to find this specific group of neurons and the neurotransmitters/neuropeptides involved in the reflex, and explore the neural conduction pathways behind it.

He took advantage of the fact that capsaicin can induce a sneeze reflex and constructed a mouse model that can produce a sneeze reflex under autonomous activity.

Subsequently, Liu Qi applied the”two-step-reverse” research idea, first projecting the nasal mucosal TRPV1+ nerve fibers to the common neuropeptides/neurotransmitters in the trigeminal ganglion, mining them out by single-cell RT-PCR, and then detecting the sneeze reflex behavior of the relevant gene knockout mice, and screening out NMB (Neuromedin-B) as an essential neuropeptide for the sneeze reflex conduction pathway.

Liu Qi further used neuronal ablation (NMB-Saporin), gene knockout and brainstem electrophysiological recording.

The results showed that after being stimulated (capsaicin, histamine and allergens), TRPV1+ neurons expressing NMB can release NMB into the NMBR+ secondary neurons of the trigeminal nucleus.

In order to determine the specific projection target.

Liu Qi further used Nmbr-eGFP gene reporter mice to track neurons expressing NMBR.

He found that NMBR-GFP(+) neurons directly project to the caudal-ventral-respiratory nucleus (cVRG) of the brainstem.

Finally, Liu Qi verified the functional connection between NMBR neurons and cVRG by ex vivo brainstem electrophysiological recording and direct injection of NMB into cVRG to induce sneeze reflex. Overall.

Liu Qi described the neural pathways of chemical and allergic sneeze reflexes: nasal sensory neurons expressing NMB → neurons expressing NMB receptors in the sneeze-inducing zone → neurons located in cVRG. The various experimental data in the paper are very detailed and thorough.

Seeing this.

Chen Yu nodded in admiration:”Xiao Liu, your paper is of high quality.

This is also the first peptidergic neural pathway for chemical and allergen-mediated sneeze reflexes discovered so far.

The analysis of this pathway has a very positive significance for the treatment of pathological sneezing and the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.

The research conclusions in the paper are well-reasoned and convincing.”

Hearing this.

Liu Qi’s eyes lit up.

This paper can be praised by Professor Chen.

This is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of his efforts in academic research!

Chen Yu smiled and said,”Xiao Liu, your paper is of very high quality. I don’t have much to point out.

The only flaws I can find are the formatting of the paper and the wording in the details.

Leave the paper with me and I will revise it for you.

Come to my office at 17:00 this afternoon to pick it up.””

“”Thank you, Professor Chen!”

Liu Qi hurriedly thanked him.

Professor Chen has published many medical papers in top journals and is familiar with formatting and typesetting.

He also knows that

Professor Chen has heavy teaching and scientific research tasks every day. He is so busy, but he is willing to help with revisions.

Liu Qi was very moved.

Chen Yu asked:”Student Liu, have you decided which journal to submit this paper to?”

“I haven’t decided yet!”

Liu Qi said truthfully:”I just finished the paper, and I came to you for advice. I haven’t decided which one to submit to yet.”

Chen Yu said patiently:”Internationally renowned academic journals are”Cell”,”Nature”, and”Science”, which is also known as CNS.

As long as you can publish a paper in these three journals, it will be more useful than publishing more ordinary papers in ordinary journals.”

Hearing this, Liu Qi nodded.

He had long been familiar with these three top academic journals.

《Nature, the latest impact factor is 42.351. The world’s earliest international scientific journal, founded in 1869, consistently reports and comments on the most important breakthroughs in the global science and technology field.

The journal covers fields such as life sciences, natural sciences, clinical medicine, physical chemistry, etc.

《Cell, the latest impact factor is 33.116.

The best journal in the field of biological sciences, mainly publishing the latest research findings in the field of life sciences

《Science” scientific journal, the latest impact factor is 31.477.

The academic journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science is one of the most authoritative academic journals in the world.

It mainly publishes the latest scientific research results, covering various disciplines.

Liu Qi is very clear.

If his paper can be published in these three top academic journals, it will be of great benefit to his future employment, medical practice, academic research, etc.

At this time, Chen Yu suggested:”Student Liu, judging from the quality of your paper, I suggest you submit it to the journal”Cell”.

Compared with the journals”Nature” and”Science” with strict review.

I personally think that your submission to the journal”Cell” will have a higher pass rate!”

The impact factor of the CNS journal fluctuates every year.

Chen Yu clearly remembers

《Nature, 2023 impact factor is 64.8, 2024 impact factor is 50.5

《Cell, the impact factor in 2023 is 64.5, and the impact factor in 2024 is 45.5

《Science, the impact factor in 2023 is 56.9, and the impact factor in 2024 is 44.7. Of course, no matter how much the impact factor fluctuates each year, it is a great thing to be able to publish a paper in the main journals of these three journals.

“Thank you, Professor Chen. I will listen to you.”

Liu Qi thanked him quickly.


At 17:00 in the afternoon.

Chen Yu returned the USB drive to Liu Qi and said,”I have already revised the typesetting and format of the paper. There are not many places that need to be changed, so I will not be so shameless as to ask you to add my name.”

Hearing this, Liu Qi’s heart skipped a beat.

Although he is young, he has also heard about some rules in the academic world.

For example, papers need to be co-signed.

When he asked Professor Chen to revise his paper today, he had already made plans to be the second author.

Liu Qi hurriedly said,”Professor Chen, your name must be added to the paper! Without your guidance, my paper format is not correct and the submission will be returned.”

“What kind of advice is this?”

Chen Yu waved his hand and said,”The authorship of an academic paper is a very serious matter.

When it comes to whether you participated in the research and how much contribution you made, it is better to be realistic.

I can help you with the layout and correct some minor details.

This is not an academic discussion, let alone a joint authorship.

I don’t care about the rules of other professors.

At least I don’t have this rule here!”

Liu Qi said again,”Professor Chen, then shall I add your name to the second author column?”

“No need!”

Chen Yu shook his head and said,”Your paper, whether it is the data source, experimental data, or paper writing, was completed independently by you. There is really no need to write my name.

If you keep entangled in these things, I will kick you out!” As soon as the voice fell,

Liu Qi thanked him again:”Thank you, Professor Chen!”

A moment later,

Chen Yu looked at Liu Qi’s departing back, feeling a little emotional.

He has the aura of a famous teacher.

When teaching students, the teaching effect will be doubled. If students take his courses for a long time, their medical level will advance by leaps and bounds.

Obviously, Liu Qi is one of them.

Before he finished his sigh, there was another knock on the door of the office.

Many medical students came to him.

“Professor Chen, the title of my paper is”Organ Specificity and Medical Application of Fibroblasts”. I would appreciate your guidance!”

“Professor Chen, I have a paper that I would like you to review. The title of the paper is”A new generation of immune checkpoint inhibitors is about to emerge.”》”

“Professor Chen, my paper is titled”Application of single-cell sequencing to construct spatiotemporal dynamic maps of macrophage development”. I would like to ask you for your advice.”

“Professor Chen, I have a paper that I would like to ask for your guidance. The title of the paper is”Neutrophil Responses Associated with Tumor Control During Immunotherapy”》”

“Professor Chen, I also have a paper titled”Long-range neural networks regulate hippocampal neural stem cells and neurogenesis”. I would like to ask for your advice, please!”


Chen Yu was very pleased to hear so many students asking for advice on their papers.

This is the scene that every university teacher wants to see the most, right?

While feeling pleased, he also fell into deep thought.

The effect of the aura of a famous teacher seems to be… more powerful than he imagined?

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