God is Coming

Chapter 86: wait for you

When the focus of Lin Xi's eyes expanded from that hand and returned to normal, he saw Chu Jun returning to the right hand with a fist in the air, and the left hand with a flat-end heavy machine gun began to fire.

A vague figure appeared in the distance, seeming to be trembling at a very high frequency, and he could not see him at all. Ordinary soldiers only had a few glances and felt a headache and nausea.

的 Electrical bombs with blue trails flew across, but they were only a little behind and failed to hit. A few hairs barely took away a rag or two, but that's it.

Xi Chujun returned for a 20-second continuous shot, emptying the entire ammunition box, almost all of them pointed directly at the opponent's vital point. This kind of shooting has made everyone in the Winter Hunt team know him again.

It was only for those who were born in Xinzheng. The others, especially those originally from the Central and Western Fighting Groups, were stunned.

This is still a heavy machine gun, that is, the four snipers can add accuracy, and can not hit this rate of fire.

However, the person in the distance was even more terrifying, and he actually hid all the bullets! Waiting for dodge, is it really human?

The shot box was empty, and Chu Jun stopped and stared at the opponent.

With his eyes, naturally, he will not be able to capture the movements of his opponent. As long as it is a solid creature, the dodge frequency can be as fast as various waves and vibrations. As long as he saw it, he could shoot accurately. Otherwise, what's the use of version 0.9 of Chu's heavy machine gun tactics occupying a full 25 loading positions?

However, as long as the opposite person saw the vibration of the machine gun of Chu Jun, he could judge the trajectory at the moment of the electromagnetic ejection of the bore, so as to dodge. And his evasion has always been between square inches. As long as there is a slight difference, the consequences are unimaginable.

But Chu Chu didn't really hit a shot until he returned to a box.

Wu Chujun stopped shooting, and the mysterious shooter also appeared slowly, wearing a dark red trench coat, stepping on the stone with one foot, exposing boots with dark gold studs. He wore a silk-weaving hood on his head, a pair of eyepieces covering his eyes, and a black mask below, embroidered with a bright blood-colored rose.

Xun Chujungui did not expect that he would encounter such an opponent on this battlefield. Wearing such a suit on the battlefield, or a sniper, is he too confident, or is he just a fool?

At least from the previous encounter, it should be self-confident. Even if you dress so gorgeously, you can make your opponents unable to find yourself, and you can kill the targets one by one in the shadows.

Xun Chujun and the killer looked at each other from space. Even if they were hundreds of meters apart, the eyes of both sides seemed to collide with sparks.

The killer's mask moved, revealing a ridiculous arc, pointing at Chu Jungui's hand, and then pointing at his clothes.

衣服 This dress is still a declaration, indicating that he did not do his best.

At this moment, a few strands of hair suddenly fell in the air.

Xun Chujungui and the killer's eyes were attracted, followed by those hair strands. How could such a thing appear on this battlefield?

The cap on the assassin's head suddenly cracked a crack, and a long hair spilled from the cap and spread over his shoulder.


Xun Chujun's gaze fell on the killer's chest, where it was as flat as a grassland and empty as an airport, which could not be used as further evidence for judgment.

I do n’t have enough evidence to see anything by hair alone. After all, in the era of the mother star, a long hair is almost the standard for men who are engaged in art. The difference is that some wash well and some are greasy.

Seeing Chu Jungui's return, the killer's body seemed to startle slightly, and suddenly his murderous spirit overflowed.

抬 He lifted his right hand, only to find that the assault rifle in his hand had been broken into two pieces, so he simply dropped the assault rifle, pulled out a short knife, and trembled lightly. Then a blade of light appeared in the air and a three-dimensional skeleton was painted.

He raised his left hand and hooked to Chu Jun.

At this time, Chu Chujun has analyzed all the actions and directions of the killer just now, and finally concluded that all the dodge directions are based on a real random function, that is, it is impossible to predict at all and can only be lucky. And if you want to use shooting to control his movements and lure them into traps to kill them, you need at least 1.0 version of shooting, and the rate of fire of commercial machine guns is not enough. With old-fashioned machine guns, the rate of fire is sufficient, but the rate of fire is not enough.

Xun Chujun moved his hand, and the magazine of the heavy machine gun landed, leaving only the gun body. He moved his right hand that was still bleeding, pulled out the warhead, felt that the wound did not affect the movement, and took the homeopathic grip of the heavy machine gun and waved it a few times.

If there seems to be any problem, in the end, you still have to approach the battle to solve it.

The opponent did not do his best, but how did he know that Chu Jungui's strength was not actually shooting.

The killer slowly arched his body like a beast that was about to explode.

At this moment, he suddenly covered his ears, as if listening to something, and then slowly stood upright, pointed at Chu Jun, and made a gesture.

I don't know why. When I saw that gesture, Chu Jun came to understand the meaning naturally: "I will kill you next time!"

Wu Chujun turned his face armor to transparent mode and said silently, "I'll wait."

Although far away, I believe that with the strength of a killer, he should be able to understand Chu Jungui's lip.

Sure enough, the killer nodded and turned away. His figure flashed constantly, like a teleportation, and it was gone in a blink of an eye.

From the second engagement to the killer's departure, it was only one minute before and after ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Xi strode to the side of Chu Jungui and asked with a particularly indifferent voice: "Does your hand matter?"

Qi Chujun turned up and raised his right hand, and said, "It does not affect the use."

Xi Lin nodded and said, "Shensu Warframe has the function of repair and treatment, remember to use it."

Wu Chujun returned to his mind and pulled out the light screen of the armor to start the automatic repair treatment. His hand was slightly numb, and a few fine needles pierced it, infused with a first aid for bleeding and pain. At the same time, the surface of the manicure overflowed with foamy bio-gum, which not only repaired the gap but also temporarily closed the wound.

Seeing Chu Jun returning from the operation, Lin Xi turned back and instructed: "After returning, investigate the identity of the guy just now. Dare to kill my soldier, no matter who he is and where he is hiding, I will chase him to the end! "

"Yes!" No. 4 took the lead.

"Let's go on, this time I ..."

"Of course I lead the team." No. 4 stood out first.

The team set off again, left the city before the crowds came, and turned toward the intended position.

A convoy of dozens of trucks drove out of the city and chased the team.

This is to try to test the firepower of the Winter Hunt team. Of course, Lin Xi would not be polite. He immediately fired a wave of individual missiles and exploded all trucks into fireballs. None of the armed men on the vehicle were spared.

Zhe Linxi fired several time-delay missiles. This kind of missile can stay in the air for about half an hour, and when it finds the target, it will attack autonomously. With these small things in the back, those guys who want to wait for the team to go further and then come by car will be out of luck.

Sure enough, when the Winter Hunt team went away, there were several spectacular fireballs in the rear, and then no trucks appeared.

I want to chase, I have to run honestly.

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