God is Coming

Chapter 84: Hunting across the city

The huge loopholes in Lu's original plan apparently surprised Lin Xi. She stared at the battlefield situation map, trying to find a suitable alternative.

Ji Chujungui is also thinking. Before the logical judgment has come to a conclusion, the thinking belonging to the juvenile has found a key point: "Now we should first find a way to restore communication with the orbital spacecraft."

"That's right." Meng Jianghu looked at Chu Jungui and nodded his praise. "In fact, there is another key point, that is, we are not actually fighting in this sense, but winter hunting."

"Is there any difference?" Chu Jungui looked confused.

It's not really actual combat if you are all like this. What else?

Seeing that Chu Jun was puzzled, No. 4 said, "Let me explain. Before the winter hunting targets are determined, the Ministry of National Defense will send a secret check in advance to ensure that the target difficulty will not exceed the predetermined range, and there will be no uncontrollable unknowns. Variables. That is to say, there should be no weapons of mass destruction in this area, nor should there be force that could threaten our orbital spacecraft. "

Meng Jianghu nodded and said, "Winter hunting's target inspection is not a one-time, but continuous monitoring. Under this kind of monitoring, the enemy can send people in and carry some light weapons, but it is difficult to have a real ground-fire smuggling. Transit. They only deployed five heavy artillery in the city. If there are more, one or two at most, they can only be placed on the shuttle. What we need is to stay away from the coverage of heavy artillery, and then try to find a way Orbiting spacecraft. In the open area, although we have a small number, we can give full play to our firepower advantage, and their number is useless. "

"So, we went out of the city along this route, and then established a defensive position here, waiting for the orbiting spacecraft to pass over us again. Even if it was still electromagnetically suppressed at that time, we could notify the orbit by laying a large-scale mirror on the ground. Spaceships where we are. "

"When will the next orbital spacecraft arrive?" Lin Xi asked.

"After eleven hours."

He Linxi made an immediate decision and said, "Just follow this plan."

Meng Jianghu clicked the light screen and distributed the road map.

不是 This route is not toward the landing point located in the southwest direction, but first assaults north, then turns west, after leaving the city, then north, and finally establishes a defensive position in an open wilderness.

计划 This plan seems ridiculous, the wilderness does not even have defensive terrain to rely on. However, when the enemy does not have heavy fire support and has a number of advantages, he can best use the absolute advantages of the firepower and equipment of the Winter Hunt team.

Everyone sorted out the equipment, but Chu Jun returned to the road. But this time he was no longer alone, but one more assaulter wearing heavy armor, one holding a light machine gun and the other holding a shield and an assault rifle.

Ximeng Jianghu and Lin Xi are in the middle of the team. Meng Jianghu needs to command and operate the retro-curvature firepower system, and Lin Xi is the core that must be protected.

Only when Chu Jun returned to such a test subject's brain circuit, did Xuan put Lin Xi in such a dangerous position on the periphery of the flank without feeling any problem at all.

Xi Chujun turned back and looked, seeing that the team was ready, he took the crane gun, trot up, and led the whole team forward.

The speed of the entire team was brought up, moving forward at a constant speed.

The assault plan given by Xun Mengjianghu is to make a uniform and steady progress throughout the whole process. The so-called uniform speed breakthrough is a jogging like Chu Jungui. The key is to maintain a constant speed of about 20 kilometers per hour throughout the entire turn. The entire turn-in distance is approximately 20 kilometers.

While this speed and distance were still in the era of home stars, only a relatively small number of people were able to run down. But that also has to be the case when there is no load and resupply throughout the smooth road. An average human, such as the Winter Harvester, weighs tens of hundreds of kilograms, and has to cross complex terrain and fight continuously along the way. Old humans in the mother star era are unlikely to do this.

Seeing this plan, Lin Xi's eyes brightened, and her heart secretly shouted.

The members of the Dongkun Squad are well-equipped and supportive. Participating in the battle armor like Chu Jungui is one of them. With auxiliary power support, the team members' energy consumption is greatly reduced when they are running, and the heavy supplies and severely wounded people have suspended platforms to carry, which ensures that the entire team can maintain high-speed march over a considerable distance.

However, armed men can support everyone with the support of forces behind the scenes, but it is impossible to equip them with auxiliary power. The north is a weak area of ​​defense. When the militants find that the Winter Hunt team is not heading south but north, the team may have broken through the interception and rushed outside the city.

Puppet militants have no ability to chase the Winter Hunt team while wearing a heavy armor. Even if they are desperate, it is estimated that they will be tired from vomiting blood within a few kilometers.

As for driving, there are not many trucks in this near-abandoned city and the speed is not fast. This kind of unprotected trucks on the wild terrain are moving coffins one by one. The winter hunting team does not lack individual soldiers. The range of these little finger-thick guys can reach ten kilometers. In the open wilderness, as long as they see the truck Basically it's over.

So Meng Jianghu was too lazy to find a car, and let the whole team break out of the city and go straight to the predetermined defense position.

As soon as the squadron moved, riots broke out in the city in an instant. Numerous militants hurried out of their hiding places and ran all the way to catch up with the Winter Hunt team.

They patted the doors of various houses along the way, shouted out the sleeping people, shoved them a weapon, and shouted at the north. Those who were forced to go out were still a bit timid, but with the weapons and the stimulus of high bounty, they took up their weapons and joined the pursuit team ~ www.readwn.com ~ They didn't know what Where is the chasing target, just seeing the commander pointing at the north, he ran towards the north.

For a moment, half of the cities were moving, and countless militants, like locusts, swarmed across the land and rushed north. In this scene, Chu Jungui, who was released with the last reconnaissance plane, looked at the whole picture. He silently passed the image to everyone on the team.

At this moment, the team members are not far from each other, and they can establish contact in local areas by switching channels.

Seeing this scene, all the team members were chilling, and one team member said, "What is this? Is the whole city hunting us?"

"Where is this Tang Dynasty territory, obviously the Star Thief Base?"

看来 "It looks like there are fewer special attack cartridges."

"I knew it would be better to attack directly from orbit."

In the discussion, Lin Xi's voice sounded: "Quiet."

Everyone immediately stopped speaking and concentrated on running. Even with auxiliary power, this is not an easy job.

Gradually, a spectacle appeared in the entire Lingang City. The winter hunting team advanced at a high speed, and the interception waterline appeared in front of it. However, as soon as the team approached, the middle section would disappear in a blink of an eye. In the face of Chu Jungui, all interceptions were broken immediately. The rear of the squad was a tide-like chaser, and almost the entire city was mobilized.

The zigzag route planned by the Mengjiang Lake made a huge intercepting regiment in front flee, and collided with the rear chase, which immediately caused chaos spreading across multiple urban areas. But the chaser on the other side was stubbornly chasing after it, but after running a few kilometers, the speed of the crowd slowed down significantly.

Suddenly, someone on the Dongkun Squad Channel said, "What are they trying to do? Will the whole city revolt?"

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