God is Coming

Chapter 79: sacrifice

At this moment, even Lin Xi can do nothing but lie on the ground.

After a horrible explosion, which swept through a hundred meters, many players flew high. With this powerful artillery, it is difficult to resist any kind of armor unless it is the most advanced advanced mech.

瞬间 At the moment of the explosion, Chu Jun returned to his head with both hands and faced the body at the center of the explosion. The shock wave pushed him back until it hit a half-remnant wall before stopping.

As soon as the shock wave passed, Chu Jungui saw Heiya passing by in front of her eyes, slamming tens of meters away, and then a pile of steel plates and wooden planks fell down, pressing her underneath.

After the heavy artillery bombardment, the entire block was ruined. The majority of the members of the first group are unknown, and locals in the blast, whether armed or civilian, cannot survive.

Xi Chujun returned to save the black girl, and suddenly a group of enemies gushed out from the house next to him.

Qi Chujun returned to lightning and lifted the assault rifle, swept down all the enemies he had aimed for, and then shot down the enemies who were raising the gun one by one. He was just relieved and suddenly felt something, and immediately rolled over and hid behind the broken wall.

刚刚 As soon as he moved away, a rain shower covered the area where he was standing.

Behind the wall, Chu Jungui changed the magazine at the fastest speed, got up instantly, and swept down an enemy. However, before he cleared the enemies in his field of vision, the magazine was empty again. After Chu Jungui had to retract the broken wall, he immediately passed a bullet rain over his head.

He moved in his heart, rushed to the side, and hid behind another broken wall. Several large holes suddenly appeared on the broken wall that he had used as a bunker, and then the holes grew more and more until they were completely destroyed. The opponent also used a powerful heavy machine gun. In front of this weapon, the inferior buildings in the slums did not have any cover at all.

Qi Chujun moved continuously. With complete control of the battlefield environment, he quickly moved the position. In a blink of an eye, he appeared from the side of the enemy's heavy machine gun group. A three-shot burst sent all members of the machine gun group to the mother star.

However, the enemy has more than one heavy machine gun, and more and more soldiers are pouring out. The diving-like offensive nailed Chu Jun firmly to this position. As soon as he misses, these enemies will rush across the line and pounce on the players behind.

In the ruins, Heiya pushed hard to open a truncated wood, and supported her hands with the ground, trying to pull herself out of the ruins. But every move was a scream.

Two militants appeared beside Hei Ya, and they could see their twisted, haggard and crazy faces through the mask. One of them held a gun against Hei Ya's head, and the other held the gun against her chest and pulled the trigger at the same time!

The shotgun sounded, and blood splattered on Black's mask immediately, and her screaming stopped abruptly.

A few seconds later, a big hand brushed her mask to remove the blood stains, and the sky and scenery appeared in front of her eyes.

"Get up, don't pretend to be dead! The country girl is the country girl!" A big man appeared in front of Heiya, grabbing her collar and pulling her up.

"I'm not dead?" Hei-Ya was still a little hesitant.

"It's early to die. But if you don't leave, you will really die!"

Dahan Han has cleaned up the gravel waste on Hei Ya and helped her up. When she landed on her feet, she screamed again.

Upon seeing this, Han Dahan frowned suddenly and scolded: "It's a fool to break my leg at this time!"

抓住 He grabbed Heiya's strap with one hand and almost lifted her off the ground, holding the gun in one hand and striding backwards.

The side suddenly rushed out of several armed elements, raising a gun was a sweep!

Uncle Dahan was caught off guard, pulled Hei Ya behind him, and fired a gun. His several shots killed more than half of the militants in front, but the remaining militants were still shooting wildly. Countless blood flowers bloom instantly on his body!

"Hurry up!" While the big man was shooting at the remaining militants, he pushed the black girl back hard.

"But you ..."

"Go!" The big man growled.

There were more militants in front of Wu Dahan, but he was unable to dodge. He simply did not shy away, roaring and shooting at the militants. The militants fell one by one, but more came out again, drowning him in an instant.

"No ..." Heiya wanted to rush over, but was pulled by someone, and then an assault rifle protruded from her face, a burst of fire, and immediately emptied the area in front.

"Loaded!" A short assault rifle landed in the hands of Hei Ya, and then itching around her waist, the pistol was pulled out, and another round of firing.

This rhythm has a music-like shooting and a horrible hit rate, so she immediately knows that the person behind is Chu Jungui.

She gritted her teeth and just changed the magazine for the assault rifle. The gun arrived in Chu Jun's hand, and then she had an empty pistol in her hand.

Xun Chujun returned to holding a black girl, holding a gun in one hand, stepping forward against the tide-like enemy.

Hei Ya's heart is about to jump out. She has seen countless times that the enemy's muzzle has been pointed at her, and the trigger has been snapped to half, but a bullet always comes and ends their lives.

And some targets are still hiding in dark corners or behind windows, but they are still picked and killed by Chu Jun.

I was born as a sniper, eyesight and observation on the battlefield are the best choices. Some small actions can also know the meaning by instinct.

She knows that Chu Jungui must not make any mistakes: he cannot miss the target, or even delay more than half a second. If only a few shots, Chu Jungui has fired at least a few hundred shots, and no mistake has been made.

But no one knows if there will be a mistake in the next shot. Mistakes are death.

感觉 This feeling is like walking a wire on the crater. A slight loss is the broken body ~ www.readwn.com ~ The key problem is that it is not the person responsible for walking the wire.

What Heihe can do is to fire the gun mechanically and instinctively at the fastest speed. Whenever she completed a loading action, the gun in her hand disappeared inexplicably, and then replaced with an empty gun. She was afraid that her movements would be slow, and even the shortest moment would bring destruction to the two.

Bang bang bang!

After three consecutive shots of the pistol, the surroundings were suddenly quiet. Heiya held the loaded assault rifle, but did not wait to change the gun.

She looked around blankly, seeing all corpses, covered with front, back, left and right, not counting how many.

No more than a hundred meters away.

Xi Chujun turned her down gently, kneeled beside Dahan on one knee, removed the bodies of two militants on his body, and then straightened his head.

Dahan Han's face armor has been broken, all blood is inside, one eye has become a terrible hollow, and the body is full of bullet holes. I don't know how many shots were hit. Even if it is a fighting armor, he cannot protect him with this level of firepower.

Dahan Han opened the other eye with difficulty, and his powerful vitality made him awake for a moment.

"He is awake!" Hei Ya exclaimed.

Ji Chujun turned to look at Dahan and said calmly, "Do you have anything to say?"

He has scanned Dahan's body, and his internal organs have shown extensive necrosis. This kind of injury is probably difficult for the test subject to recover.

Dahan Han looked at Chu Jungui and slowly raised his hand.

Xi Chujun returned his hand and waited.

Dahan Han said with effort: "... take care of ... my brother ..."

"it is good."

Dahan Han was obviously relaxed a little bit, and then he saw Heiya, struggling to spit his blood, and said, "... to die for a country girl, it's really his X ... not worth ..."

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