God is Coming

Chapter 76: Real hell

Stinging in the sand, this sound was not eye-catching, but it aroused the alertness of Chu Jungui. He turned on the battlefield scanner and started scanning the surrounding image. As the image became clearer, he saw several people dragging a linen bag in a laneway dozens of meters away, struggling to walk. Looking at the shape of the linen bag, it was obviously a corpse.

Not far away, another person kicked the door of a shabby room and rushed in. There was a fierce fight in the blink of an eye. After a while, the fight stopped and a corpse was thrown out.

The corpse's cape and breathing mask were stripped away, wearing only underwear, and just thrown in the middle of the street.

No one opened the door, and no one took a closer look at the probe.

尸 Under the weather of this planet, the corpses will not rot, but will lose water in a short time and become dry corpses.

"This place is terrible." Heiya sent a message quietly. She apparently saw something through her detector.

"Maybe this has always been the case." Chu Jungui replied.

"Why not take them out of here?"

"do not know."

After a few chats, the black girl lost her interest in speaking and followed the troops in silence.

She suddenly trembled, patted Chu Jungui, and pointed to the side of the road. Although the light is dim, with the low-light display of the eyepiece, two dry corpses can still be seen under the roadside house. The corpses were naked, and their clothes had long been stripped and their underwear had not been spared.

Wu Chujun patted her shoulders, motioned calmly, then let her walk in front and continue to follow the team.

Most people move forward silently, just want to get through this hellish place as soon as possible.

Twenty-four kilometers never looked so far away, and when night fell, the troops finally reached their intended offensive position.

The target is an industrial complex in the middle of the slum. Most of these buildings are concrete structures made of native materials. They are tall and sturdy, the internal structure is very complex, and there are a lot of underground structures. Among the goals of the United Front, Luo Wei was even more on the Wanted List in Tang Dynasty. Choosing such a difficult target, it seems that Lin Xi is determined to win this winter hunt.

An open area of ​​several tens of meters was cleared around the Sakai factory, which was obviously used as a warning. However, this area also provides a take-off and landing field. When the assault is completed, the shuttle can land directly here, in response to the winter hunter leaving.

Everyone has a division of labor. Chu Jun returned to the battlefield scanner to scan the surrounding environment and chose a commanding height on the terminal. His position selection will be displayed simultaneously on the terminal of all players, so that each player can clearly grasp the battlefield situation.

Xi Chujun returned to the target floor. This is a small three-story building with a layered cover, and the top is more like a big iron pot that I do n’t know what means to bring up.

Xi Chujun returned silently to the door of the first floor. He first listened to the movements in the room, and then attached his personal tactical terminal to the door. The tactical terminal soon showed the image of the house, where two people were lying in bed, motionless.

Xi Chujun returned an upward gesture, and the burly man and the black girl ascended the second floor from the stairs outside the house. At this moment, the window on the second floor suddenly opened, and a person reached out and glanced.

Dahan shot like lightning, and tore off the man's respirator. The man was frightened, his hands around his throat, and he inhaled desperately. At this time, Dahan had made a mistake with both hands and broke his neck bone. The Dahan still gave up, and pulled out a dagger, and stabbed him in the left and right chests, under the ribs, and lower abdomen.

"What are you doing?" Hei Ya didn't expect this to happen, and rushed up.

Dahan Han suddenly turned back and punched in the belly of Hei Ya. Hei Ya's body was bent, and the short knife dripping with blood was placed on her neck.

"Flag, are you looking for death?" The big man sneered.

忽 Suddenly there was one more hand on his wrist holding the knife. The big man turned his head and saw Chu Jungui. The big man stared at Chu Jungui, grinning, and said, "Do you want to control me?"

"It's not what I want, but you must obey." Chu Jungui's voice was calm, without a trace of fluctuation.

"It's up to you?" Dahan began to struggle, but no matter how hard he tried, Chu Jun's hand was like iron cast, and it was fastened on his wrist.

The battle sword was moved away from Hei Ya's neck by one point, unhappy and slow. Hei Ya regained her freedom, and was extremely angry. She pointed out the pistol and pointed at Han's head.

"Hey, put down your gun."

Wu Chujun's words made her stunned, and finally she reluctantly put down her pistol.

Dahan Han was short of breath at this moment, sweating all over his head, and had done his best, but he could not compete with Chu Jun at all. He really didn't know how Chu Jun had such a terrifying power in his thin body.

终于 He finally couldn't hold it, and kneeled on one knee.

Xi Chujun returned and let go, saying, "Here, I'm the commander. Do you understand me?"

HeiYa nodded quickly. Dahan was unwilling, but did not dare to say anything.

Xi Chujun turned to Heiya and said, "Next time, do not interfere with the execution of tactics."

Heihe was angry and said, "He kills at will ..." But he swallowed the second half.

Wu Chujun pointed to the big man again and said, "There is still you, and then there are dangerous moves to comrades-in-arms. Which hand extends, I will chop which one. Do you understand?"

Dahan Han snorted and said, "Take care of your country girl! You don't have to worry about me."

Chu Jungui stared at him, and said a moment later: "I know you may not be convinced. But it doesn't matter, when this operation ends ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can come to you with a one-on-one fight, anytime. "

Tong Dahan nodded slowly with anger and fear in his eyes.

A small storm did not attract the attention of the residents on the second floor. On this planet, as soon as it gets dark, most people will choose to sleep. Ironically, on this planet featuring energy production, there are so many people who are reluctant to use electricity instead of turning on lights and heating.

Xi Chujun pulled out a short knife and took the lead on the third floor. As for the agreement with Dahan, he didn't take it seriously. Chu Jungui's basic fighting version is horrible 11.07x, but it hasn't been loaded for a long time. I believe that in unarmed combat, he will teach Dahan how to be a man.

The tin can on the third floor is actually a room, and some people live in it. Chu Jungui did not kill him, but directly glued his face to the wall with spray glue, then sealed his mouth to death. This spray will fail after about three or four hours, so let him sleep on the wall.

I waited for the roof, Chu Jungui looked at the surrounding vision and pointed left and right. Hei Ya jumped up to the next higher building and established a sniper spot on it. The Dahan entered the house on the right in accordance with the instructions of Chu Jungui, occupying the second floor, and the shooting circle covered the necessary road to Chu Jungui and Heiya position.

Chu Chujun returned a few boxes of ammunition to his feet, set up a heavy machine gun, aimed at the gate of the factory opposite, and sent everything ready at the terminal.

On the tactical terminal, each tactical node turns green one by one, and everyone is ready.

Lin Linxi's voice sounded in the channel: "Ready for countdown! Ten, nine ..."

声音 Her voice didn't fall, and she suddenly fired three signal flares from the factory and exploded in the air. A terrible electromagnetic storm covered the entire area and all communications were interrupted!

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